spec/object/pack_spec.rb in aqua-0.1.6 vs spec/object/pack_spec.rb in aqua-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,133 +3,26 @@
Aqua.set_storage_engine('CouchDB') # to initialize CouchDB
CouchDB = Aqua::Store::CouchDB unless defined?( CouchDB )
describe Aqua::Pack do
- before(:each) do
- @time = Time.now
- @date = Date.parse('12/23/1969')
- @log = Log.new( :message => "Hello World! This is a log entry", :created_at => Time.now )
- @user = User.new(
- :username => 'kane',
- :name => ['Kane', 'Baccigalupi'],
- :dob => @date,
- :created_at => @time,
- :log => @log,
- :password => 'my secret!'
- )
- def pack_grab_bag( value )
- @user.grab_bag = value
- @user._pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag]
- end
- end
- describe 'packing classes' do
- it 'should pack class variables'
- it 'should pack class level instance variables'
- it 'should pack class definition'
- it 'should save all the class details to the design document'
- it 'should package views/finds in the class and save them to the design document\'s view attribute'
- it 'should be saved into the design document'
- end
+ def pack_grab_bag( value )
+ @user.grab_bag = value
+ @user._pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag]
+ end
+ describe 'translator' do
+ # the translator packs the object
+ # then the translator passes back the attachments and the externals back to the pack/storage document
+ end
- describe 'external saves and stubs' do
+ describe 'hiding attributes' do
before(:each) do
- User::Storage.database.delete_all
- @graeme = User.new(:username => 'graeme', :name => ['Graeme', 'Nelson'])
- @user.other_user = @graeme
- @pack = @user._pack
- end
+ build_user_ivars
+ end
- describe 'packing' do
- it 'should pack a stubbed object representation under __pack[:stubs]' do
- @pack[:stubs].size.should == 1
- other_user_pack = @pack[:stubs].first
- other_user_pack[:class].should == "User"
- other_user_pack[:id].should == @graeme
- end
- it 'should pack the values of a stubbed methods' do
- other_user_pack = @pack[:stubs].first
- other_user_pack[:methods].size.should == 1
- other_user_pack[:methods][:username].should == 'graeme'
- end
- it "should pack a stub of an object with embed=>false" do
- sugar = Sugar.new
- sugar.sweetness = Sugar.new
- lambda {sugar._pack}.should_not raise_error
- end
- it 'should pack an array of stubbed methods' do
- User.configure_aqua( :embed => {:stub => [:username, :name] } )
- @user = User.new(
- :username => 'kane',
- :name => ['Kane', 'Baccigalupi'],
- :dob => @date,
- :created_at => @time,
- :log => @log,
- :password => 'my secret!',
- :other_user => @graeme
- )
- @pack = @user._pack
- other_user_pack = @pack[:stubs].first
- other_user_pack[:methods].size.should == 2
- other_user_pack[:methods][:username].should == 'graeme'
- other_user_pack[:methods][:name].should == ['Graeme', 'Nelson']
- # reseting the User model, and @user instance
- User.configure_aqua( :embed => {:stub => :username } )
- end
- it 'should pack the object itself with the class "Aqua::Stub"' do
- @pack[:ivars][:@other_user][:class].should == "Aqua::Stub"
- end
- it 'should pack the object itself with a reference to the __pack[:stubs] object' do
- @pack[:ivars][:@other_user][:init].should == "/STUB_0"
- end
- end
- describe 'commiting' do
- it 'should commit external objects' do
- @user.commit!
- db_docs = CouchDB::Database.new.documents
- db_docs['total_rows'].should == 2
- end
- it 'should save the id to the stub after commiting' do
- @user.commit!
- doc = CouchDB.get( "{@user.id}" )
- doc["stubs"].first["id"].class.should == String
- end
- it 'should log a warning if an external object doesn\'t commit' do
- @graeme.should_receive(:commit).and_return(false)
- @user.commit!
- @user._warnings.size.should == 1
- @user._warnings.first.should match(/unable to save/i)
- end
- it 'should log a warning and save the id if an object has an id' do
- @graeme.commit!
- @graeme.should_receive(:commit).and_return(false)
- @user.commit!
- @user._warnings.size.should == 1
- @user._warnings.first.should match(/unable to save latest/i)
- doc = CouchDB.get( "{@user.id}" )
- doc["stubs"].first["id"].class.should == String
- end
- it 'should rollback external commits if the parent object doesn\'t save'
- end
- end
- describe 'hiding attributes' do
it 'should add a class method for designating hidden instance variables' do
User.should respond_to( :hide_attributes )
it 'class method should hide instance variables designated by the user as hidden' do
@@ -146,421 +39,144 @@
@user.visible_attr.should_not include('@_store')
@user.class._hidden_attributes.should include('@_store')
it 'should not pack hidden variables' do
- @pack = @user._pack
- @pack[:ivars].keys.should_not include("@password")
+ pack = @user._pack
+ pack[:ivars].keys.should_not include("@password")
- end
+ end
- describe 'packing up object instances:' do
- before(:each) do
- @pack = @user._pack
- end
- it 'should save its class name as an attribute on the pack document' do
- @pack[:class].should == 'User'
+ describe 'embed/stub reporting' do
+ before(:each) do
+ build_user_ivars
- it 'should add an :id accessor if :id is not already an instance method' do
- @user.should respond_to(:id=)
+ describe '_embedded?' do
+ it 'should be true for embedded objects' do
+ @log._embedded?.should == true
+ end
+ it 'should be false for stubbed object with methods' do
+ @user._embedded?.should == false
+ end
+ it 'should be false without stubbed methods, where :embed configuration is false' do
+ p = Persistent.new
+ p._embedded?.should == false
+ end
- it 'should pack an id if an id is present' # TODO
- it 'should not pack an id if an id is not present' do
- @pack.id.should be_nil
+ describe '_stubbed_methods' do
+ it 'should be an empty for embedded objects (with no possible stubbed methods)' do
+ @log._stubbed_methods.should == []
+ end
+ it 'should be an array the stub string or symbol method passed into configuration' do
+ @user._stubbed_methods.should == [:username]
+ end
+ it 'should be the array of the stub methods passed into configuration' do
+ User.configure_aqua :embed => { :stub => [:username, :name] }
+ @user._stubbed_methods.should == [:username, :name]
+ User.configure_aqua :embed => { :stub => :username } # resetting user model
+ end
+ end
+ # Most of the serious packing tests are in packer_spec
+ # This is just to test/double-check that everything is working right withing an aquatic object
+ describe "nesting" do
+ before(:each) do
+ build_user_ivars
+ end
+ describe 'embedded aquatics' do
+ it 'should pack an embedded object internally' do
+ @pack[:ivars]['@log'].should == {
+ 'class' => 'Log',
+ 'ivars' => {'@message' => @message, '@created_at' => Aqua::Translator.pack_object( @time ).pack }
+ }
+ end
+ end
- it 'should pack the _rev if it is present' do
+ describe 'externals' do
+ before(:each) do
+ User::Storage.database.delete_all
+ end
+ it 'should stub an external object' do
+ @pack[:ivars]['@other_user'].should == {
+ 'class' => 'Aqua::Stub',
+ 'init' => {'methods' => {'username' => 'strictnine' }, "class"=>"User", "id"=>""}
+ }
+ end
+ it 'should commit the external when saving the base object' do
+ @user.commit!
+ @other_user.id.should_not be_nil
+ @other_user.id.should_not == @other_user.object_id
+ end
+ it 'should commit external objects' do
+ @user.should_receive(:_commit_externals)
+ @user.commit!
+ end
+ it 'should update the stubbed object id correctly' do
+ @user.instance_eval "_commit_externals"
+ @other_user.id.should_not be_empty
+ pack = @user._pack
+ pack[:ivars]['@other_user']['init']['id'].should == @other_user.id
+ end
+ it 'should save the document with the correct external ids' do
+ @user.commit!
+ document = User._get_store( @user.id )
+ document[:ivars]['@other_user']['init']['id'].should_not be_empty
+ end
+ describe 'transactions' do
+ it 'should rollback all externals if an one external fails to commit'
+ it 'should rollback all externals if the base object fails to commit'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'pack ids and revs' do
+ before(:each) do
+ build_user_ivars
+ end
+ it 'should have a _rev if it is present in the base object' do
@user.instance_variable_set("@_rev", '1-2222222')
pack = @user._pack
pack[:_rev].should == '1-2222222'
- end
+ end
- describe 'instance variables, ' do
- describe 'hashes'
- it 'should be in a hash-like object with the key :ivars' do
- @pack[:ivars].should_not be_nil
- @pack[:ivars].should respond_to(:keys)
- end
- it 'should save symbol keys differently that string keys' do
- @user.name = {:first => 'Kane', 'last' => 'Baccigalupi'}
- pack = @user._pack
- pack[:ivars][:@name][:init].keys.sort.should == [':first', 'last']
- end
- describe 'basic ivars types' do
- it 'should pack strings as strings' do
- @pack[:ivars][:@username].should == 'kane'
- end
+ it 'should not have a _rev of nil if _rev is not provided in the base' do
+ @pack[:_rev].should == nil
+ end
- it 'should pack an array of strings as a hash with the :class "Array" and :init as the original array' do
- @pack[:ivars][:@name].should == {'class' => 'Array', 'init' => ['Kane', 'Baccigalupi']}
- end
- end
- describe 'objects: ' do
- # TODO: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/
- # make sure all the basic types work
- describe 'Time' do
- it 'should save as a hash with the class and to_s as the value' do
- time_hash = @pack[:ivars][:@created_at]
- time_hash['class'].should == 'Time'
- time_hash['init'].class.should == String
- end
- it 'the value should be reconstitutable with Time.parse' do
- # comparing times directly never works for me. It is probably a micro second issue or something
- @time.to_s.should == Time.parse( @pack[:ivars][:@created_at]['init'] ).to_s
- end
- end
- describe 'true and false' do
- it 'should save as self' do
- @user.grab_bag = true
- pack = @user._pack
- pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag].should == true
- @user.grab_bag = false
- pack = @user._pack
- pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag].should == false
- end
- end
- describe 'Date' do
- it 'should save as a hash with the class and to_s as the value' do
- time_hash = @pack[:ivars][:@dob]
- time_hash['class'].should == 'Date'
- time_hash['init'].class.should == String
- end
- it 'the value should be reconstitutable with Date.parse' do
- @date.should == Date.parse( @pack[:ivars][:@dob]['init'] )
- end
- it 'should not pack internally used ivars as specified by the class' do
- @pack[:ivars][:@dob][:ivars].keys.should_not include('@sg', '@of', '@ajd')
- end
- end
- describe 'Numbers' do
- it 'should pack Fixnums with correct class and value' do
- pack = pack_grab_bag( 42 )
- pack[:class].should == 'Fixnum'
- pack[:init].should == '42'
- end
- it 'should pack Bignums with correct class and value' do
- pack = pack_grab_bag( 123456789123456789 )
- pack[:class].should == 'Bignum'
- pack[:init].should == '123456789123456789'
- end
- it 'should pack Floats with correct class and value' do
- pack = pack_grab_bag( 3.2 )
- pack[:class].should == 'Float'
- pack[:init].should == '3.2'
- end
- it 'should pack Rationals with the correct class and values' do
- pack = pack_grab_bag( Rational( 1, 17 ) )
- pack[:class].should == 'Rational'
- pack[:init].should == ['1', '17']
- end
- end
- describe 'hashes with object as keys' do
- it 'should pack an hash containing only strings/symbols for keys and values, with an init value that is that hash and a class key' do
- @user.name = {'first' => 'Kane', 'last' => 'Baccigalupi'}
- pack = @user._pack
- pack[:ivars][:@name].should == {'class' => 'Hash', 'init' => {'first' => 'Kane', 'last' => 'Baccigalupi'} }
- end
- it 'should pack a numeric object key' do
- pack = pack_grab_bag( {1 => 'first', 2 => 'second'} )
- keys = pack[:init].keys
- keys.should include( '/OBJECT_0', '/OBJECT_1' )
- user_pack = @user.instance_variable_get("@__pack")
- user_pack[:keys].size.should == 2
- user_pack[:keys].first['class'].should == 'Fixnum'
- end
- it 'should pack a more complex object as a key' do
- struct = OpenStruct.new( :gerbil => true )
- pack = pack_grab_bag( { struct => 'first'} )
- keys = pack[:init].keys
- keys.should include( '/OBJECT_0' )
- user_pack = @user.instance_variable_get("@__pack")
- user_pack[:keys].size.should == 1
- user_pack[:keys].first['class'].should == 'OpenStruct'
- end
- end
- describe 'embeddable aquatic' do
- it 'aquatic objects should have packing instructions in the form of #_embed_me' do
- @user._embed_me.should == {'stub' => :username }
- Log.new._embed_me.should == true
- User.configure_aqua( :embed => {:stub => [:username, :name] } )
- @user._embed_me.should == { 'stub' => [:username, :name] }
- # reset for future tests
- User.configure_aqua( :embed => {:stub => :username } )
- end
+ it 'should initially have an id of nil' do
+ @pack[:_rev].should == nil
+ end
+ it 'should pack the id if it exists in the base' do
+ @user.id = 'my_id'
+ pack = @user._pack
+ pack[:_id].should == 'my_id'
+ end
+ end
- it 'should save their ivars correctly' do
- @pack[:ivars][:@log].keys.should include('ivars')
- @pack[:ivars][:@log]['ivars'].keys.should == ['@created_at', '@message']
- @pack[:ivars][:@log]['ivars']['@message'].should == "Hello World! This is a log entry"
- end
- it 'should correctly pack Array derivatives' do
- class Arrayed < Array
- aquatic
- attr_accessor :my_accessor
- end
- arrayish = Arrayed['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
- arrayish.my_accessor = 'Newt'
- pack = arrayish._pack
- pack.keys.should include('class', 'init', 'ivars')
- pack['init'].class.should == Array
- pack['init'].should == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
- pack['ivars']['@my_accessor'].should == 'Newt'
- end
- it 'should correctly pack Hash derivative' do
- class Hashed < Hash
- aquatic
- attr_accessor :my_accessor
- end
- hashish = Hashed.new
- hashish['1'] = '2'
- hashish.my_accessor = 'Newt'
- pack = hashish._pack
- pack.keys.should include('class', 'init', 'ivars')
- pack['init'].class.should == HashWithIndifferentAccess
- pack['init'].should == {'1' => '2'}
- pack['ivars']['@my_accessor'].should == 'Newt'
- end
- end
- describe 'non-aquatic' do
- before(:each) do
- @struct = OpenStruct.new(
- :gerbil => true,
- :cat => 'yup, that too!',
- :disaster => ['pow', 'blame', 'chase', 'spew']
- )
- @grounded = Grounded.new(
- :openly_structured => @struct,
- :hash_up => {:this => 'that'},
- :arraynged => ['swimming', 'should', 'be easy', 'if you float']
- )
- end
- describe 'OpenStructs' do
- before(:each) do
- @user.grab_bag = @struct
- pack = @user._pack
- @grab_bag = pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag]
- end
- it 'the key "class" should map to "OpenStruct"' do
- @grab_bag['class'].should == 'OpenStruct'
- end
- it 'the key "ivars" should have the key "@table", a private variable' do
- @grab_bag['ivars'].keys.should_not == ['@table']
- end
- it 'should initialize with the @table instance variable' do
- init_keys = @grab_bag['init'].keys
- init_keys.should include(':cat')
- init_keys.should include(':disaster')
- init_keys.should include(':gerbil')
- @grab_bag['init'][':gerbil'].should == true
- @grab_bag['init'][':cat'].should == 'yup, that too!'
- @grab_bag['init'][':disaster'].should == {'class' => 'Array', 'init' => ['pow', 'blame', 'chase', 'spew']}
- end
- end
- describe 'Uninherited classes with deep nesting' do
- before(:each) do
- @user.grab_bag = @grounded
- pack = @user._pack
- @grab_bag = pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag]
- end
- it 'the key "class" should map correctly to the class name' do
- @grab_bag['class'].should == 'Grounded'
- end
- it 'should have ivars keys for all the ivars' do
- keys = @grab_bag[:ivars].keys
- keys.should include('@openly_structured')
- keys.should include('@hash_up')
- keys.should include('@arraynged')
- end
- it 'should correctly display the nested OpenStruct' do
- user_2 = User.new(:grab_bag => @struct) # this has already been tested in the set above
- user_2._pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag].should == @grab_bag[:ivars][:@openly_structured]
- end
- end
- describe 'Classes inherited from Array' do
- before(:each) do
- @struct = OpenStruct.new(
- :gerbil => true,
- :cat => 'yup, that too!',
- :disaster => ['pow', 'blame', 'chase', 'spew'],
- :nipples => 'yes'
- )
- @strange_array = ArrayUdder['cat', 'octopus', @struct ]
- @strange_array.udder # sets an instance variable
- @user.grab_bag = @strange_array
- pack = @user._pack
- @grab_bag = pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag]
- end
- it 'should correctly map the class name' do
- @grab_bag[:class].should == 'ArrayUdder'
- end
- it 'should store the instance variables' do
- @grab_bag[:ivars].keys.should == ['@udder']
- end
- it 'should store the simple array values' do
- @grab_bag[:init].should_not be_nil
- @grab_bag[:init].class.should == Array
- @grab_bag[:init].should include('cat')
- @grab_bag[:init].should include('octopus')
- end
- it 'should store the more complex array values correctly' do
- user_2 = User.new(:grab_bag => @struct) # this has already been tested in the set above
- user_2._pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag].should == @grab_bag[:init].last
- end
- end
- describe 'Classes inherited from Hash' do
- before(:each) do
- @struct = OpenStruct.new(
- :gerbil => true,
- :cat => 'yup, that too!',
- :disaster => ['pow', 'blame', 'chase', 'spew'],
- :nipples => 'yes'
- )
- @hash_derivative = CannedHash.new(
- :ingredients => ['Corned Beef', 'Potatoes', 'Tin Can'],
- :healthometer => false,
- :random_struct => @struct
- )
- @hash_derivative.yum # sets an instance variable
- @user.grab_bag = @hash_derivative
- pack = @user._pack
- @grab_bag = pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag]
- end
- it 'should correctly map the class name' do
- @grab_bag[:class].should == 'CannedHash'
- end
- it 'should store the instance variables' do
- @grab_bag[:ivars].keys.should == ['@yum']
- end
- it 'should store the simple hash values' do
- @grab_bag[:init].should_not be_nil
- @grab_bag[:init].class.should == HashWithIndifferentAccess
- @grab_bag[:init].keys.should include('ingredients')
- @grab_bag[:init].keys.should include('healthometer')
- @grab_bag[:init].keys.should include('random_struct')
- end
- it 'should store the more complex hash values correctly' do
- user_2 = User.new(:grab_bag => @struct) # this has already been tested in the set above
- user_2._pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag].should == @grab_bag[:init][:random_struct]
- end
- end
- describe 'Embedded IO:' do
- before(:each) do
- @file = File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../store/couchdb/fixtures_and_data/image_attach.png')
- @tempfile = Tempfile.new('temp.txt')
- @tempfile.write('I am a tempfile!')
- @tempfile.rewind
- end
- describe "File" do
- it 'should have pack its class name as Aqua::FileStub' do
- @user.grab_bag = @file
- @user._pack
- @user._pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag][:class].should == 'Aqua::FileStub'
- end
- it 'should have pack with an initialization key' do
- @user.grab_bag = @file
- pack = @user._pack
- pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag][:init].should == '/FILE_image_attach.png'
- end
- it 'should add an attachment to the pack' do
- @user.grab_bag = @file
- pack = @user._pack
- pack.attachments.size.should == 1
- pack.attachments.get('image_attach.png').should == @file
- end
- it 'should stub content type and length' do
- @user.grab_bag = @file
- pack = @user._pack
- pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag][:methods].should include('content_type', 'content_length')
- pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag][:methods]['content_type'].should == 'image/png'
- pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag][:methods]['content_length'].should == 26551
- end
- end
- describe 'Tempfile' do
- it 'should have pack its class name as Aqua::FileStub' do
- @user.grab_bag = @tempfile
- @user._pack
- @user._pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag][:class].should == 'Aqua::FileStub'
- end
- it 'should have pack with an initialization key' do
- @user.grab_bag = @tempfile
- pack = @user._pack
- pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag][:init].should == '/FILE_temp.txt'
- end
- it 'should add an attachment to the pack' do
- @user.grab_bag = @tempfile
- pack = @user._pack
- pack.attachments.size.should == 1
- pack.attachments.get('temp.txt').path.should == @tempfile.path
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'committing packed objects to the store' do
- before(:each) do
+ describe 'commit' do
+ before(:each) do
+ build_user_ivars
- it 'commit! should not raise errors on successful save' do
+ it 'commit! should not raise errors on successful save' do
lambda{ @user.commit! }.should_not raise_error
it 'commit! should raise error on failure' do
CouchDB.should_receive(:put).at_least(:once).and_return( CouchDB::Conflict )
@@ -576,11 +192,11 @@
it 'commit! should assign the _rev to the parent object' do
@user.instance_variable_get('@_rev').should_not be_nil
- it 'commit! should save the record to CouchDB' do
+ it 'commit! should save the record to CouchDB' do
lambda{ CouchDB.get( "{@user.id}") }.should_not raise_error
it 'commit should save the record and return self' do
@@ -595,13 +211,17 @@
it 'commit should return false on failure' do
CouchDB.should_receive(:put).at_least(:once).and_return( CouchDB::Conflict )
@user.commit.should == false
- it 'should be able to update and commit again' do
+ it 'should be able to update and commit again without conflict' do
@user.grab_bag = {'1' => '2'}
lambda{ @user.commit! }.should_not raise_error
+ describe 'classes' do
+ it 'should have a separate database'
+ end