assets/js/partytown/debug/partytown-ww-atomics.js in appscms-tools-theme-3.2.1 vs assets/js/partytown/debug/partytown-ww-atomics.js in appscms-tools-theme-3.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,1876 +1,2699 @@
/* Partytown 0.7.5 - MIT */
-(self => {
- const WinIdKey = Symbol();
- const InstanceIdKey = Symbol();
- const InstanceDataKey = Symbol();
- const NamespaceKey = Symbol();
- const ApplyPathKey = Symbol();
- const InstanceStateKey = Symbol();
- const HookContinue = Symbol();
- const HookPrevent = Symbol();
- const webWorkerInstances = new Map;
- const webWorkerRefsByRefId = {};
- const webWorkerRefIdsByRef = new WeakMap;
- const postMessages = [];
- const webWorkerCtx = {};
- const webWorkerlocalStorage = new Map;
- const webWorkerSessionStorage = new Map;
- const environments = {};
- const cachedDimensions = new Map;
- const cachedStructure = new Map;
- const commaSplit = str => str.split(",");
- const partytownLibUrl = url => {
- url = webWorkerCtx.$libPath$ + url;
- if (new URL(url).origin != location.origin) {
- throw "Invalid " + url;
- }
- return url;
- };
- const getterDimensionPropNames = commaSplit("clientWidth,clientHeight,clientTop,clientLeft,innerWidth,innerHeight,offsetWidth,offsetHeight,offsetTop,offsetLeft,outerWidth,outerHeight,pageXOffset,pageYOffset,scrollWidth,scrollHeight,scrollTop,scrollLeft");
- const elementStructurePropNames = commaSplit("childElementCount,children,firstElementChild,lastElementChild,nextElementSibling,previousElementSibling");
- const structureChangingMethodNames = commaSplit("insertBefore,remove,removeChild,replaceChild");
- const dimensionChangingSetterNames = commaSplit("className,width,height,hidden,innerHTML,innerText,textContent");
- const dimensionChangingMethodNames = commaSplit("setAttribute,setAttributeNS,setProperty");
- const eventTargetMethods = commaSplit("addEventListener,dispatchEvent,removeEventListener");
- const nonBlockingMethods = eventTargetMethods.concat(dimensionChangingMethodNames, commaSplit("add,observe,remove,unobserve"));
- const IS_TAG_REG = /^[A-Z_]([A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z0-9])?$/;
- const noop = () => {};
- const len = obj => obj.length;
- const getConstructorName = obj => {
- var _a, _b, _c;
- try {
- const constructorName = null === (_a = null == obj ? void 0 : obj.constructor) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 :;
- if (constructorName) {
- return constructorName;
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- try {
- const zoneJsConstructorName = null === (_c = null === (_b = null == obj ? void 0 : obj.__zone_symbol__originalInstance) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.constructor) || void 0 === _c ? void 0 :;
- if (zoneJsConstructorName) {
- return zoneJsConstructorName;
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- return "";
- };
- const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
- const randomId = () => Math.round(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(36);
- const SCRIPT_TYPE = "text/partytown";
- const defineProperty = (obj, memberName, descriptor) => Object.defineProperty(obj, memberName, {
- ...descriptor,
- configurable: true
+((self) => {
+ const WinIdKey = Symbol();
+ const InstanceIdKey = Symbol();
+ const InstanceDataKey = Symbol();
+ const NamespaceKey = Symbol();
+ const ApplyPathKey = Symbol();
+ const InstanceStateKey = Symbol();
+ const HookContinue = Symbol();
+ const HookPrevent = Symbol();
+ const webWorkerInstances = new Map();
+ const webWorkerRefsByRefId = {};
+ const webWorkerRefIdsByRef = new WeakMap();
+ const postMessages = [];
+ const webWorkerCtx = {};
+ const webWorkerlocalStorage = new Map();
+ const webWorkerSessionStorage = new Map();
+ const environments = {};
+ const cachedDimensions = new Map();
+ const cachedStructure = new Map();
+ const commaSplit = (str) => str.split(",");
+ const partytownLibUrl = (url) => {
+ url = webWorkerCtx.$libPath$ + url;
+ if (new URL(url).origin != location.origin) {
+ throw "Invalid " + url;
+ }
+ return url;
+ };
+ const getterDimensionPropNames = commaSplit(
+ "clientWidth,clientHeight,clientTop,clientLeft,innerWidth,innerHeight,offsetWidth,offsetHeight,offsetTop,offsetLeft,outerWidth,outerHeight,pageXOffset,pageYOffset,scrollWidth,scrollHeight,scrollTop,scrollLeft"
+ );
+ const elementStructurePropNames = commaSplit(
+ "childElementCount,children,firstElementChild,lastElementChild,nextElementSibling,previousElementSibling"
+ );
+ const structureChangingMethodNames = commaSplit(
+ "insertBefore,remove,removeChild,replaceChild"
+ );
+ const dimensionChangingSetterNames = commaSplit(
+ "className,width,height,hidden,innerHTML,innerText,textContent"
+ );
+ const dimensionChangingMethodNames = commaSplit(
+ "setAttribute,setAttributeNS,setProperty"
+ );
+ const eventTargetMethods = commaSplit(
+ "addEventListener,dispatchEvent,removeEventListener"
+ );
+ const nonBlockingMethods = eventTargetMethods.concat(
+ dimensionChangingMethodNames,
+ commaSplit("add,observe,remove,unobserve")
+ );
+ const IS_TAG_REG = /^[A-Z_]([A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z0-9])?$/;
+ const noop = () => {};
+ const len = (obj) => obj.length;
+ const getConstructorName = (obj) => {
+ var _a, _b, _c;
+ try {
+ const constructorName =
+ null === (_a = null == obj ? void 0 : obj.constructor) || void 0 === _a
+ ? void 0
+ :;
+ if (constructorName) {
+ return constructorName;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {}
+ try {
+ const zoneJsConstructorName =
+ null ===
+ (_c =
+ null ===
+ (_b =
+ null == obj ? void 0 : obj.__zone_symbol__originalInstance) ||
+ void 0 === _b
+ ? void 0
+ : _b.constructor) || void 0 === _c
+ ? void 0
+ :;
+ if (zoneJsConstructorName) {
+ return zoneJsConstructorName;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {}
+ return "";
+ };
+ const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
+ const randomId = () =>
+ Math.round(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(36);
+ const SCRIPT_TYPE = "text/partytown";
+ const defineProperty = (obj, memberName, descriptor) =>
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, memberName, {
+ ...descriptor,
+ configurable: true,
- const defineConstructorName = (Cstr, value) => defineProperty(Cstr, "name", {
- value: value
+ const defineConstructorName = (Cstr, value) =>
+ defineProperty(Cstr, "name", {
+ value: value,
- const definePrototypeProperty = (Cstr, memberName, descriptor) => defineProperty(Cstr.prototype, memberName, descriptor);
- const definePrototypePropertyDescriptor = (Cstr, propertyDescriptorMap) => Object.defineProperties(Cstr.prototype, propertyDescriptorMap);
- const definePrototypeValue = (Cstr, memberName, value) => definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
- value: value,
- writable: true
+ const definePrototypeProperty = (Cstr, memberName, descriptor) =>
+ defineProperty(Cstr.prototype, memberName, descriptor);
+ const definePrototypePropertyDescriptor = (Cstr, propertyDescriptorMap) =>
+ Object.defineProperties(Cstr.prototype, propertyDescriptorMap);
+ const definePrototypeValue = (Cstr, memberName, value) =>
+ definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
+ value: value,
+ writable: true,
- const hasInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey) => stateKey in instance[InstanceStateKey];
- const getInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey) => instance[InstanceStateKey][stateKey];
- const setInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey, stateValue) => instance[InstanceStateKey][stateKey] = stateValue;
- const setWorkerRef = (ref, refId) => {
- if (!(refId = webWorkerRefIdsByRef.get(ref))) {
- webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(ref, refId = randomId());
- webWorkerRefsByRefId[refId] = ref;
- }
- return refId;
- };
- const getOrCreateNodeInstance = (winId, instanceId, nodeName, namespace, instance) => {
- instance = webWorkerInstances.get(instanceId);
- if (!instance && nodeName && environments[winId]) {
- instance = environments[winId].$createNode$(nodeName, instanceId, namespace);
- webWorkerInstances.set(instanceId, instance);
- }
- return instance;
- };
- const definePrototypeNodeType = (Cstr, nodeType) => definePrototypeValue(Cstr, "nodeType", nodeType);
- const cachedTreeProps = (Cstr, treeProps) => => definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, propName, {
+ const hasInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey) =>
+ stateKey in instance[InstanceStateKey];
+ const getInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey) =>
+ instance[InstanceStateKey][stateKey];
+ const setInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey, stateValue) =>
+ (instance[InstanceStateKey][stateKey] = stateValue);
+ const setWorkerRef = (ref, refId) => {
+ if (!(refId = webWorkerRefIdsByRef.get(ref))) {
+ webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(ref, (refId = randomId()));
+ webWorkerRefsByRefId[refId] = ref;
+ }
+ return refId;
+ };
+ const getOrCreateNodeInstance = (
+ winId,
+ instanceId,
+ nodeName,
+ namespace,
+ instance
+ ) => {
+ instance = webWorkerInstances.get(instanceId);
+ if (!instance && nodeName && environments[winId]) {
+ instance = environments[winId].$createNode$(
+ nodeName,
+ instanceId,
+ namespace
+ );
+ webWorkerInstances.set(instanceId, instance);
+ }
+ return instance;
+ };
+ const definePrototypeNodeType = (Cstr, nodeType) =>
+ definePrototypeValue(Cstr, "nodeType", nodeType);
+ const cachedTreeProps = (Cstr, treeProps) =>
+ =>
+ definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, propName, {
get() {
- let cacheKey = getInstanceCacheKey(this, propName);
- let result = cachedStructure.get(cacheKey);
- if (!result) {
- result = getter(this, [ propName ]);
- cachedStructure.set(cacheKey, result);
- }
- return result;
- }
- })));
- const getInstanceCacheKey = (instance, memberName, args) => [ instance[WinIdKey], instance[InstanceIdKey], memberName, ...(args || EMPTY_ARRAY).map((arg => String(arg && arg[WinIdKey] ? arg[InstanceIdKey] : arg))) ].join(".");
- const cachedProps = (Cstr, propNames) => commaSplit(propNames).map((propName => definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, propName, {
+ let cacheKey = getInstanceCacheKey(this, propName);
+ let result = cachedStructure.get(cacheKey);
+ if (!result) {
+ result = getter(this, [propName]);
+ cachedStructure.set(cacheKey, result);
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ })
+ );
+ const getInstanceCacheKey = (instance, memberName, args) =>
+ [
+ instance[WinIdKey],
+ instance[InstanceIdKey],
+ memberName,
+ ...(args || EMPTY_ARRAY).map((arg) =>
+ String(arg && arg[WinIdKey] ? arg[InstanceIdKey] : arg)
+ ),
+ ].join(".");
+ const cachedProps = (Cstr, propNames) =>
+ commaSplit(propNames).map((propName) =>
+ definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, propName, {
get() {
- hasInstanceStateValue(this, propName) || setInstanceStateValue(this, propName, getter(this, [ propName ]));
- return getInstanceStateValue(this, propName);
+ hasInstanceStateValue(this, propName) ||
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, propName, getter(this, [propName]));
+ return getInstanceStateValue(this, propName);
set(val) {
- getInstanceStateValue(this, propName) !== val && setter(this, [ propName ], val);
- setInstanceStateValue(this, propName, val);
- }
- })));
- const cachedDimensionProps = Cstr => => definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, propName, {
+ getInstanceStateValue(this, propName) !== val &&
+ setter(this, [propName], val);
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, propName, val);
+ },
+ })
+ );
+ const cachedDimensionProps = (Cstr) =>
+ =>
+ definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, propName, {
get() {
- const dimension = cachedDimensions.get(getInstanceCacheKey(this, propName));
- if ("number" == typeof dimension) {
- return dimension;
- }
- const groupedDimensions = getter(this, [ propName ], getterDimensionPropNames);
- if (groupedDimensions && "object" == typeof groupedDimensions) {
- Object.entries(groupedDimensions).map((([dimensionPropName, value]) => cachedDimensions.set(getInstanceCacheKey(this, dimensionPropName), value)));
- return groupedDimensions[propName];
- }
- return groupedDimensions;
+ const dimension = cachedDimensions.get(
+ getInstanceCacheKey(this, propName)
+ );
+ if ("number" == typeof dimension) {
+ return dimension;
+ }
+ const groupedDimensions = getter(
+ this,
+ [propName],
+ getterDimensionPropNames
+ );
+ if (groupedDimensions && "object" == typeof groupedDimensions) {
+ Object.entries(groupedDimensions).map(
+ ([dimensionPropName, value]) =>
+ cachedDimensions.set(
+ getInstanceCacheKey(this, dimensionPropName),
+ value
+ )
+ );
+ return groupedDimensions[propName];
+ }
+ return groupedDimensions;
+ },
+ })
+ );
+ const cachedDimensionMethods = (Cstr, dimensionMethodNames) =>
+ => {
+ Cstr.prototype[methodName] = function (...args) {
+ let cacheKey = getInstanceCacheKey(this, methodName, args);
+ let dimensions = cachedDimensions.get(cacheKey);
+ if (!dimensions) {
+ dimensions = callMethod(this, [methodName], args);
+ cachedDimensions.set(cacheKey, dimensions);
- })));
- const cachedDimensionMethods = (Cstr, dimensionMethodNames) => => {
- Cstr.prototype[methodName] = function(...args) {
- let cacheKey = getInstanceCacheKey(this, methodName, args);
- let dimensions = cachedDimensions.get(cacheKey);
- if (!dimensions) {
- dimensions = callMethod(this, [ methodName ], args);
- cachedDimensions.set(cacheKey, dimensions);
+ return dimensions;
+ };
+ });
+ const serializeForMain = ($winId$, $instanceId$, value, added, type) =>
+ void 0 !== value && (type = typeof value)
+ ? "string" === type ||
+ "boolean" === type ||
+ "number" === type ||
+ null == value
+ ? [0, value]
+ : "function" === type
+ ? [
+ 4,
+ {
+ $winId$: $winId$,
+ $instanceId$: $instanceId$,
+ $refId$: setWorkerRef(value),
+ },
+ ]
+ : (added = added || new Set()) && Array.isArray(value)
+ ? added.has(value)
+ ? [1, []]
+ : added.add(value) && [
+ 1,
+ =>
+ serializeForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, v, added)
+ ),
+ ]
+ : "object" === type
+ ? value[InstanceIdKey]
+ ? [3, [value[WinIdKey], value[InstanceIdKey]]]
+ : value instanceof Event
+ ? [
+ 5,
+ serializeObjectForMain(
+ $winId$,
+ $instanceId$,
+ value,
+ false,
+ added
+ ),
+ ]
+ : supportsTrustedHTML && value instanceof TrustedHTML
+ ? [0, value.toString()]
+ : value instanceof ArrayBuffer
+ ? [8, value]
+ : ArrayBuffer.isView(value)
+ ? [9, value.buffer, getConstructorName(value)]
+ : [
+ 2,
+ serializeObjectForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, value, true, added),
+ ]
+ : void 0
+ : value;
+ const supportsTrustedHTML = "undefined" != typeof TrustedHTML;
+ const serializeObjectForMain = (
+ winId,
+ instanceId,
+ obj,
+ includeFunctions,
+ added,
+ serializedObj,
+ propName,
+ propValue
+ ) => {
+ serializedObj = {};
+ if (!added.has(obj)) {
+ added.add(obj);
+ for (propName in obj) {
+ propValue = obj[propName];
+ (includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) &&
+ (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForMain(
+ winId,
+ instanceId,
+ propValue,
+ added
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ return serializedObj;
+ };
+ const serializeInstanceForMain = (instance, value) =>
+ instance
+ ? serializeForMain(instance[WinIdKey], instance[InstanceIdKey], value)
+ : [0, value];
+ const deserializeFromMain = (
+ winId,
+ instanceId,
+ applyPath,
+ serializedValueTransfer,
+ serializedType,
+ serializedValue,
+ obj,
+ key
+ ) => {
+ if (serializedValueTransfer) {
+ serializedType = serializedValueTransfer[0];
+ serializedValue = serializedValueTransfer[1];
+ if (
+ 0 === serializedType ||
+ 11 === serializedType ||
+ 12 === serializedType
+ ) {
+ return serializedValue;
+ }
+ if (4 === serializedType) {
+ return deserializeRefFromMain(applyPath, serializedValue);
+ }
+ if (6 === serializedType) {
+ return winId && applyPath.length > 0
+ ? (...args) =>
+ callMethod(environments[winId].$window$, applyPath, args, 1)
+ : noop;
+ }
+ if (3 === serializedType) {
+ return getOrCreateSerializedInstance(serializedValue);
+ }
+ if (7 === serializedType) {
+ return new NodeList(;
+ }
+ if (10 === serializedType) {
+ return new Attr(serializedValue);
+ }
+ if (1 === serializedType) {
+ return =>
+ deserializeFromMain(winId, instanceId, applyPath, v)
+ );
+ }
+ if (14 === serializedType) {
+ return new CustomError(serializedValue);
+ }
+ obj = {};
+ for (key in serializedValue) {
+ obj[key] = deserializeFromMain(
+ winId,
+ instanceId,
+ [...applyPath, key],
+ serializedValue[key]
+ );
+ }
+ if (13 === serializedType) {
+ return new environments[winId].$window$.CSSStyleDeclaration(
+ winId,
+ instanceId,
+ applyPath,
+ obj
+ );
+ }
+ if (5 === serializedType) {
+ if ("message" === obj.type && obj.origin) {
+ let postMessageKey = JSON.stringify(;
+ let postMessageData = postMessages.find(
+ (pm) => pm.$data$ === postMessageKey
+ );
+ let env;
+ if (postMessageData) {
+ env = environments[postMessageData.$winId$];
+ if (env) {
+ obj.source = env.$window$;
+ obj.origin = env.$location$.origin;
- return dimensions;
- };
- }));
- const serializeForMain = ($winId$, $instanceId$, value, added, type) => void 0 !== value && (type = typeof value) ? "string" === type || "boolean" === type || "number" === type || null == value ? [ 0, value ] : "function" === type ? [ 4, {
- $winId$: $winId$,
- $instanceId$: $instanceId$,
- $refId$: setWorkerRef(value)
- } ] : (added = added || new Set) && Array.isArray(value) ? added.has(value) ? [ 1, [] ] : added.add(value) && [ 1, => serializeForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, v, added))) ] : "object" === type ? value[InstanceIdKey] ? [ 3, [ value[WinIdKey], value[InstanceIdKey] ] ] : value instanceof Event ? [ 5, serializeObjectForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, value, false, added) ] : supportsTrustedHTML && value instanceof TrustedHTML ? [ 0, value.toString() ] : value instanceof ArrayBuffer ? [ 8, value ] : ArrayBuffer.isView(value) ? [ 9, value.buffer, getConstructorName(value) ] : [ 2, serializeObjectForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, value, true, added) ] : void 0 : value;
- const supportsTrustedHTML = "undefined" != typeof TrustedHTML;
- const serializeObjectForMain = (winId, instanceId, obj, includeFunctions, added, serializedObj, propName, propValue) => {
- serializedObj = {};
- if (!added.has(obj)) {
- added.add(obj);
- for (propName in obj) {
- propValue = obj[propName];
- (includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) && (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForMain(winId, instanceId, propValue, added));
- }
+ }
- return serializedObj;
- };
- const serializeInstanceForMain = (instance, value) => instance ? serializeForMain(instance[WinIdKey], instance[InstanceIdKey], value) : [ 0, value ];
- const deserializeFromMain = (winId, instanceId, applyPath, serializedValueTransfer, serializedType, serializedValue, obj, key) => {
- if (serializedValueTransfer) {
- serializedType = serializedValueTransfer[0];
- serializedValue = serializedValueTransfer[1];
- if (0 === serializedType || 11 === serializedType || 12 === serializedType) {
- return serializedValue;
- }
- if (4 === serializedType) {
- return deserializeRefFromMain(applyPath, serializedValue);
- }
- if (6 === serializedType) {
- return winId && applyPath.length > 0 ? (...args) => callMethod(environments[winId].$window$, applyPath, args, 1) : noop;
- }
- if (3 === serializedType) {
- return getOrCreateSerializedInstance(serializedValue);
- }
- if (7 === serializedType) {
- return new NodeList(;
- }
- if (10 === serializedType) {
- return new Attr(serializedValue);
- }
- if (1 === serializedType) {
- return => deserializeFromMain(winId, instanceId, applyPath, v)));
- }
- if (14 === serializedType) {
- return new CustomError(serializedValue);
- }
- obj = {};
- for (key in serializedValue) {
- obj[key] = deserializeFromMain(winId, instanceId, [ ...applyPath, key ], serializedValue[key]);
- }
- if (13 === serializedType) {
- return new environments[winId].$window$.CSSStyleDeclaration(winId, instanceId, applyPath, obj);
- }
- if (5 === serializedType) {
- if ("message" === obj.type && obj.origin) {
- let postMessageKey = JSON.stringify(;
- let postMessageData = postMessages.find((pm => pm.$data$ === postMessageKey));
- let env;
- if (postMessageData) {
- env = environments[postMessageData.$winId$];
- if (env) {
- obj.source = env.$window$;
- obj.origin = env.$location$.origin;
- }
- }
- }
- return new Proxy(new Event(obj.type, obj), {
- get: (target, propName) => propName in obj ? obj[propName] : "function" == typeof target[String(propName)] ? noop : target[String(propName)]
- });
- }
- if (2 === serializedType) {
- return obj;
- }
- }
- };
- const getOrCreateSerializedInstance = ([winId, instanceId, nodeName]) => instanceId === winId && environments[winId] ? environments[winId].$window$ : getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, nodeName);
- const deserializeRefFromMain = (applyPath, {$winId$: $winId$, $instanceId$: $instanceId$, $nodeName$: $nodeName$, $refId$: $refId$}) => {
- webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] || webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] = function(...args) {
- const instance = getOrCreateNodeInstance($winId$, $instanceId$, $nodeName$);
- return callMethod(instance, applyPath, args);
- }, $refId$);
- return webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$];
- };
- class CustomError extends Error {
- constructor(errorObject) {
- super(errorObject.message);
- =;
- this.message = errorObject.message;
- this.stack = errorObject.stack;
- }
+ return new Proxy(new Event(obj.type, obj), {
+ get: (target, propName) =>
+ propName in obj
+ ? obj[propName]
+ : "function" == typeof target[String(propName)]
+ ? noop
+ : target[String(propName)],
+ });
+ }
+ if (2 === serializedType) {
+ return obj;
+ }
- class NodeList {
- constructor(nodes) {
- (this._ = nodes).map(((node, index) => this[index] = node));
+ };
+ const getOrCreateSerializedInstance = ([winId, instanceId, nodeName]) =>
+ instanceId === winId && environments[winId]
+ ? environments[winId].$window$
+ : getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, nodeName);
+ const deserializeRefFromMain = (
+ applyPath,
+ {
+ $winId$: $winId$,
+ $instanceId$: $instanceId$,
+ $nodeName$: $nodeName$,
+ $refId$: $refId$,
+ }
+ ) => {
+ webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] ||
+ webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(
+ (webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] = function (...args) {
+ const instance = getOrCreateNodeInstance(
+ $winId$,
+ $instanceId$,
+ $nodeName$
+ );
+ return callMethod(instance, applyPath, args);
+ }),
+ $refId$
+ );
+ return webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$];
+ };
+ class CustomError extends Error {
+ constructor(errorObject) {
+ super(errorObject.message);
+ =;
+ this.message = errorObject.message;
+ this.stack = errorObject.stack;
+ }
+ }
+ class NodeList {
+ constructor(nodes) {
+ (this._ = nodes).map((node, index) => (this[index] = node));
+ }
+ entries() {
+ return this._.entries();
+ }
+ forEach(cb, thisArg) {
+, thisArg);
+ }
+ item(index) {
+ return this[index];
+ }
+ keys() {
+ return this._.keys();
+ }
+ get length() {
+ return len(this._);
+ }
+ values() {
+ return this._.values();
+ }
+ [Symbol.iterator]() {
+ return this._[Symbol.iterator]();
+ }
+ }
+ const Attr = class {
+ constructor(serializedAttr) {
+ = serializedAttr[0];
+ this.value = serializedAttr[1];
+ }
+ get nodeName() {
+ return;
+ }
+ get nodeType() {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ };
+ const warnCrossOrgin = (apiType, apiName, env) =>
+ console.warn(
+ `Partytown unable to ${apiType} cross-origin ${apiName}: ` +
+ env.$location$
+ );
+ const logWorker = (msg, winId) => {
+ try {
+ const config = webWorkerCtx.$config$;
+ if (config.logStackTraces) {
+ const frames = new Error().stack.split("\n");
+ const i = frames.findIndex((f) => f.includes("logWorker"));
+ msg += "\n" + frames.slice(i + 1).join("\n");
+ }
+ let prefix;
+ let color;
+ if (winId) {
+ prefix = `Worker (${normalizedWinId(winId)}) 🎉`;
+ color = winColor(winId);
+ } else {
+ prefix =;
+ color = "#9844bf";
+ }
+ if (webWorkerCtx.lastLog !== msg) {
+ webWorkerCtx.lastLog = msg;
+ console.debug.apply(console, [
+ `%c${prefix}`,
+ `background: ${color}; color: white; padding: 2px 3px; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 0.8em;`,
+ msg,
+ ]);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {}
+ };
+ const winIds = [];
+ const normalizedWinId = (winId) => {
+ winIds.includes(winId) || winIds.push(winId);
+ return winIds.indexOf(winId) + 1;
+ };
+ const winColor = (winId) => {
+ const colors = ["#00309e", "#ea3655", "#eea727"];
+ const index = normalizedWinId(winId) - 1;
+ return colors[index] || colors[colors.length - 1];
+ };
+ const getTargetProp = (target, applyPath) => {
+ let n = "";
+ if (target) {
+ const cstrName = getConstructorName(target);
+ if ("Window" === cstrName) {
+ n = "";
+ } else if ("string" == typeof target[InstanceDataKey]) {
+ let nodeName = target[InstanceDataKey];
+ n =
+ "#text" === nodeName
+ ? "textNode."
+ : "#comment" === nodeName
+ ? "commentNode."
+ : "#document" === nodeName
+ ? "document."
+ : "html" === nodeName
+ ? "doctype."
+ : nodeName.toLowerCase() + ".";
+ } else {
+ n =
+ "nodeType" in target && 2 === target.nodeType
+ ? "attributes."
+ : "CanvasRenderingContext2D" === cstrName
+ ? "context2D."
+ : "CanvasRenderingContextWebGL" === cstrName
+ ? "contextWebGL."
+ : "CSSStyleDeclaration" === cstrName
+ ? "style."
+ : "MutationObserver" === cstrName
+ ? "mutationObserver."
+ : "NamedNodeMap" === cstrName
+ ? "namedNodeMap."
+ : "ResizeObserver" === cstrName
+ ? "resizeObserver."
+ : cstrName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() +
+ cstrName.substring(1) +
+ ".";
+ }
+ target[ApplyPathKey] &&
+ target[ApplyPathKey].length &&
+ (n += [[ApplyPathKey]].join(".") + ".");
+ }
+ if (applyPath.length > 1) {
+ const first = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 1);
+ const last = applyPath[applyPath.length - 1];
+ if (!isNaN(last)) {
+ return n + `${first.join(".")}[${last}]`;
+ }
+ }
+ return n + applyPath.join(".");
+ };
+ const getLogValue = (applyPath, v) => {
+ const type = typeof v;
+ if (void 0 === v) {
+ return "undefined";
+ }
+ if ("boolean" === type || "number" === type || null == v) {
+ return JSON.stringify(v);
+ }
+ if ("string" === type) {
+ return applyPath.includes("cookie")
+ ? JSON.stringify(v.slice(0, 10) + "...")
+ : JSON.stringify(v.length > 50 ? v.slice(0, 40) + "..." : v);
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(v)) {
+ return `[${", ")}]`;
+ }
+ if ("object" === type) {
+ const instanceId = v[InstanceIdKey];
+ const cstrName = getConstructorName(v);
+ if ("string" == typeof instanceId) {
+ if ("Window" === cstrName) {
+ return "window";
- entries() {
- return this._.entries();
+ if ("string" == typeof v[InstanceDataKey]) {
+ if (1 === v.nodeType) {
+ return `<${v[InstanceDataKey].toLowerCase()}>`;
+ }
+ if (10 === v.nodeType) {
+ return `<!DOCTYPE ${v[InstanceDataKey]}>`;
+ }
+ if (v.nodeType <= 11) {
+ return v[InstanceDataKey];
+ }
- forEach(cb, thisArg) {
-, thisArg);
- }
- item(index) {
- return this[index];
- }
- keys() {
- return this._.keys();
- }
- get length() {
- return len(this._);
- }
- values() {
- return this._.values();
- }
- [Symbol.iterator]() {
- return this._[Symbol.iterator]();
- }
+ return "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ instance obj";
+ }
+ return v[Symbol.iterator]
+ ? `[${Array.from(v)
+ .map((i) => getLogValue(applyPath, i))
+ .join(", ")}]`
+ : "value" in v
+ ? "string" == typeof v.value
+ ? `"${v.value}"`
+ : objToString(v.value)
+ : objToString(v);
- const Attr = class {
- constructor(serializedAttr) {
- = serializedAttr[0];
- this.value = serializedAttr[1];
+ return ((v) => "object" == typeof v && v && v.then)(v)
+ ? "Promise"
+ : "function" === type
+ ? `Æ’() ${ || ""}`.trim()
+ : `¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ ${String(v)}`.trim();
+ };
+ const objToString = (obj) => {
+ const s = [];
+ for (let key in obj) {
+ const value = obj[key];
+ const type = typeof value;
+ "string" === type
+ ? s.push(`${key}: "${value}"`)
+ : "function" === type
+ ? s.push(`${key}: Æ’`)
+ : Array.isArray(type)
+ ? s.push(`${key}: [..]`)
+ : "object" === type && value
+ ? s.push(`${key}: {..}`)
+ : s.push(`${key}: ${String(value)}`);
+ }
+ let str = s.join(", ");
+ str.length > 200 && (str = str.substring(0, 200) + "..");
+ return `{ ${str} }`;
+ };
+ const logDimensionCacheClearStyle = (target, propName) => {
+ (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters || webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSetters) &&
+ logWorker(
+ `Dimension cache cleared from style.${propName} setter`,
+ target[WinIdKey]
+ );
+ };
+ const logDimensionCacheClearMethod = (target, methodName) => {
+ (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters || webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) &&
+ logWorker(
+ `Dimension cache cleared from method call ${methodName}()`,
+ target[WinIdKey]
+ );
+ };
+ const taskQueue = [];
+ const queue = (
+ instance,
+ $applyPath$,
+ callType,
+ $assignInstanceId$,
+ $groupedGetters$,
+ buffer
+ ) => {
+ if (instance[ApplyPathKey]) {
+ taskQueue.push({
+ $winId$: instance[WinIdKey],
+ $instanceId$: instance[InstanceIdKey],
+ $applyPath$: [...instance[ApplyPathKey], ...$applyPath$],
+ $assignInstanceId$: $assignInstanceId$,
+ $groupedGetters$: $groupedGetters$,
+ });
+ taskQueue[len(taskQueue) - 1].$debug$ = ((
+ target,
+ applyPath,
+ callType
+ ) => {
+ let m = getTargetProp(target, applyPath);
+ 1 === callType
+ ? (m += " (blocking)")
+ : 2 === callType
+ ? (m += " (non-blocking)")
+ : 3 === callType && (m += " (non-blocking, no-side-effect)");
+ return m.trim();
+ })(instance, $applyPath$, callType);
+ buffer &&
+ 3 !== callType &&
+ console.error("buffer must be sent NonBlockingNoSideEffect");
+ if (3 === callType) {
+ webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$(
+ [
+ 12,
+ {
+ $msgId$: randomId(),
+ $tasks$: [...taskQueue],
+ },
+ ],
+ buffer
+ ? [buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer ? buffer : buffer.buffer]
+ : void 0
+ );
+ taskQueue.length = 0;
+ } else if (1 === callType) {
+ return sendToMain(true);
+ }
+ webWorkerCtx.$asyncMsgTimer$ = setTimeout(sendToMain, 20);
+ }
+ };
+ const sendToMain = (isBlocking) => {
+ clearTimeout(webWorkerCtx.$asyncMsgTimer$);
+ if (len(taskQueue)) {
+ webWorkerCtx.$config$.logMainAccess &&
+ logWorker(`Main access, tasks sent: ${taskQueue.length}`);
+ const endTask = taskQueue[len(taskQueue) - 1];
+ const accessReq = {
+ $msgId$: randomId(),
+ $tasks$: [...taskQueue],
+ };
+ taskQueue.length = 0;
+ if (isBlocking) {
+ const accessRsp = ((webWorkerCtx, accessReq) => {
+ const sharedDataBuffer = webWorkerCtx.$sharedDataBuffer$;
+ const sharedData = new Int32Array(sharedDataBuffer);
+, 0, 0);
+ webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([11, accessReq]);
+ Atomics.wait(sharedData, 0, 0);
+ let dataLength = Atomics.load(sharedData, 0);
+ let accessRespStr = "";
+ let i = 0;
+ for (; i < dataLength; i++) {
+ accessRespStr += String.fromCharCode(sharedData[i + 1]);
+ }
+ return JSON.parse(accessRespStr);
+ })(webWorkerCtx, accessReq);
+ const isPromise = accessRsp.$isPromise$;
+ const rtnValue = deserializeFromMain(
+ endTask.$winId$,
+ endTask.$instanceId$,
+ endTask.$applyPath$,
+ accessRsp.$rtnValue$
+ );
+ if (accessRsp.$error$) {
+ if (isPromise) {
+ return Promise.reject(accessRsp.$error$);
+ }
+ throw new Error(accessRsp.$error$);
- get nodeName() {
- return;
- }
- get nodeType() {
- return 2;
- }
- };
- const warnCrossOrgin = (apiType, apiName, env) => console.warn(`Partytown unable to ${apiType} cross-origin ${apiName}: ` + env.$location$);
- const logWorker = (msg, winId) => {
+ return isPromise ? Promise.resolve(rtnValue) : rtnValue;
+ }
+ webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([12, accessReq]);
+ }
+ };
+ const getter = (instance, applyPath, groupedGetters, rtnValue) => {
+ if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.get) {
+ rtnValue = webWorkerCtx.$config$.get(
+ createHookOptions(instance, applyPath)
+ );
+ if (rtnValue !== HookContinue) {
+ return rtnValue;
+ }
+ }
+ rtnValue = queue(instance, applyPath, 1, void 0, groupedGetters);
+ ((
+ target,
+ applyPath,
+ rtnValue,
+ restrictedToWorker = false,
+ groupedGetters = false
+ ) => {
+ if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters) {
try {
- const config = webWorkerCtx.$config$;
- if (config.logStackTraces) {
- const frames = (new Error).stack.split("\n");
- const i = frames.findIndex((f => f.includes("logWorker")));
- msg += "\n" + frames.slice(i + 1).join("\n");
- }
- let prefix;
- let color;
- if (winId) {
- prefix = `Worker (${normalizedWinId(winId)}) 🎉`;
- color = winColor(winId);
- } else {
- prefix =;
- color = "#9844bf";
- }
- if (webWorkerCtx.lastLog !== msg) {
- webWorkerCtx.lastLog = msg;
- console.debug.apply(console, [ `%c${prefix}`, `background: ${color}; color: white; padding: 2px 3px; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 0.8em;`, msg ]);
- }
+ const msg = `Get ${getTargetProp(
+ target,
+ applyPath
+ )}, returned: ${getLogValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}${
+ restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""
+ }${groupedGetters ? " (grouped getter)" : ""}`;
+ msg.includes("Symbol(") || logWorker(msg, target[WinIdKey]);
} catch (e) {}
+ }
+ })(instance, applyPath, rtnValue, false, !!groupedGetters);
+ return rtnValue;
+ };
+ const setter = (instance, applyPath, value, hookSetterValue) => {
+ if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.set) {
+ hookSetterValue = webWorkerCtx.$config$.set({
+ value: value,
+ prevent: HookPrevent,
+ ...createHookOptions(instance, applyPath),
+ });
+ if (hookSetterValue === HookPrevent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ hookSetterValue !== HookContinue && (value = hookSetterValue);
+ }
+ if (dimensionChangingSetterNames.some((s) => applyPath.includes(s))) {
+ cachedDimensions.clear();
+ ((target, propName) => {
+ (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters ||
+ webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSetters) &&
+ logWorker(
+ `Dimension cache cleared from setter "${propName}"`,
+ target[WinIdKey]
+ );
+ })(instance, applyPath[applyPath.length - 1]);
+ }
+ applyPath = [...applyPath, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, value), 0];
+ ((target, applyPath, value, restrictedToWorker = false) => {
+ if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSetters) {
+ try {
+ applyPath = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 2);
+ logWorker(
+ `Set ${getTargetProp(target, applyPath)}, value: ${getLogValue(
+ applyPath,
+ value
+ )}${restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""}`,
+ target[WinIdKey]
+ );
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ })(instance, applyPath, value);
+ queue(instance, applyPath, 2);
+ };
+ const callMethod = (
+ instance,
+ applyPath,
+ args,
+ callType,
+ assignInstanceId,
+ buffer,
+ rtnValue,
+ methodName
+ ) => {
+ if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.apply) {
+ rtnValue = webWorkerCtx.$config$.apply({
+ args: args,
+ ...createHookOptions(instance, applyPath),
+ });
+ if (rtnValue !== HookContinue) {
+ return rtnValue;
+ }
+ }
+ methodName = applyPath[len(applyPath) - 1];
+ applyPath = [...applyPath, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, args)];
+ callType = callType || (nonBlockingMethods.includes(methodName) ? 2 : 1);
+ if (
+ "setAttribute" === methodName &&
+ hasInstanceStateValue(instance, args[0])
+ ) {
+ setInstanceStateValue(instance, args[0], args[1]);
+ } else if (structureChangingMethodNames.includes(methodName)) {
+ cachedDimensions.clear();
+ cachedStructure.clear();
+ ((target, methodName) => {
+ (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters || webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) &&
+ logWorker(
+ `Dimension and DOM structure cache cleared from method call ${methodName}()`,
+ target[WinIdKey]
+ );
+ })(instance, methodName);
+ } else if (dimensionChangingMethodNames.includes(methodName)) {
+ callType = 2;
+ cachedDimensions.clear();
+ logDimensionCacheClearMethod(instance, methodName);
+ }
+ rtnValue = queue(
+ instance,
+ applyPath,
+ callType,
+ assignInstanceId,
+ void 0,
+ buffer
+ );
+ ((target, applyPath, args, rtnValue) => {
+ if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) {
+ try {
+ applyPath = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 1);
+ logWorker(
+ `Call ${getTargetProp(target, applyPath)}(${args
+ .map((v) => getLogValue(applyPath, v))
+ .join(", ")}), returned: ${getLogValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}`,
+ target[WinIdKey]
+ );
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ })(instance, applyPath, args, rtnValue);
+ return rtnValue;
+ };
+ const constructGlobal = (instance, cstrName, args) => {
+ ((target, cstrName, args) => {
+ if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) {
+ try {
+ logWorker(
+ `Construct new ${cstrName}(${args
+ .map((v) => getLogValue([], v))
+ .join(", ")})`,
+ target[WinIdKey]
+ );
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ })(instance, cstrName, args);
+ queue(instance, [1, cstrName, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, args)], 1);
+ };
+ const createHookOptions = (instance, applyPath) => ({
+ name: applyPath.join("."),
+ continue: HookContinue,
+ nodeName: instance[InstanceDataKey],
+ constructor: getConstructorName(instance),
+ instance: instance,
+ window: environments[instance[WinIdKey]].$window$,
+ });
+ const addStorageApi = (win, storageName, storages, isSameOrigin, env) => {
+ let getItems = (items) => {
+ items = storages.get(win.origin);
+ items || storages.set(win.origin, (items = []));
+ return items;
- const winIds = [];
- const normalizedWinId = winId => {
- winIds.includes(winId) || winIds.push(winId);
- return winIds.indexOf(winId) + 1;
+ let getIndexByKey = (key) =>
+ getItems().findIndex((i) => i[STORAGE_KEY] === key);
+ let index;
+ let item;
+ let storage = {
+ getItem(key) {
+ index = getIndexByKey(key);
+ return index > -1 ? getItems()[index][STORAGE_VALUE] : null;
+ },
+ setItem(key, value) {
+ index = getIndexByKey(key);
+ index > -1
+ ? (getItems()[index][STORAGE_VALUE] = value)
+ : getItems().push([key, value]);
+ isSameOrigin
+ ? callMethod(win, [storageName, "setItem"], [key, value], 2)
+ : warnCrossOrgin("set", storageName, env);
+ },
+ removeItem(key) {
+ index = getIndexByKey(key);
+ index > -1 && getItems().splice(index, 1);
+ isSameOrigin
+ ? callMethod(win, [storageName, "removeItem"], [key], 2)
+ : warnCrossOrgin("remove", storageName, env);
+ },
+ key(index) {
+ item = getItems()[index];
+ return item ? item[STORAGE_KEY] : null;
+ },
+ clear() {
+ getItems().length = 0;
+ isSameOrigin
+ ? callMethod(win, [storageName, "clear"], EMPTY_ARRAY, 2)
+ : warnCrossOrgin("clear", storageName, env);
+ },
+ get length() {
+ return getItems().length;
+ },
- const winColor = winId => {
- const colors = [ "#00309e", "#ea3655", "#eea727" ];
- const index = normalizedWinId(winId) - 1;
- return colors[index] || colors[colors.length - 1];
- };
- const getTargetProp = (target, applyPath) => {
- let n = "";
- if (target) {
- const cstrName = getConstructorName(target);
- if ("Window" === cstrName) {
- n = "";
- } else if ("string" == typeof target[InstanceDataKey]) {
- let nodeName = target[InstanceDataKey];
- n = "#text" === nodeName ? "textNode." : "#comment" === nodeName ? "commentNode." : "#document" === nodeName ? "document." : "html" === nodeName ? "doctype." : nodeName.toLowerCase() + ".";
- } else {
- n = "nodeType" in target && 2 === target.nodeType ? "attributes." : "CanvasRenderingContext2D" === cstrName ? "context2D." : "CanvasRenderingContextWebGL" === cstrName ? "contextWebGL." : "CSSStyleDeclaration" === cstrName ? "style." : "MutationObserver" === cstrName ? "mutationObserver." : "NamedNodeMap" === cstrName ? "namedNodeMap." : "ResizeObserver" === cstrName ? "resizeObserver." : cstrName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + cstrName.substring(1) + ".";
- }
- target[ApplyPathKey] && target[ApplyPathKey].length && (n += [[ApplyPathKey] ].join(".") + ".");
+ win[storageName] = new Proxy(storage, {
+ get: (target, key) =>
+ Reflect.has(target, key)
+ ? Reflect.get(target, key)
+ : target.getItem(key),
+ set(target, key, value) {
+ target.setItem(key, value);
+ return true;
+ },
+ has: (target, key) =>
+ !!Reflect.has(target, key) ||
+ ("string" == typeof key && null !== target.getItem(key)),
+ deleteProperty(target, key) {
+ target.removeItem(key);
+ return true;
+ },
+ });
+ };
+ const STORAGE_KEY = 0;
+ const STORAGE_VALUE = 1;
+ const createCSSStyleDeclarationCstr = (win, WorkerBase, cstrName) => {
+ win[cstrName] = defineConstructorName(
+ class extends WorkerBase {
+ constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath, styles) {
+ super(winId, instanceId, applyPath, styles || {});
+ return new Proxy(this, {
+ get(target, propName) {
+ if (target[propName]) {
+ return target[propName];
+ }
+ target[propName] ||
+ "string" != typeof propName ||
+ target[InstanceDataKey][propName] ||
+ (target[InstanceDataKey][propName] = getter(target, [
+ propName,
+ ]));
+ return target[InstanceDataKey][propName];
+ },
+ set(target, propName, propValue) {
+ target[InstanceDataKey][propName] = propValue;
+ setter(target, [propName], propValue);
+ logDimensionCacheClearStyle(target, propName);
+ cachedDimensions.clear();
+ return true;
+ },
+ });
- if (applyPath.length > 1) {
- const first = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 1);
- const last = applyPath[applyPath.length - 1];
- if (!isNaN(last)) {
- return n + `${first.join(".")}[${last}]`;
- }
+ setProperty(...args) {
+ this[InstanceDataKey][args[0]] = args[1];
+ callMethod(this, ["setProperty"], args, 2);
+ logDimensionCacheClearStyle(this, args[0]);
+ cachedDimensions.clear();
- return n + applyPath.join(".");
- };
- const getLogValue = (applyPath, v) => {
- const type = typeof v;
- if (void 0 === v) {
- return "undefined";
+ getPropertyValue(propName) {
+ return this[propName];
- if ("boolean" === type || "number" === type || null == v) {
- return JSON.stringify(v);
+ removeProperty(propName) {
+ let value = this[InstanceDataKey][propName];
+ callMethod(this, ["removeProperty"], [propName], 2);
+ logDimensionCacheClearStyle(this, propName);
+ cachedDimensions.clear();
+ this[InstanceDataKey][propName] = void 0;
+ return value;
- if ("string" === type) {
- return applyPath.includes("cookie") ? JSON.stringify(v.slice(0, 10) + "...") : JSON.stringify(v.length > 50 ? v.slice(0, 40) + "..." : v);
+ },
+ cstrName
+ );
+ };
+ const createCSSStyleSheetConstructor = (win, cssStyleSheetCstrName) => {
+ win[cssStyleSheetCstrName] = defineConstructorName(
+ class {
+ constructor(ownerNode) {
+ this.ownerNode = ownerNode;
- if (Array.isArray(v)) {
- return `[${", ")}]`;
- }
- if ("object" === type) {
- const instanceId = v[InstanceIdKey];
- const cstrName = getConstructorName(v);
- if ("string" == typeof instanceId) {
- if ("Window" === cstrName) {
- return "window";
- }
- if ("string" == typeof v[InstanceDataKey]) {
- if (1 === v.nodeType) {
- return `<${v[InstanceDataKey].toLowerCase()}>`;
- }
- if (10 === v.nodeType) {
- return `<!DOCTYPE ${v[InstanceDataKey]}>`;
- }
- if (v.nodeType <= 11) {
- return v[InstanceDataKey];
- }
- }
- return "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ instance obj";
+ get cssRules() {
+ const ownerNode = this.ownerNode;
+ return new Proxy(
+ {},
+ {
+ get(target, propKey) {
+ const propName = String(propKey);
+ return "item" === propName
+ ? (index) => getCssRule(ownerNode, index)
+ : "length" === propName
+ ? getCssRules(ownerNode).length
+ : isNaN(propName)
+ ? target[propKey]
+ : getCssRule(ownerNode, propName);
+ },
- return v[Symbol.iterator] ? `[${Array.from(v).map((i => getLogValue(applyPath, i))).join(", ")}]` : "value" in v ? "string" == typeof v.value ? `"${v.value}"` : objToString(v.value) : objToString(v);
+ );
- return (v => "object" == typeof v && v && v.then)(v) ? "Promise" : "function" === type ? `ƒ() ${ || ""}`.trim() : `¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ ${String(v)}`.trim();
- };
- const objToString = obj => {
- const s = [];
- for (let key in obj) {
- const value = obj[key];
- const type = typeof value;
- "string" === type ? s.push(`${key}: "${value}"`) : "function" === type ? s.push(`${key}: Æ’`) : Array.isArray(type) ? s.push(`${key}: [..]`) : "object" === type && value ? s.push(`${key}: {..}`) : s.push(`${key}: ${String(value)}`);
+ insertRule(ruleText, index) {
+ const cssRules = getCssRules(this.ownerNode);
+ index = void 0 === index ? 0 : index;
+ if (index >= 0 && index <= cssRules.length) {
+ callMethod(
+ this.ownerNode,
+ ["sheet", "insertRule"],
+ [ruleText, index],
+ 2
+ );
+ cssRules.splice(index, 0, 0);
+ }
+ logDimensionCacheClearMethod(this.ownerNode, "insertRule");
+ cachedDimensions.clear();
+ return index;
- let str = s.join(", ");
- str.length > 200 && (str = str.substring(0, 200) + "..");
- return `{ ${str} }`;
- };
- const logDimensionCacheClearStyle = (target, propName) => {
- (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters || webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSetters) && logWorker(`Dimension cache cleared from style.${propName} setter`, target[WinIdKey]);
- };
- const logDimensionCacheClearMethod = (target, methodName) => {
- (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters || webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) && logWorker(`Dimension cache cleared from method call ${methodName}()`, target[WinIdKey]);
- };
- const taskQueue = [];
- const queue = (instance, $applyPath$, callType, $assignInstanceId$, $groupedGetters$, buffer) => {
- if (instance[ApplyPathKey]) {
- taskQueue.push({
- $winId$: instance[WinIdKey],
- $instanceId$: instance[InstanceIdKey],
- $applyPath$: [ ...instance[ApplyPathKey], ...$applyPath$ ],
- $assignInstanceId$: $assignInstanceId$,
- $groupedGetters$: $groupedGetters$
- });
- taskQueue[len(taskQueue) - 1].$debug$ = ((target, applyPath, callType) => {
- let m = getTargetProp(target, applyPath);
- 1 === callType ? m += " (blocking)" : 2 === callType ? m += " (non-blocking)" : 3 === callType && (m += " (non-blocking, no-side-effect)");
- return m.trim();
- })(instance, $applyPath$, callType);
- buffer && 3 !== callType && console.error("buffer must be sent NonBlockingNoSideEffect");
- if (3 === callType) {
- webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 12, {
- $msgId$: randomId(),
- $tasks$: [ ...taskQueue ]
- } ], buffer ? [ buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer ? buffer : buffer.buffer ] : void 0);
- taskQueue.length = 0;
- } else if (1 === callType) {
- return sendToMain(true);
- }
- webWorkerCtx.$asyncMsgTimer$ = setTimeout(sendToMain, 20);
+ deleteRule(index) {
+ callMethod(this.ownerNode, ["sheet", "deleteRule"], [index], 2);
+ getCssRules(this.ownerNode).splice(index, 1);
+ logDimensionCacheClearMethod(this.ownerNode, "deleteRule");
+ cachedDimensions.clear();
- };
- const sendToMain = isBlocking => {
- clearTimeout(webWorkerCtx.$asyncMsgTimer$);
- if (len(taskQueue)) {
- webWorkerCtx.$config$.logMainAccess && logWorker(`Main access, tasks sent: ${taskQueue.length}`);
- const endTask = taskQueue[len(taskQueue) - 1];
- const accessReq = {
- $msgId$: randomId(),
- $tasks$: [ ...taskQueue ]
- };
- taskQueue.length = 0;
- if (isBlocking) {
- const accessRsp = ((webWorkerCtx, accessReq) => {
- const sharedDataBuffer = webWorkerCtx.$sharedDataBuffer$;
- const sharedData = new Int32Array(sharedDataBuffer);
-, 0, 0);
- webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 11, accessReq ]);
- Atomics.wait(sharedData, 0, 0);
- let dataLength = Atomics.load(sharedData, 0);
- let accessRespStr = "";
- let i = 0;
- for (;i < dataLength; i++) {
- accessRespStr += String.fromCharCode(sharedData[i + 1]);
- }
- return JSON.parse(accessRespStr);
- })(webWorkerCtx, accessReq);
- const isPromise = accessRsp.$isPromise$;
- const rtnValue = deserializeFromMain(endTask.$winId$, endTask.$instanceId$, endTask.$applyPath$, accessRsp.$rtnValue$);
- if (accessRsp.$error$) {
- if (isPromise) {
- return Promise.reject(accessRsp.$error$);
- }
- throw new Error(accessRsp.$error$);
- }
- return isPromise ? Promise.resolve(rtnValue) : rtnValue;
- }
- webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 12, accessReq ]);
+ get type() {
+ return "text/css";
+ },
+ cssStyleSheetCstrName
+ );
+ const HTMLStyleDescriptorMap = {
+ sheet: {
+ get() {
+ return new win[cssStyleSheetCstrName](this);
+ },
+ },
- const getter = (instance, applyPath, groupedGetters, rtnValue) => {
- if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.get) {
- rtnValue = webWorkerCtx.$config$.get(createHookOptions(instance, applyPath));
- if (rtnValue !== HookContinue) {
- return rtnValue;
- }
- }
- rtnValue = queue(instance, applyPath, 1, void 0, groupedGetters);
- ((target, applyPath, rtnValue, restrictedToWorker = false, groupedGetters = false) => {
- if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters) {
- try {
- const msg = `Get ${getTargetProp(target, applyPath)}, returned: ${getLogValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}${restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""}${groupedGetters ? " (grouped getter)" : ""}`;
- msg.includes("Symbol(") || logWorker(msg, target[WinIdKey]);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- })(instance, applyPath, rtnValue, false, !!groupedGetters);
- return rtnValue;
+ definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(
+ win.HTMLStyleElement,
+ HTMLStyleDescriptorMap
+ );
+ };
+ const getCssRules = (ownerNode, cssRules) => {
+ cssRules = getInstanceStateValue(ownerNode, 2);
+ if (!cssRules) {
+ cssRules = getter(ownerNode, ["sheet", "cssRules"]);
+ setInstanceStateValue(ownerNode, 2, cssRules);
+ }
+ return cssRules;
+ };
+ const getCssRule = (ownerNode, index, cssRules) => {
+ cssRules = getCssRules(ownerNode);
+ 0 === cssRules[index] &&
+ (cssRules[index] = getter(ownerNode, [
+ "sheet",
+ "cssRules",
+ parseInt(index, 10),
+ ]));
+ return cssRules[index];
+ };
+ const runScriptContent = (
+ env,
+ instanceId,
+ scriptContent,
+ winId,
+ errorMsg
+ ) => {
+ try {
+ webWorkerCtx.$config$.logScriptExecution &&
+ logWorker(
+ `Execute script: ${scriptContent
+ .substring(0, 100)
+ .split("\n")
+ .map((l) => l.trim())
+ .join(" ")
+ .trim()
+ .substring(0, 60)}...`,
+ winId
+ );
+ env.$currentScriptId$ = instanceId;
+ run(env, scriptContent);
+ } catch (contentError) {
+ console.error(scriptContent, contentError);
+ errorMsg = String(contentError.stack || contentError);
+ }
+ env.$currentScriptId$ = "";
+ return errorMsg;
+ };
+ const run = (env, scriptContent, scriptUrl) => {
+ env.$runWindowLoadEvent$ = 1;
+ scriptContent =
+ `with(this){${scriptContent
+ .replace(/\bthis\b/g, "(thi$(this)?window:this)")
+ .replace(/\/\/# so/g, "//Xso")}\n;function thi$(t){return t===this}};${(
+ webWorkerCtx.$config$.globalFns || []
+ )
+ .filter((globalFnName) => /[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*/.test(globalFnName))
+ .map((g) => `(typeof ${g}=='function'&&(this.${g}=${g}))`)
+ .join(";")};` + (scriptUrl ? "\n//# sourceURL=" + scriptUrl : "");
+ env.$isSameOrigin$ ||
+ (scriptContent = scriptContent.replace(
+ /.postMessage\(/g,
+ `.postMessage('${env.$winId$}',`
+ ));
+ new Function(scriptContent).call(env.$window$);
+ env.$runWindowLoadEvent$ = 0;
+ };
+ const runStateLoadHandlers = (instance, type, handlers) => {
+ handlers = getInstanceStateValue(instance, type);
+ handlers &&
+ setTimeout(() =>
+ =>
+ cb({
+ type: type,
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ const resolveToUrl = (
+ env,
+ url,
+ type,
+ baseLocation,
+ resolvedUrl,
+ configResolvedUrl
+ ) => {
+ baseLocation = env.$location$;
+ while (! {
+ env = environments[env.$parentWinId$];
+ baseLocation = env.$location$;
+ if (env.$winId$ === env.$parentWinId$) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ resolvedUrl = new URL(url || "", baseLocation);
+ if (type && webWorkerCtx.$config$.resolveUrl) {
+ configResolvedUrl = webWorkerCtx.$config$.resolveUrl(
+ resolvedUrl,
+ baseLocation,
+ type
+ );
+ if (configResolvedUrl) {
+ return configResolvedUrl;
+ }
+ }
+ return resolvedUrl;
+ };
+ const resolveUrl = (env, url, type) => resolveToUrl(env, url, type) + "";
+ const getPartytownScript = () =>
+ `<script src="${partytownLibUrl("partytown.js?v=0.7.5")}"><\/script>`;
+ const createImageConstructor = (env) =>
+ class HTMLImageElement {
+ constructor() {
+ this.s = "";
+ this.l = [];
+ this.e = [];
+ = {};
+ }
+ get src() {
+ return this.s;
+ }
+ set src(src) {
+ webWorkerCtx.$config$.logImageRequests &&
+ logWorker(
+ `Image() request: ${resolveUrl(env, src, "image")}`,
+ env.$winId$
+ );
+ this.s = src;
+ fetch(resolveUrl(env, src, "image"), {
+ mode: "no-cors",
+ credentials: "include",
+ keepalive: true,
+ }).then(
+ (rsp) => {
+ rsp.ok || 0 === rsp.status
+ ? =>
+ cb({
+ type: "load",
+ })
+ )
+ : =>
+ cb({
+ type: "error",
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ () =>
+ this.e.forEach((cb) =>
+ cb({
+ type: "error",
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ addEventListener(eventName, cb) {
+ "load" === eventName && this.l.push(cb);
+ "error" === eventName && this.e.push(cb);
+ }
+ get onload() {
+ return this.l[0];
+ }
+ set onload(cb) {
+ this.l = [cb];
+ }
+ get onerror() {
+ return this.e[0];
+ }
+ set onerror(cb) {
+ this.e = [cb];
+ }
- const setter = (instance, applyPath, value, hookSetterValue) => {
- if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.set) {
- hookSetterValue = webWorkerCtx.$config$.set({
- value: value,
- prevent: HookPrevent,
- ...createHookOptions(instance, applyPath)
- });
- if (hookSetterValue === HookPrevent) {
- return;
- }
- hookSetterValue !== HookContinue && (value = hookSetterValue);
- }
- if (dimensionChangingSetterNames.some((s => applyPath.includes(s)))) {
- cachedDimensions.clear();
- ((target, propName) => {
- (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters || webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSetters) && logWorker(`Dimension cache cleared from setter "${propName}"`, target[WinIdKey]);
- })(instance, applyPath[applyPath.length - 1]);
- }
- applyPath = [ ...applyPath, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, value), 0 ];
- ((target, applyPath, value, restrictedToWorker = false) => {
- if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSetters) {
- try {
- applyPath = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 2);
- logWorker(`Set ${getTargetProp(target, applyPath)}, value: ${getLogValue(applyPath, value)}${restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""}`, target[WinIdKey]);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- })(instance, applyPath, value);
- queue(instance, applyPath, 2);
+ const HTMLSrcElementDescriptorMap = {
+ addEventListener: {
+ value(...args) {
+ const eventName = args[0];
+ const callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, eventName) || [];
+ callbacks.push(args[1]);
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, eventName, callbacks);
+ },
+ },
+ async: {
+ get: noop,
+ set: noop,
+ },
+ defer: {
+ get: noop,
+ set: noop,
+ },
+ onload: {
+ get() {
+ let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "load");
+ return (callbacks && callbacks[0]) || null;
+ },
+ set(cb) {
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, "load", cb ? [cb] : null);
+ },
+ },
+ onerror: {
+ get() {
+ let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "error");
+ return (callbacks && callbacks[0]) || null;
+ },
+ set(cb) {
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, "error", cb ? [cb] : null);
+ },
+ },
+ getAttribute: {
+ value(attrName) {
+ return "src" === attrName
+ ? this.src
+ : callMethod(this, ["getAttribute"], [attrName]);
+ },
+ },
+ setAttribute: {
+ value(attrName, attrValue) {
+ scriptAttrPropNames.includes(attrName)
+ ? (this[attrName] = attrValue)
+ : callMethod(this, ["setAttribute"], [attrName, attrValue]);
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ const scriptAttrPropNames = commaSplit("src,type");
+ const patchHTMLScriptElement = (WorkerHTMLScriptElement, env) => {
+ const HTMLScriptDescriptorMap = {
+ innerHTML: innerHTMLDescriptor,
+ innerText: innerHTMLDescriptor,
+ src: {
+ get() {
+ return getInstanceStateValue(this, 4) || "";
+ },
+ set(url) {
+ const orgUrl = resolveUrl(env, url, null);
+ const config = webWorkerCtx.$config$;
+ url = resolveUrl(env, url, "script");
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, url);
+ setter(this, ["src"], url);
+ orgUrl !== url && setter(this, ["dataset", "ptsrc"], orgUrl);
+ if (this.type && config.loadScriptsOnMainThread) {
+ const shouldExecuteScriptViaMainThread =
+ config.loadScriptsOnMainThread.some(
+ (scriptUrl) => scriptUrl === url
+ );
+ shouldExecuteScriptViaMainThread &&
+ setter(this, ["type"], "text/javascript");
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ textContent: innerHTMLDescriptor,
+ type: {
+ get() {
+ return getter(this, ["type"]);
+ },
+ set(type) {
+ if (!isScriptJsType(type)) {
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, 5, type);
+ setter(this, ["type"], type);
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ ...HTMLSrcElementDescriptorMap,
- const callMethod = (instance, applyPath, args, callType, assignInstanceId, buffer, rtnValue, methodName) => {
- if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.apply) {
- rtnValue = webWorkerCtx.$config$.apply({
- args: args,
- ...createHookOptions(instance, applyPath)
- });
- if (rtnValue !== HookContinue) {
- return rtnValue;
- }
+ definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(
+ WorkerHTMLScriptElement,
+ HTMLScriptDescriptorMap
+ );
+ };
+ const innerHTMLDescriptor = {
+ get() {
+ const type = getter(this, ["type"]);
+ return isScriptJsType(type)
+ ? getInstanceStateValue(this, 3) || ""
+ : getter(this, ["innerHTML"]);
+ },
+ set(scriptContent) {
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, 3, scriptContent);
+ },
+ };
+ const isScriptJsType = (scriptType) =>
+ !scriptType || "text/javascript" === scriptType;
+ const createNodeCstr = (win, env, WorkerBase) => {
+ const config = webWorkerCtx.$config$;
+ const WorkerNode = defineConstructorName(
+ class extends WorkerBase {
+ appendChild(node) {
+ return this.insertBefore(node, null);
- methodName = applyPath[len(applyPath) - 1];
- applyPath = [ ...applyPath, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, args) ];
- callType = callType || (nonBlockingMethods.includes(methodName) ? 2 : 1);
- if ("setAttribute" === methodName && hasInstanceStateValue(instance, args[0])) {
- setInstanceStateValue(instance, args[0], args[1]);
- } else if (structureChangingMethodNames.includes(methodName)) {
- cachedDimensions.clear();
- cachedStructure.clear();
- ((target, methodName) => {
- (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters || webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) && logWorker(`Dimension and DOM structure cache cleared from method call ${methodName}()`, target[WinIdKey]);
- })(instance, methodName);
- } else if (dimensionChangingMethodNames.includes(methodName)) {
- callType = 2;
- cachedDimensions.clear();
- logDimensionCacheClearMethod(instance, methodName);
- }
- rtnValue = queue(instance, applyPath, callType, assignInstanceId, void 0, buffer);
- ((target, applyPath, args, rtnValue) => {
- if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) {
- try {
- applyPath = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 1);
- logWorker(`Call ${getTargetProp(target, applyPath)}(${ => getLogValue(applyPath, v))).join(", ")}), returned: ${getLogValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}`, target[WinIdKey]);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- })(instance, applyPath, args, rtnValue);
- return rtnValue;
- };
- const constructGlobal = (instance, cstrName, args) => {
- ((target, cstrName, args) => {
- if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) {
- try {
- logWorker(`Construct new ${cstrName}(${ => getLogValue([], v))).join(", ")})`, target[WinIdKey]);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- })(instance, cstrName, args);
- queue(instance, [ 1, cstrName, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, args) ], 1);
- };
- const createHookOptions = (instance, applyPath) => ({
- name: applyPath.join("."),
- continue: HookContinue,
- nodeName: instance[InstanceDataKey],
- constructor: getConstructorName(instance),
- instance: instance,
- window: environments[instance[WinIdKey]].$window$
- });
- const addStorageApi = (win, storageName, storages, isSameOrigin, env) => {
- let getItems = items => {
- items = storages.get(win.origin);
- items || storages.set(win.origin, items = []);
- return items;
- };
- let getIndexByKey = key => getItems().findIndex((i => i[STORAGE_KEY] === key));
- let index;
- let item;
- let storage = {
- getItem(key) {
- index = getIndexByKey(key);
- return index > -1 ? getItems()[index][STORAGE_VALUE] : null;
- },
- setItem(key, value) {
- index = getIndexByKey(key);
- index > -1 ? getItems()[index][STORAGE_VALUE] = value : getItems().push([ key, value ]);
- isSameOrigin ? callMethod(win, [ storageName, "setItem" ], [ key, value ], 2) : warnCrossOrgin("set", storageName, env);
- },
- removeItem(key) {
- index = getIndexByKey(key);
- index > -1 && getItems().splice(index, 1);
- isSameOrigin ? callMethod(win, [ storageName, "removeItem" ], [ key ], 2) : warnCrossOrgin("remove", storageName, env);
- },
- key(index) {
- item = getItems()[index];
- return item ? item[STORAGE_KEY] : null;
- },
- clear() {
- getItems().length = 0;
- isSameOrigin ? callMethod(win, [ storageName, "clear" ], EMPTY_ARRAY, 2) : warnCrossOrgin("clear", storageName, env);
- },
- get length() {
- return getItems().length;
- }
- };
- win[storageName] = new Proxy(storage, {
- get: (target, key) => Reflect.has(target, key) ? Reflect.get(target, key) : target.getItem(key),
- set(target, key, value) {
- target.setItem(key, value);
- return true;
- },
- has: (target, key) => !!Reflect.has(target, key) || "string" == typeof key && null !== target.getItem(key),
- deleteProperty(target, key) {
- target.removeItem(key);
- return true;
- }
- });
- };
- const STORAGE_KEY = 0;
- const STORAGE_VALUE = 1;
- const createCSSStyleDeclarationCstr = (win, WorkerBase, cstrName) => {
- win[cstrName] = defineConstructorName(class extends WorkerBase {
- constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath, styles) {
- super(winId, instanceId, applyPath, styles || {});
- return new Proxy(this, {
- get(target, propName) {
- if (target[propName]) {
- return target[propName];
- }
- target[propName] || "string" != typeof propName || target[InstanceDataKey][propName] || (target[InstanceDataKey][propName] = getter(target, [ propName ]));
- return target[InstanceDataKey][propName];
- },
- set(target, propName, propValue) {
- target[InstanceDataKey][propName] = propValue;
- setter(target, [ propName ], propValue);
- logDimensionCacheClearStyle(target, propName);
- cachedDimensions.clear();
- return true;
- }
- });
- }
- setProperty(...args) {
- this[InstanceDataKey][args[0]] = args[1];
- callMethod(this, [ "setProperty" ], args, 2);
- logDimensionCacheClearStyle(this, args[0]);
- cachedDimensions.clear();
- }
- getPropertyValue(propName) {
- return this[propName];
- }
- removeProperty(propName) {
- let value = this[InstanceDataKey][propName];
- callMethod(this, [ "removeProperty" ], [ propName ], 2);
- logDimensionCacheClearStyle(this, propName);
- cachedDimensions.clear();
- this[InstanceDataKey][propName] = void 0;
- return value;
- }
- }, cstrName);
- };
- const createCSSStyleSheetConstructor = (win, cssStyleSheetCstrName) => {
- win[cssStyleSheetCstrName] = defineConstructorName(class {
- constructor(ownerNode) {
- this.ownerNode = ownerNode;
- }
- get cssRules() {
- const ownerNode = this.ownerNode;
- return new Proxy({}, {
- get(target, propKey) {
- const propName = String(propKey);
- return "item" === propName ? index => getCssRule(ownerNode, index) : "length" === propName ? getCssRules(ownerNode).length : isNaN(propName) ? target[propKey] : getCssRule(ownerNode, propName);
- }
- });
- }
- insertRule(ruleText, index) {
- const cssRules = getCssRules(this.ownerNode);
- index = void 0 === index ? 0 : index;
- if (index >= 0 && index <= cssRules.length) {
- callMethod(this.ownerNode, [ "sheet", "insertRule" ], [ ruleText, index ], 2);
- cssRules.splice(index, 0, 0);
+ get href() {}
+ set href(_) {}
+ insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode) {
+ var _a, _b;
+ const winId = (newNode[WinIdKey] = this[WinIdKey]);
+ const instanceId = newNode[InstanceIdKey];
+ const nodeName = newNode[InstanceDataKey];
+ const isScript = "SCRIPT" === nodeName;
+ const isIFrame = "INPUT" === nodeName;
+ if (isScript) {
+ const scriptContent = getInstanceStateValue(newNode, 3);
+ const scriptType = getInstanceStateValue(newNode, 5);
+ if (scriptContent) {
+ if (isScriptJsType(scriptType)) {
+ const scriptId =;
+ const loadOnMainThread =
+ scriptId &&
+ (null ===
+ (_b =
+ null === (_a = config.loadScriptsOnMainThread) ||
+ void 0 === _a
+ ? void 0
+ : _a.includes) || void 0 === _b
+ ? void 0
+ :, scriptId));
+ if (loadOnMainThread) {
+ setter(newNode, ["type"], "text/javascript");
+ } else {
+ const errorMsg = runScriptContent(
+ env,
+ instanceId,
+ scriptContent,
+ winId,
+ ""
+ );
+ const datasetType = errorMsg ? "pterror" : "ptid";
+ const datasetValue = errorMsg || instanceId;
+ setter(newNode, ["type"], "text/partytown-x");
+ setter(newNode, ["dataset", datasetType], datasetValue);
- logDimensionCacheClearMethod(this.ownerNode, "insertRule");
- cachedDimensions.clear();
- return index;
+ }
+ setter(newNode, ["innerHTML"], scriptContent);
- deleteRule(index) {
- callMethod(this.ownerNode, [ "sheet", "deleteRule" ], [ index ], 2);
- getCssRules(this.ownerNode).splice(index, 1);
- logDimensionCacheClearMethod(this.ownerNode, "deleteRule");
- cachedDimensions.clear();
+ }
+ callMethod(this, ["insertBefore"], [newNode, referenceNode], 2);
+ if (isIFrame) {
+ const src = getInstanceStateValue(newNode, 0);
+ if (src && src.startsWith("javascript:")) {
+ const scriptContent = src.split("javascript:")[1];
+ runScriptContent(env, instanceId, scriptContent, winId, "");
- get type() {
- return "text/css";
- }
- }, cssStyleSheetCstrName);
- const HTMLStyleDescriptorMap = {
- sheet: {
- get() {
- return new win[cssStyleSheetCstrName](this);
+ ((winId, iframe) => {
+ let i = 0;
+ let type;
+ let handlers;
+ let callback = () => {
+ if (
+ environments[winId] &&
+ environments[winId].$isInitialized$ &&
+ !environments[winId].$isLoading$
+ ) {
+ type = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, 1) ? "error" : "load";
+ handlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, type);
+ handlers &&
+ =>
+ handler({
+ type: type,
+ })
+ );
+ } else if (i++ > 2e3) {
+ handlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, "error");
+ handlers &&
+ =>
+ handler({
+ type: "error",
+ })
+ );
+ } else {
+ setTimeout(callback, 9);
- }
- };
- definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(win.HTMLStyleElement, HTMLStyleDescriptorMap);
- };
- const getCssRules = (ownerNode, cssRules) => {
- cssRules = getInstanceStateValue(ownerNode, 2);
- if (!cssRules) {
- cssRules = getter(ownerNode, [ "sheet", "cssRules" ]);
- setInstanceStateValue(ownerNode, 2, cssRules);
+ };
+ callback();
+ })(instanceId, newNode);
+ }
+ if (isScript) {
+ sendToMain(true);
+ webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([7, winId]);
+ }
+ return newNode;
- return cssRules;
- };
- const getCssRule = (ownerNode, index, cssRules) => {
- cssRules = getCssRules(ownerNode);
- 0 === cssRules[index] && (cssRules[index] = getter(ownerNode, [ "sheet", "cssRules", parseInt(index, 10) ]));
- return cssRules[index];
- };
- const runScriptContent = (env, instanceId, scriptContent, winId, errorMsg) => {
- try {
- webWorkerCtx.$config$.logScriptExecution && logWorker(`Execute script: ${scriptContent.substring(0, 100).split("\n").map((l => l.trim())).join(" ").trim().substring(0, 60)}...`, winId);
- env.$currentScriptId$ = instanceId;
- run(env, scriptContent);
- } catch (contentError) {
- console.error(scriptContent, contentError);
- errorMsg = String(contentError.stack || contentError);
+ get nodeName() {
+ return "#s" === this[InstanceDataKey]
+ ? "#document-fragment"
+ : this[InstanceDataKey];
- env.$currentScriptId$ = "";
- return errorMsg;
- };
- const run = (env, scriptContent, scriptUrl) => {
- env.$runWindowLoadEvent$ = 1;
- scriptContent = `with(this){${scriptContent.replace(/\bthis\b/g, "(thi$(this)?window:this)").replace(/\/\/# so/g, "//Xso")}\n;function thi$(t){return t===this}};${(webWorkerCtx.$config$.globalFns || []).filter((globalFnName => /[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*/.test(globalFnName))).map((g => `(typeof ${g}=='function'&&(this.${g}=${g}))`)).join(";")};` + (scriptUrl ? "\n//# sourceURL=" + scriptUrl : "");
- env.$isSameOrigin$ || (scriptContent = scriptContent.replace(/.postMessage\(/g, `.postMessage('${env.$winId$}',`));
- new Function(scriptContent).call(env.$window$);
- env.$runWindowLoadEvent$ = 0;
- };
- const runStateLoadHandlers = (instance, type, handlers) => {
- handlers = getInstanceStateValue(instance, type);
- handlers && setTimeout((() => => cb({
- type: type
- })))));
- };
- const resolveToUrl = (env, url, type, baseLocation, resolvedUrl, configResolvedUrl) => {
- baseLocation = env.$location$;
- while (! {
- env = environments[env.$parentWinId$];
- baseLocation = env.$location$;
- if (env.$winId$ === env.$parentWinId$) {
- break;
- }
+ get nodeType() {
+ return 3;
- resolvedUrl = new URL(url || "", baseLocation);
- if (type && webWorkerCtx.$config$.resolveUrl) {
- configResolvedUrl = webWorkerCtx.$config$.resolveUrl(resolvedUrl, baseLocation, type);
- if (configResolvedUrl) {
- return configResolvedUrl;
- }
+ get ownerDocument() {
+ return env.$document$;
- return resolvedUrl;
- };
- const resolveUrl = (env, url, type) => resolveToUrl(env, url, type) + "";
- const getPartytownScript = () => `<script src="${partytownLibUrl("partytown.js?v=0.7.5")}"><\/script>`;
- const createImageConstructor = env => class HTMLImageElement {
- constructor() {
- this.s = "";
- this.l = [];
- this.e = [];
- = {};
- }
- get src() {
- return this.s;
- }
- set src(src) {
- webWorkerCtx.$config$.logImageRequests && logWorker(`Image() request: ${resolveUrl(env, src, "image")}`, env.$winId$);
- this.s = src;
- fetch(resolveUrl(env, src, "image"), {
- mode: "no-cors",
- credentials: "include",
- keepalive: true
- }).then((rsp => {
- rsp.ok || 0 === rsp.status ? => cb({
- type: "load"
- }))) : => cb({
- type: "error"
- })));
- }), (() => this.e.forEach((cb => cb({
- type: "error"
- })))));
- }
- addEventListener(eventName, cb) {
- "load" === eventName && this.l.push(cb);
- "error" === eventName && this.e.push(cb);
- }
- get onload() {
- return this.l[0];
- }
- set onload(cb) {
- this.l = [ cb ];
- }
- get onerror() {
- return this.e[0];
- }
- set onerror(cb) {
- this.e = [ cb ];
- }
- };
- const HTMLSrcElementDescriptorMap = {
- addEventListener: {
- value(...args) {
- const eventName = args[0];
- const callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, eventName) || [];
- callbacks.push(args[1]);
- setInstanceStateValue(this, eventName, callbacks);
- }
+ },
+ "Node"
+ );
+ cachedTreeProps(
+ WorkerNode,
+ commaSplit(
+ "childNodes,firstChild,isConnected,lastChild,nextSibling,parentElement,parentNode,previousSibling"
+ )
+ );
+ win.Node = WorkerNode;
+ };
+ const htmlMedia = commaSplit("AUDIO,CANVAS,VIDEO");
+ const windowMediaConstructors = commaSplit("Audio,MediaSource");
+ const patchDocument = (WorkerDocument, env, isDocumentImplementation) => {
+ const DocumentDescriptorMap = {
+ body: {
+ get: () => env.$body$,
+ },
+ cookie: {
+ get() {
+ if (env.$isSameOrigin$) {
+ return getter(this, ["cookie"]);
+ }
+ warnCrossOrgin("get", "cookie", env);
+ return "";
- async: {
- get: noop,
- set: noop
+ set(value) {
+ if (env.$isSameOrigin$) {
+ setter(this, ["cookie"], value);
+ } else {
+ warnCrossOrgin("set", "cookie", env);
+ }
- defer: {
- get: noop,
- set: noop
+ },
+ createElement: {
+ value(tagName) {
+ tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
+ if (!IS_TAG_REG.test(tagName)) {
+ throw tagName + " not valid";
+ }
+ const isIframe = "DIV" === tagName;
+ const winId = this[WinIdKey];
+ const instanceId = (isIframe ? "f_" : "") + randomId();
+ callMethod(this, ["createElement"], [tagName], 2, instanceId);
+ const elm = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, tagName);
+ if (isIframe) {
+ const env = createEnvironment(
+ {
+ $winId$: instanceId,
+ $parentWinId$: winId,
+ $url$: "about:blank",
+ },
+ true
+ );
+ env.$window$.fetch = fetch;
+ setter(elm, ["srcdoc"], getPartytownScript());
+ } else if ("SCRIPT" === tagName) {
+ const scriptType = getInstanceStateValue(elm, 5);
+ isScriptJsType(scriptType) &&
+ setter(elm, ["type"], "text/partytown");
+ }
+ return elm;
- onload: {
- get() {
- let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "load");
- return callbacks && callbacks[0] || null;
- },
- set(cb) {
- setInstanceStateValue(this, "load", cb ? [ cb ] : null);
- }
+ },
+ createElementNS: {
+ value(namespace, tagName) {
+ const instanceId = randomId();
+ const nsElm = getOrCreateNodeInstance(
+ this[WinIdKey],
+ instanceId,
+ tagName,
+ namespace
+ );
+ callMethod(
+ this,
+ ["createElementNS"],
+ [namespace, tagName],
+ 2,
+ instanceId
+ );
+ return nsElm;
- onerror: {
- get() {
- let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "error");
- return callbacks && callbacks[0] || null;
- },
- set(cb) {
- setInstanceStateValue(this, "error", cb ? [ cb ] : null);
- }
+ },
+ createTextNode: {
+ value(text) {
+ const winId = this[WinIdKey];
+ const instanceId = randomId();
+ const textNode = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, "#text");
+ callMethod(this, ["createTextNode"], [text], 2, instanceId);
+ return textNode;
- getAttribute: {
- value(attrName) {
- return "src" === attrName ? this.src : callMethod(this, [ "getAttribute" ], [ attrName ]);
- }
+ },
+ createEvent: {
+ value: (type) => new Event(type),
+ },
+ currentScript: {
+ get() {
+ return env.$currentScriptId$
+ ? getOrCreateNodeInstance(
+ this[WinIdKey],
+ env.$currentScriptId$,
+ )
+ : null;
- setAttribute: {
- value(attrName, attrValue) {
- scriptAttrPropNames.includes(attrName) ? this[attrName] = attrValue : callMethod(this, [ "setAttribute" ], [ attrName, attrValue ]);
- }
- }
- };
- const scriptAttrPropNames = commaSplit("src,type");
- const patchHTMLScriptElement = (WorkerHTMLScriptElement, env) => {
- const HTMLScriptDescriptorMap = {
- innerHTML: innerHTMLDescriptor,
- innerText: innerHTMLDescriptor,
- src: {
- get() {
- return getInstanceStateValue(this, 4) || "";
- },
- set(url) {
- const orgUrl = resolveUrl(env, url, null);
- const config = webWorkerCtx.$config$;
- url = resolveUrl(env, url, "script");
- setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, url);
- setter(this, [ "src" ], url);
- orgUrl !== url && setter(this, [ "dataset", "ptsrc" ], orgUrl);
- if (this.type && config.loadScriptsOnMainThread) {
- const shouldExecuteScriptViaMainThread = config.loadScriptsOnMainThread.some((scriptUrl => scriptUrl === url));
- shouldExecuteScriptViaMainThread && setter(this, [ "type" ], "text/javascript");
- }
+ },
+ defaultView: {
+ get: () => (isDocumentImplementation ? null : env.$window$),
+ },
+ documentElement: {
+ get: () => env.$documentElement$,
+ },
+ getElementsByTagName: {
+ value(tagName) {
+ tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
+ return "BODY" === tagName
+ ? [env.$body$]
+ : "HEAD" === tagName
+ ? [env.$head$]
+ : callMethod(this, ["getElementsByTagName"], [tagName]);
+ },
+ },
+ head: {
+ get: () => env.$head$,
+ },
+ images: {
+ get() {
+ return getter(this, ["images"]);
+ },
+ },
+ implementation: {
+ get() {
+ return {
+ hasFeature: () => true,
+ createHTMLDocument: (title) => {
+ const $winId$ = randomId();
+ callMethod(
+ this,
+ ["implementation", "createHTMLDocument"],
+ [title],
+ 1,
+ {
+ $winId$: $winId$,
- },
- textContent: innerHTMLDescriptor,
- type: {
- get() {
- return getter(this, [ "type" ]);
+ );
+ const docEnv = createEnvironment(
+ {
+ $winId$: $winId$,
+ $parentWinId$: $winId$,
+ $url$: env.$location$ + "",
+ $visibilityState$: "hidden",
- set(type) {
- if (!isScriptJsType(type)) {
- setInstanceStateValue(this, 5, type);
- setter(this, [ "type" ], type);
- }
- }
+ true,
+ true
+ );
+ return docEnv.$document$;
- ...HTMLSrcElementDescriptorMap
- };
- definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WorkerHTMLScriptElement, HTMLScriptDescriptorMap);
+ };
+ },
+ },
+ location: {
+ get: () => env.$location$,
+ set(url) {
+ env.$location$.href = url + "";
+ },
+ },
+ nodeType: {
+ value: 9,
+ },
+ parentNode: {
+ value: null,
+ },
+ parentElement: {
+ value: null,
+ },
+ readyState: {
+ value: "complete",
+ },
+ visibilityState: {
+ get: () => env.$visibilityState$ || "visible",
+ },
- const innerHTMLDescriptor = {
+ definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WorkerDocument, DocumentDescriptorMap);
+ cachedProps(WorkerDocument, "compatMode,referrer,forms");
+ };
+ const patchDocumentElementChild = (WokerDocumentElementChild, env) => {
+ const DocumentElementChildDescriptorMap = {
+ parentElement: {
get() {
- const type = getter(this, [ "type" ]);
- return isScriptJsType(type) ? getInstanceStateValue(this, 3) || "" : getter(this, [ "innerHTML" ]);
+ return this.parentNode;
- set(scriptContent) {
- setInstanceStateValue(this, 3, scriptContent);
- }
+ },
+ parentNode: {
+ get: () => env.$documentElement$,
+ },
- const isScriptJsType = scriptType => !scriptType || "text/javascript" === scriptType;
- const createNodeCstr = (win, env, WorkerBase) => {
- const config = webWorkerCtx.$config$;
- const WorkerNode = defineConstructorName(class extends WorkerBase {
- appendChild(node) {
- return this.insertBefore(node, null);
- }
- get href() {}
- set href(_) {}
- insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode) {
- var _a, _b;
- const winId = newNode[WinIdKey] = this[WinIdKey];
- const instanceId = newNode[InstanceIdKey];
- const nodeName = newNode[InstanceDataKey];
- const isScript = "SCRIPT" === nodeName;
- const isIFrame = "IFRAME" === nodeName;
- if (isScript) {
- const scriptContent = getInstanceStateValue(newNode, 3);
- const scriptType = getInstanceStateValue(newNode, 5);
- if (scriptContent) {
- if (isScriptJsType(scriptType)) {
- const scriptId =;
- const loadOnMainThread = scriptId && (null === (_b = null === (_a = config.loadScriptsOnMainThread) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.includes) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 :, scriptId));
- if (loadOnMainThread) {
- setter(newNode, [ "type" ], "text/javascript");
- } else {
- const errorMsg = runScriptContent(env, instanceId, scriptContent, winId, "");
- const datasetType = errorMsg ? "pterror" : "ptid";
- const datasetValue = errorMsg || instanceId;
- setter(newNode, [ "type" ], "text/partytown-x");
- setter(newNode, [ "dataset", datasetType ], datasetValue);
- }
- }
- setter(newNode, [ "innerHTML" ], scriptContent);
- }
- }
- callMethod(this, [ "insertBefore" ], [ newNode, referenceNode ], 2);
- if (isIFrame) {
- const src = getInstanceStateValue(newNode, 0);
- if (src && src.startsWith("javascript:")) {
- const scriptContent = src.split("javascript:")[1];
- runScriptContent(env, instanceId, scriptContent, winId, "");
- }
- ((winId, iframe) => {
- let i = 0;
- let type;
- let handlers;
- let callback = () => {
- if (environments[winId] && environments[winId].$isInitialized$ && !environments[winId].$isLoading$) {
- type = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, 1) ? "error" : "load";
- handlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, type);
- handlers && => handler({
- type: type
- })));
- } else if (i++ > 2e3) {
- handlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, "error");
- handlers && => handler({
- type: "error"
- })));
- } else {
- setTimeout(callback, 9);
- }
- };
- callback();
- })(instanceId, newNode);
- }
- if (isScript) {
- sendToMain(true);
- webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 7, winId ]);
- }
- return newNode;
- }
- get nodeName() {
- return "#s" === this[InstanceDataKey] ? "#document-fragment" : this[InstanceDataKey];
- }
- get nodeType() {
- return 3;
- }
- get ownerDocument() {
- return env.$document$;
- }
- }, "Node");
- cachedTreeProps(WorkerNode, commaSplit("childNodes,firstChild,isConnected,lastChild,nextSibling,parentElement,parentNode,previousSibling"));
- win.Node = WorkerNode;
+ definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(
+ WokerDocumentElementChild,
+ DocumentElementChildDescriptorMap
+ );
+ };
+ const patchElement = (WorkerElement, WorkerHTMLElement) => {
+ const ElementDescriptorMap = {
+ localName: {
+ get() {
+ return this[InstanceDataKey].toLowerCase();
+ },
+ },
+ namespaceURI: {
+ get() {
+ return this[NamespaceKey] || "";
+ },
+ },
+ nodeType: {
+ value: 1,
+ },
+ tagName: {
+ get() {
+ return this[InstanceDataKey];
+ },
+ },
- const htmlMedia = commaSplit("AUDIO,CANVAS,VIDEO");
- const windowMediaConstructors = commaSplit("Audio,MediaSource");
- const patchDocument = (WorkerDocument, env, isDocumentImplementation) => {
- const DocumentDescriptorMap = {
- body: {
- get: () => env.$body$
- },
- cookie: {
- get() {
- if (env.$isSameOrigin$) {
- return getter(this, [ "cookie" ]);
- }
- warnCrossOrgin("get", "cookie", env);
- return "";
- },
- set(value) {
- if (env.$isSameOrigin$) {
- setter(this, [ "cookie" ], value);
- } else {
- warnCrossOrgin("set", "cookie", env);
- }
+ definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WorkerElement, ElementDescriptorMap);
+ cachedTreeProps(WorkerElement, elementStructurePropNames);
+ cachedProps(WorkerElement, "id");
+ cachedDimensionProps(WorkerHTMLElement);
+ cachedDimensionMethods(
+ WorkerHTMLElement,
+ commaSplit("getClientRects,getBoundingClientRect")
+ );
+ };
+ const patchHTMLAnchorElement = (WorkerHTMLAnchorElement, env) => {
+ const HTMLAnchorDescriptorMap = {};
+ commaSplit(
+ "hash,host,hostname,href,origin,pathname,port,protocol,search"
+ ).map((anchorProp) => {
+ HTMLAnchorDescriptorMap[anchorProp] = {
+ get() {
+ let value = getInstanceStateValue(this, 4);
+ let href;
+ if ("string" != typeof value) {
+ href = getter(this, ["href"]);
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, href);
+ value = new URL(href)[anchorProp];
+ }
+ return resolveToUrl(env, value, null)[anchorProp];
+ },
+ set(value) {
+ let url;
+ if ("href" === anchorProp) {
+ if (
+ ((url) => {
+ try {
+ new URL(url);
+ return true;
+ } catch (_) {
+ return false;
- },
- createElement: {
- value(tagName) {
- tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
- if (!IS_TAG_REG.test(tagName)) {
- throw tagName + " not valid";
- }
- const isIframe = "IFRAME" === tagName;
- const winId = this[WinIdKey];
- const instanceId = (isIframe ? "f_" : "") + randomId();
- callMethod(this, [ "createElement" ], [ tagName ], 2, instanceId);
- const elm = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, tagName);
- if (isIframe) {
- const env = createEnvironment({
- $winId$: instanceId,
- $parentWinId$: winId,
- $url$: "about:blank"
- }, true);
- env.$window$.fetch = fetch;
- setter(elm, [ "srcdoc" ], getPartytownScript());
- } else if ("SCRIPT" === tagName) {
- const scriptType = getInstanceStateValue(elm, 5);
- isScriptJsType(scriptType) && setter(elm, [ "type" ], "text/partytown");
- }
- return elm;
- }
- },
- createElementNS: {
- value(namespace, tagName) {
- const instanceId = randomId();
- const nsElm = getOrCreateNodeInstance(this[WinIdKey], instanceId, tagName, namespace);
- callMethod(this, [ "createElementNS" ], [ namespace, tagName ], 2, instanceId);
- return nsElm;
- }
- },
- createTextNode: {
- value(text) {
- const winId = this[WinIdKey];
- const instanceId = randomId();
- const textNode = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, "#text");
- callMethod(this, [ "createTextNode" ], [ text ], 2, instanceId);
- return textNode;
- }
- },
- createEvent: {
- value: type => new Event(type)
- },
- currentScript: {
- get() {
- return env.$currentScriptId$ ? getOrCreateNodeInstance(this[WinIdKey], env.$currentScriptId$, "SCRIPT") : null;
- }
- },
- defaultView: {
- get: () => isDocumentImplementation ? null : env.$window$
- },
- documentElement: {
- get: () => env.$documentElement$
- },
- getElementsByTagName: {
- value(tagName) {
- tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
- return "BODY" === tagName ? [ env.$body$ ] : "HEAD" === tagName ? [ env.$head$ ] : callMethod(this, [ "getElementsByTagName" ], [ tagName ]);
- }
- },
- head: {
- get: () => env.$head$
- },
- images: {
- get() {
- return getter(this, [ "images" ]);
- }
- },
- implementation: {
- get() {
- return {
- hasFeature: () => true,
- createHTMLDocument: title => {
- const $winId$ = randomId();
- callMethod(this, [ "implementation", "createHTMLDocument" ], [ title ], 1, {
- $winId$: $winId$
- });
- const docEnv = createEnvironment({
- $winId$: $winId$,
- $parentWinId$: $winId$,
- $url$: env.$location$ + "",
- $visibilityState$: "hidden"
- }, true, true);
- return docEnv.$document$;
+ })(value)
+ ) {
+ url = new URL(value);
+ } else {
+ const baseHref = env.$location$.href;
+ url = resolveToUrl(env, baseHref, null);
+ url.href = new URL(value + "", url.href);
+ }
+ } else {
+ url = resolveToUrl(env, this.href, null);
+ url[anchorProp] = value;
+ }
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, url.href);
+ setter(this, ["href"], url.href);
+ },
+ };
+ });
+ definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(
+ WorkerHTMLAnchorElement,
+ HTMLAnchorDescriptorMap
+ );
+ };
+ const patchHTMLIFrameElement = (WorkerHTMLIFrameElement, env) => {
+ const HTMLIFrameDescriptorMap = {
+ contentDocument: {
+ get() {
+ return getIframeEnv(this).$document$;
+ },
+ },
+ contentWindow: {
+ get() {
+ return getIframeEnv(this).$window$;
+ },
+ },
+ src: {
+ get() {
+ let src = getInstanceStateValue(this, 0);
+ if (src && src.startsWith("javascript:")) {
+ return src;
+ }
+ src = getIframeEnv(this).$location$.href;
+ return src.startsWith("about:") ? "" : src;
+ },
+ set(src) {
+ if (src) {
+ if (src.startsWith("javascript:")) {
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, 0, src);
+ } else if (!src.startsWith("about:")) {
+ let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ let xhrStatus;
+ let env = getIframeEnv(this);
+ env.$location$.href = src = resolveUrl(env, src, "div");
+ env.$isLoading$ = 1;
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, void 0);
+"GET", src, false);
+ xhr.send();
+ xhrStatus = xhr.status;
+ if (xhrStatus > 199 && xhrStatus < 300) {
+ setter(
+ this,
+ ["srcdoc"],
+ `<base href="${src}">` +
+ (function (text) {
+ return text.replace(SCRIPT_TAG_REGEXP, (_, attrs) => {
+ const parts = [];
+ let hasType = false;
+ let match;
+ while ((match = ATTR_REGEXP.exec(attrs))) {
+ let [keyValue] = match;
+ if (keyValue.startsWith("type=")) {
+ hasType = true;
+ keyValue = keyValue.replace(
+ /(application|text)\/javascript/,
+ );
+ }
+ parts.push(keyValue);
- };
- }
- },
- location: {
- get: () => env.$location$,
- set(url) {
- env.$location$.href = url + "";
- }
- },
- nodeType: {
- value: 9
- },
- parentNode: {
- value: null
- },
- parentElement: {
- value: null
- },
- readyState: {
- value: "complete"
- },
- visibilityState: {
- get: () => env.$visibilityState$ || "visible"
+ hasType || parts.push('type="text/partytown"');
+ return `<script ${parts.join(" ")}>`;
+ });
+ })(xhr.responseText) +
+ getPartytownScript()
+ );
+ sendToMain(true);
+ webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([7, env.$winId$]);
+ } else {
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, xhrStatus);
+ env.$isLoading$ = 0;
+ }
- };
- definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WorkerDocument, DocumentDescriptorMap);
- cachedProps(WorkerDocument, "compatMode,referrer,forms");
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ ...HTMLSrcElementDescriptorMap,
- const patchDocumentElementChild = (WokerDocumentElementChild, env) => {
- const DocumentElementChildDescriptorMap = {
- parentElement: {
- get() {
- return this.parentNode;
- }
- },
- parentNode: {
- get: () => env.$documentElement$
- }
- };
- definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WokerDocumentElementChild, DocumentElementChildDescriptorMap);
+ definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(
+ WorkerHTMLIFrameElement,
+ HTMLIFrameDescriptorMap
+ );
+ };
+ "((?:\\w|-)+(?:=(?:(?:\\w|-)+|'[^']*'|\"[^\"]*\")?)?)";
+ const SCRIPT_TAG_REGEXP = new RegExp(
+ `<script\\s*((${ATTR_REGEXP_STR}\\s*)*)>`,
+ "mg"
+ );
+ const ATTR_REGEXP = new RegExp(ATTR_REGEXP_STR, "mg");
+ const getIframeEnv = (iframe) => {
+ const $winId$ = iframe[InstanceIdKey];
+ environments[$winId$] ||
+ createEnvironment(
+ {
+ $winId$: $winId$,
+ $parentWinId$: iframe[WinIdKey],
+ $url$: getter(iframe, ["src"]) || "about:blank",
+ },
+ true
+ );
+ return environments[$winId$];
+ };
+ const patchSvgElement = (WorkerSVGGraphicsElement) => {
+ const getMatrix = (elm, methodName) => {
+ const {
+ a: a,
+ b: b,
+ c: c,
+ d: d,
+ e: e,
+ f: f,
+ } = callMethod(elm, [methodName], EMPTY_ARRAY);
+ return new DOMMatrixReadOnly([a, b, c, d, e, f]);
- const patchElement = (WorkerElement, WorkerHTMLElement) => {
- const ElementDescriptorMap = {
- localName: {
- get() {
- return this[InstanceDataKey].toLowerCase();
- }
- },
- namespaceURI: {
- get() {
- return this[NamespaceKey] || "";
- }
- },
- nodeType: {
- value: 1
- },
- tagName: {
- get() {
- return this[InstanceDataKey];
- }
- }
- };
- definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WorkerElement, ElementDescriptorMap);
- cachedTreeProps(WorkerElement, elementStructurePropNames);
- cachedProps(WorkerElement, "id");
- cachedDimensionProps(WorkerHTMLElement);
- cachedDimensionMethods(WorkerHTMLElement, commaSplit("getClientRects,getBoundingClientRect"));
+ const SVGGraphicsElementDescriptorMap = {
+ ...WorkerSVGGraphicsElement,
+ getCTM: {
+ value: function () {
+ return getMatrix(this, "getCTM");
+ },
+ },
+ getScreenCTM: {
+ value: function () {
+ return getMatrix(this, "getScreenCTM");
+ },
+ },
- const patchHTMLAnchorElement = (WorkerHTMLAnchorElement, env) => {
- const HTMLAnchorDescriptorMap = {};
- commaSplit("hash,host,hostname,href,origin,pathname,port,protocol,search").map((anchorProp => {
- HTMLAnchorDescriptorMap[anchorProp] = {
- get() {
- let value = getInstanceStateValue(this, 4);
- let href;
- if ("string" != typeof value) {
- href = getter(this, [ "href" ]);
- setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, href);
- value = new URL(href)[anchorProp];
- }
- return resolveToUrl(env, value, null)[anchorProp];
- },
- set(value) {
- let url;
- if ("href" === anchorProp) {
- if ((url => {
- try {
- new URL(url);
- return true;
- } catch (_) {
- return false;
- }
- })(value)) {
- url = new URL(value);
- } else {
- const baseHref = env.$location$.href;
- url = resolveToUrl(env, baseHref, null);
- url.href = new URL(value + "", url.href);
- }
- } else {
- url = resolveToUrl(env, this.href, null);
- url[anchorProp] = value;
- }
- setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, url.href);
- setter(this, [ "href" ], url.href);
- }
- };
- }));
- definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WorkerHTMLAnchorElement, HTMLAnchorDescriptorMap);
- };
- const patchHTMLIFrameElement = (WorkerHTMLIFrameElement, env) => {
- const HTMLIFrameDescriptorMap = {
- contentDocument: {
- get() {
- return getIframeEnv(this).$document$;
- }
+ definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(
+ WorkerSVGGraphicsElement,
+ SVGGraphicsElementDescriptorMap
+ );
+ };
+ const createNamedNodeMapCstr = (win, WorkerBase) => {
+ win.NamedNodeMap = defineConstructorName(
+ class NamedNodeMap extends WorkerBase {
+ constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath) {
+ super(winId, instanceId, applyPath);
+ return new Proxy(this, {
+ get(target, propName) {
+ const handler = NAMED_NODE_MAP_HANDLERS[propName];
+ return handler
+ ? handler.bind(target, [propName])
+ : getter(target, [propName]);
- contentWindow: {
- get() {
- return getIframeEnv(this).$window$;
- }
+ set(target, propName, propValue) {
+ const handler = NAMED_NODE_MAP_HANDLERS[propName];
+ if (handler) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "Can't set read-only property: " + String(propName)
+ );
+ }
+ setter(target, [propName], propValue);
+ return true;
- src: {
- get() {
- let src = getInstanceStateValue(this, 0);
- if (src && src.startsWith("javascript:")) {
- return src;
- }
- src = getIframeEnv(this).$location$.href;
- return src.startsWith("about:") ? "" : src;
- },
- set(src) {
- if (src) {
- if (src.startsWith("javascript:")) {
- setInstanceStateValue(this, 0, src);
- } else if (!src.startsWith("about:")) {
- let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
- let xhrStatus;
- let env = getIframeEnv(this);
- env.$location$.href = src = resolveUrl(env, src, "iframe");
- env.$isLoading$ = 1;
- setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, void 0);
-"GET", src, false);
- xhr.send();
- xhrStatus = xhr.status;
- if (xhrStatus > 199 && xhrStatus < 300) {
- setter(this, [ "srcdoc" ], `<base href="${src}">` + function(text) {
- return text.replace(SCRIPT_TAG_REGEXP, ((_, attrs) => {
- const parts = [];
- let hasType = false;
- let match;
- while (match = ATTR_REGEXP.exec(attrs)) {
- let [keyValue] = match;
- if (keyValue.startsWith("type=")) {
- hasType = true;
- keyValue = keyValue.replace(/(application|text)\/javascript/, SCRIPT_TYPE);
- }
- parts.push(keyValue);
- }
- hasType || parts.push('type="text/partytown"');
- return `<script ${parts.join(" ")}>`;
- }));
- }(xhr.responseText) + getPartytownScript());
- sendToMain(true);
- webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 7, env.$winId$ ]);
- } else {
- setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, xhrStatus);
- env.$isLoading$ = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- ...HTMLSrcElementDescriptorMap
- };
- definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WorkerHTMLIFrameElement, HTMLIFrameDescriptorMap);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ "NamedNodeMap"
+ );
+ };
+ function method(applyPath, ...args) {
+ return callMethod(this, applyPath, args, 1);
+ }
+ getNamedItem: method,
+ getNamedItemNS: method,
+ item: method,
+ removeNamedItem: method,
+ removeNamedItemNS: method,
+ setNamedItem: method,
+ setNamedItemNS: method,
+ };
+ const createWindow = (
+ $winId$,
+ $parentWinId$,
+ url,
+ $visibilityState$,
+ isIframeWindow,
+ isDocumentImplementation
+ ) => {
+ let cstrInstanceId;
+ let cstrNodeName;
+ let cstrNamespace;
+ const WorkerBase = class {
+ constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath, instanceData, namespace) {
+ this[WinIdKey] = winId || $winId$;
+ this[InstanceIdKey] = instanceId || cstrInstanceId || randomId();
+ this[ApplyPathKey] = applyPath || [];
+ this[InstanceDataKey] = instanceData || cstrNodeName;
+ this[NamespaceKey] = namespace || cstrNamespace;
+ this[InstanceStateKey] = {};
+ cstrInstanceId = cstrNodeName = cstrNamespace = void 0;
+ }
- const ATTR_REGEXP_STR = "((?:\\w|-)+(?:=(?:(?:\\w|-)+|'[^']*'|\"[^\"]*\")?)?)";
- const SCRIPT_TAG_REGEXP = new RegExp(`<script\\s*((${ATTR_REGEXP_STR}\\s*)*)>`, "mg");
- const ATTR_REGEXP = new RegExp(ATTR_REGEXP_STR, "mg");
- const getIframeEnv = iframe => {
- const $winId$ = iframe[InstanceIdKey];
- environments[$winId$] || createEnvironment({
- $winId$: $winId$,
- $parentWinId$: iframe[WinIdKey],
- $url$: getter(iframe, [ "src" ]) || "about:blank"
- }, true);
- return environments[$winId$];
+ const WorkerLocation = defineConstructorName(
+ class extends URL {
+ assign() {
+ logWorker("location.assign(), noop");
+ }
+ reload() {
+ logWorker("location.reload(), noop");
+ }
+ replace() {
+ logWorker("location.replace(), noop");
+ }
+ },
+ "Location"
+ );
+ const $location$ = new WorkerLocation(url);
+ const $isSameOrigin$ =
+ $location$.origin === webWorkerCtx.$origin$ ||
+ "about:blank" === $location$.origin;
+ const $isTopWindow$ = $parentWinId$ === $winId$;
+ const env = {};
+ const getChildEnvs = () => {
+ let childEnv = [];
+ let envWinId;
+ let otherEnv;
+ for (envWinId in environments) {
+ otherEnv = environments[envWinId];
+ otherEnv.$parentWinId$ !== $winId$ ||
+ otherEnv.$isTopWindow$ ||
+ childEnv.push(otherEnv);
+ }
+ return childEnv;
- const patchSvgElement = WorkerSVGGraphicsElement => {
- const getMatrix = (elm, methodName) => {
- const {a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f} = callMethod(elm, [ methodName ], EMPTY_ARRAY);
- return new DOMMatrixReadOnly([ a, b, c, d, e, f ]);
- };
- const SVGGraphicsElementDescriptorMap = {
- ...WorkerSVGGraphicsElement,
- getCTM: {
- value: function() {
- return getMatrix(this, "getCTM");
+ const WorkerWindow = defineConstructorName(
+ class extends WorkerBase {
+ constructor() {
+ super($winId$, $winId$);
+ let win = this;
+ let value;
+ let historyState;
+ let hasInitializedMedia = 0;
+ let initWindowMedia = () => {
+ if (!hasInitializedMedia) {
+ (() => {
+ if (!webWorkerCtx.$initWindowMedia$) {
+ self.$bridgeToMedia$ = [
+ getter,
+ setter,
+ callMethod,
+ constructGlobal,
+ definePrototypePropertyDescriptor,
+ randomId,
+ WinIdKey,
+ InstanceIdKey,
+ ApplyPathKey,
+ ];
+ webWorkerCtx.$importScripts$(
+ partytownLibUrl("partytown-media.js?v=0.7.5")
+ );
+ webWorkerCtx.$initWindowMedia$ = self.$bridgeFromMedia$;
+ delete self.$bridgeFromMedia$;
- },
- getScreenCTM: {
- value: function() {
- return getMatrix(this, "getScreenCTM");
- }
+ return webWorkerCtx.$initWindowMedia$;
+ })()(
+ WorkerBase,
+ WorkerEventTargetProxy,
+ env,
+ win,
+ windowMediaConstructors
+ );
+ hasInitializedMedia = 1;
- };
- definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WorkerSVGGraphicsElement, SVGGraphicsElementDescriptorMap);
- };
- const createNamedNodeMapCstr = (win, WorkerBase) => {
- win.NamedNodeMap = defineConstructorName(class NamedNodeMap extends WorkerBase {
- constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath) {
- super(winId, instanceId, applyPath);
- return new Proxy(this, {
- get(target, propName) {
- const handler = NAMED_NODE_MAP_HANDLERS[propName];
- return handler ? handler.bind(target, [ propName ]) : getter(target, [ propName ]);
- },
- set(target, propName, propValue) {
- const handler = NAMED_NODE_MAP_HANDLERS[propName];
- if (handler) {
- throw new Error("Can't set read-only property: " + String(propName));
- }
- setter(target, [ propName ], propValue);
- return true;
+ };
+ let nodeCstrs = {};
+ let $createNode$ = (nodeName, instanceId, namespace) => {
+ htmlMedia.includes(nodeName) && initWindowMedia();
+ const NodeCstr = nodeCstrs[nodeName]
+ ? nodeCstrs[nodeName]
+ : nodeName.includes("-")
+ ? nodeCstrs.UNKNOWN
+ : nodeCstrs.I;
+ cstrInstanceId = instanceId;
+ cstrNodeName = nodeName;
+ cstrNamespace = namespace;
+ return new NodeCstr();
+ };
+ win.Window = WorkerWindow;
+ = name + `${normalizedWinId($winId$)} (${$winId$})`;
+ createNodeCstr(win, env, WorkerBase);
+ ((win) => {
+ win.NodeList = defineConstructorName(NodeList, "NodeList");
+ })(win);
+ createNamedNodeMapCstr(win, WorkerBase);
+ createCSSStyleDeclarationCstr(win, WorkerBase, "CSSStyleDeclaration");
+ ((win, WorkerBase, cstrName) => {
+ win[cstrName] = defineConstructorName(
+ class extends WorkerBase {
+ now() {
+ return;
+ }
+ },
+ cstrName
+ );
+ })(win, WorkerBase, "Performance");
+ ((win, nodeCstrs) => {
+ const registry = new Map();
+ win.customElements = {
+ define(tagName, Cstr, opts) {
+ registry.set(tagName, Cstr);
+ nodeCstrs[tagName.toUpperCase()] = Cstr;
+ const ceData = [, Cstr.observedAttributes];
+ callMethod(
+ win,
+ ["customElements", "define"],
+ [tagName, ceData, opts]
+ );
+ },
+ get: (tagName) =>
+ registry.get(tagName) ||
+ callMethod(win, ["customElements", "get"], [tagName]),
+ whenDefined: (tagName) =>
+ registry.has(tagName)
+ ? Promise.resolve()
+ : callMethod(
+ win,
+ ["customElements", "whenDefined"],
+ [tagName]
+ ),
+ upgrade: (elm) =>
+ callMethod(win, ["customElements", "upgrade"], [elm]),
+ };
+ })(win, nodeCstrs);
+ webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$.map(
+ ([cstrName, superCstrName, members, interfaceType, nodeName]) => {
+ const SuperCstr = TrapConstructors[cstrName]
+ ? WorkerTrapProxy
+ : "EventTarget" === superCstrName
+ ? WorkerEventTargetProxy
+ : "Object" === superCstrName
+ ? WorkerBase
+ : win[superCstrName];
+ const Cstr = (win[cstrName] = defineConstructorName(
+ 12 === interfaceType
+ ? class extends WorkerBase {
+ constructor(...args) {
+ super();
+ constructGlobal(this, cstrName, args);
+ }
- });
- }
- }, "NamedNodeMap");
- };
- function method(applyPath, ...args) {
- return callMethod(this, applyPath, args, 1);
- }
- getNamedItem: method,
- getNamedItemNS: method,
- item: method,
- removeNamedItem: method,
- removeNamedItemNS: method,
- setNamedItem: method,
- setNamedItemNS: method
- };
- const createWindow = ($winId$, $parentWinId$, url, $visibilityState$, isIframeWindow, isDocumentImplementation) => {
- let cstrInstanceId;
- let cstrNodeName;
- let cstrNamespace;
- const WorkerBase = class {
- constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath, instanceData, namespace) {
- this[WinIdKey] = winId || $winId$;
- this[InstanceIdKey] = instanceId || cstrInstanceId || randomId();
- this[ApplyPathKey] = applyPath || [];
- this[InstanceDataKey] = instanceData || cstrNodeName;
- this[NamespaceKey] = namespace || cstrNamespace;
- this[InstanceStateKey] = {};
- cstrInstanceId = cstrNodeName = cstrNamespace = void 0;
- }
- };
- const WorkerLocation = defineConstructorName(class extends URL {
- assign() {
- logWorker("location.assign(), noop");
- }
- reload() {
- logWorker("location.reload(), noop");
- }
- replace() {
- logWorker("location.replace(), noop");
- }
- }, "Location");
- const $location$ = new WorkerLocation(url);
- const $isSameOrigin$ = $location$.origin === webWorkerCtx.$origin$ || "about:blank" === $location$.origin;
- const $isTopWindow$ = $parentWinId$ === $winId$;
- const env = {};
- const getChildEnvs = () => {
- let childEnv = [];
- let envWinId;
- let otherEnv;
- for (envWinId in environments) {
- otherEnv = environments[envWinId];
- otherEnv.$parentWinId$ !== $winId$ || otherEnv.$isTopWindow$ || childEnv.push(otherEnv);
- }
- return childEnv;
- };
- const WorkerWindow = defineConstructorName(class extends WorkerBase {
- constructor() {
- super($winId$, $winId$);
- let win = this;
- let value;
- let historyState;
- let hasInitializedMedia = 0;
- let initWindowMedia = () => {
- if (!hasInitializedMedia) {
- (() => {
- if (!webWorkerCtx.$initWindowMedia$) {
- self.$bridgeToMedia$ = [ getter, setter, callMethod, constructGlobal, definePrototypePropertyDescriptor, randomId, WinIdKey, InstanceIdKey, ApplyPathKey ];
- webWorkerCtx.$importScripts$(partytownLibUrl("partytown-media.js?v=0.7.5"));
- webWorkerCtx.$initWindowMedia$ = self.$bridgeFromMedia$;
- delete self.$bridgeFromMedia$;
- }
- return webWorkerCtx.$initWindowMedia$;
- })()(WorkerBase, WorkerEventTargetProxy, env, win, windowMediaConstructors);
- hasInitializedMedia = 1;
- }
- };
- let nodeCstrs = {};
- let $createNode$ = (nodeName, instanceId, namespace) => {
- htmlMedia.includes(nodeName) && initWindowMedia();
- const NodeCstr = nodeCstrs[nodeName] ? nodeCstrs[nodeName] : nodeName.includes("-") ? nodeCstrs.UNKNOWN : nodeCstrs.I;
- cstrInstanceId = instanceId;
- cstrNodeName = nodeName;
- cstrNamespace = namespace;
- return new NodeCstr;
- };
- win.Window = WorkerWindow;
- = name + `${normalizedWinId($winId$)} (${$winId$})`;
- createNodeCstr(win, env, WorkerBase);
- (win => {
- win.NodeList = defineConstructorName(NodeList, "NodeList");
- })(win);
- createNamedNodeMapCstr(win, WorkerBase);
- createCSSStyleDeclarationCstr(win, WorkerBase, "CSSStyleDeclaration");
- ((win, WorkerBase, cstrName) => {
- win[cstrName] = defineConstructorName(class extends WorkerBase {
- now() {
- return;
- }
- }, cstrName);
- })(win, WorkerBase, "Performance");
- ((win, nodeCstrs) => {
- const registry = new Map;
- win.customElements = {
- define(tagName, Cstr, opts) {
- registry.set(tagName, Cstr);
- nodeCstrs[tagName.toUpperCase()] = Cstr;
- const ceData = [, Cstr.observedAttributes ];
- callMethod(win, [ "customElements", "define" ], [ tagName, ceData, opts ]);
+ : win[cstrName] || class extends SuperCstr {},
+ cstrName
+ ));
+ nodeName && (nodeCstrs[nodeName] = Cstr);
+[memberName, memberType, staticValue]) => {
+ memberName in Cstr.prototype ||
+ memberName in SuperCstr.prototype ||
+ ("string" == typeof memberType
+ ? definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
+ get() {
+ if (!hasInstanceStateValue(this, memberName)) {
+ const instanceId = this[InstanceIdKey];
+ const applyPath = [
+ ...this[ApplyPathKey],
+ memberName,
+ ];
+ const PropCstr = win[memberType];
+ PropCstr &&
+ setInstanceStateValue(
+ this,
+ memberName,
+ new PropCstr($winId$, instanceId, applyPath)
+ );
+ }
+ return getInstanceStateValue(this, memberName);
- get: tagName => registry.get(tagName) || callMethod(win, [ "customElements", "get" ], [ tagName ]),
- whenDefined: tagName => registry.has(tagName) ? Promise.resolve() : callMethod(win, [ "customElements", "whenDefined" ], [ tagName ]),
- upgrade: elm => callMethod(win, [ "customElements", "upgrade" ], [ elm ])
- };
- })(win, nodeCstrs);
- webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$.map((([cstrName, superCstrName, members, interfaceType, nodeName]) => {
- const SuperCstr = TrapConstructors[cstrName] ? WorkerTrapProxy : "EventTarget" === superCstrName ? WorkerEventTargetProxy : "Object" === superCstrName ? WorkerBase : win[superCstrName];
- const Cstr = win[cstrName] = defineConstructorName(12 === interfaceType ? class extends WorkerBase {
- constructor(...args) {
- super();
- constructGlobal(this, cstrName, args);
+ set(value) {
+ setInstanceStateValue(this, memberName, value);
+ },
+ })
+ : 5 === memberType
+ ? definePrototypeValue(
+ Cstr,
+ memberName,
+ function (...args) {
+ return callMethod(this, [memberName], args);
- } : win[cstrName] || class extends SuperCstr {}, cstrName);
- nodeName && (nodeCstrs[nodeName] = Cstr);
-[memberName, memberType, staticValue]) => {
- memberName in Cstr.prototype || memberName in SuperCstr.prototype || ("string" == typeof memberType ? definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
+ )
+ : memberType > 0 &&
+ (void 0 !== staticValue
+ ? definePrototypeValue(Cstr, memberName, staticValue)
+ : definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
get() {
- if (!hasInstanceStateValue(this, memberName)) {
- const instanceId = this[InstanceIdKey];
- const applyPath = [ ...this[ApplyPathKey], memberName ];
- const PropCstr = win[memberType];
- PropCstr && setInstanceStateValue(this, memberName, new PropCstr($winId$, instanceId, applyPath));
- }
- return getInstanceStateValue(this, memberName);
+ return getter(this, [memberName]);
set(value) {
- setInstanceStateValue(this, memberName, value);
- }
- }) : 5 === memberType ? definePrototypeValue(Cstr, memberName, (function(...args) {
- return callMethod(this, [ memberName ], args);
- })) : memberType > 0 && (void 0 !== staticValue ? definePrototypeValue(Cstr, memberName, staticValue) : definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
- get() {
- return getter(this, [ memberName ]);
+ return setter(this, [memberName], value);
- set(value) {
- return setter(this, [ memberName ], value);
- }
- })));
- }));
- }));
- commaSplit("atob,btoa,crypto,indexedDB,setTimeout,setInterval,clearTimeout,clearInterval").map((globalName => {
- delete WorkerWindow.prototype[globalName];
- if (!(globalName in win)) {
- value = self[globalName];
- null != value && (win[globalName] = "function" != typeof value || value.toString().startsWith("class") ? value : value.bind(self));
- }
- }));
- Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self).map((globalName => {
- globalName in win || (win[globalName] = self[globalName]);
- }));
- => defineProperty(win, cstrName, {
- get() {
- initWindowMedia();
- return win[cstrName];
- }
- })));
- "trustedTypes" in self && (win.trustedTypes = self.trustedTypes);
- patchElement(win.Element, win.HTMLElement);
- patchDocument(win.Document, env, isDocumentImplementation);
- (WorkerDocumentFragment => {
- definePrototypeNodeType(WorkerDocumentFragment, 11);
- cachedTreeProps(WorkerDocumentFragment, elementStructurePropNames);
- })(win.DocumentFragment);
- patchHTMLAnchorElement(win.HTMLAnchorElement, env);
- (WorkerHTMLFormElement => {
- definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WorkerHTMLFormElement, {});
- cachedProps(WorkerHTMLFormElement, "elements");
- })(win.HTMLFormElement);
- patchHTMLIFrameElement(win.HTMLIFrameElement);
- patchHTMLScriptElement(win.HTMLScriptElement, env);
- patchSvgElement(win.SVGGraphicsElement);
- patchDocumentElementChild(win.HTMLHeadElement, env);
- patchDocumentElementChild(win.HTMLBodyElement, env);
- ((WorkerHTMLHtmlElement, env) => {
- const DocumentElementDescriptorMap = {
- parentElement: {
- value: null
- },
- parentNode: {
- get: () => env.$document$
- }
- };
- definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WorkerHTMLHtmlElement, DocumentElementDescriptorMap);
- })(win.HTMLHtmlElement, env);
- createCSSStyleSheetConstructor(win, "CSSStyleSheet");
- definePrototypeNodeType(win.Comment, 8);
- definePrototypeNodeType(win.DocumentType, 10);
- Object.assign(env, {
- $winId$: $winId$,
- $parentWinId$: $parentWinId$,
- $window$: new Proxy(win, {
- get: (win, propName) => {
- var _a;
- if ("string" != typeof propName || isNaN(propName)) {
- return (null === (_a = webWorkerCtx.$config$.mainWindowAccessors) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.includes(propName)) ? getter(this, [ propName ]) : win[propName];
- }
- {
- let frame = getChildEnvs()[propName];
- return frame ? frame.$window$ : void 0;
- }
- },
- has: () => true
- }),
- $document$: $createNode$("#document", $winId$ + ".d"),
- $documentElement$: $createNode$("HTML", $winId$ + ".e"),
- $head$: $createNode$("HEAD", $winId$ + ".h"),
- $body$: $createNode$("BODY", $winId$ + ".b"),
- $location$: $location$,
- $visibilityState$: $visibilityState$,
- $isSameOrigin$: $isSameOrigin$,
- $isTopWindow$: $isTopWindow$,
- $createNode$: $createNode$
- });
- win.requestAnimationFrame = cb => setTimeout((() => cb(, 9);
- win.cancelAnimationFrame = id => clearTimeout(id);
- win.requestIdleCallback = (cb, start) => {
- start =;
- return setTimeout((() => cb({
- didTimeout: false,
- timeRemaining: () => Math.max(0, 50 - ( - start))
- })), 1);
- };
- win.cancelIdleCallback = id => clearTimeout(id);
- addStorageApi(win, "localStorage", webWorkerlocalStorage, $isSameOrigin$, env);
- addStorageApi(win, "sessionStorage", webWorkerSessionStorage, $isSameOrigin$, env);
- $isSameOrigin$ || (win.indexeddb = void 0);
- if (isIframeWindow) {
- historyState = {};
- win.history = {
- pushState(stateObj) {
- historyState = stateObj;
- },
- replaceState(stateObj) {
- historyState = stateObj;
- },
- get state() {
- return historyState;
- },
- length: 0
- };
- win.indexeddb = void 0;
- } else {
- const originalPushState = win.history.pushState.bind(win.history);
- const originalReplaceState = win.history.replaceState.bind(win.history);
- win.history.pushState = (stateObj, _, newUrl) => {
- false !== env.$propagateHistoryChange$ && originalPushState(stateObj, _, newUrl);
- };
- win.history.replaceState = (stateObj, _, newUrl) => {
- false !== env.$propagateHistoryChange$ && originalReplaceState(stateObj, _, newUrl);
- };
- }
- win.Worker = void 0;
+ })));
+ });
- addEventListener(...args) {
- "load" === args[0] ? env.$runWindowLoadEvent$ && setTimeout((() => args[1]({
- type: "load"
- }))) : callMethod(this, [ "addEventListener" ], args, 2);
+ );
+ commaSplit(
+ "atob,btoa,crypto,indexedDB,setTimeout,setInterval,clearTimeout,clearInterval"
+ ).map((globalName) => {
+ delete WorkerWindow.prototype[globalName];
+ if (!(globalName in win)) {
+ value = self[globalName];
+ null != value &&
+ (win[globalName] =
+ "function" != typeof value ||
+ value.toString().startsWith("class")
+ ? value
+ : value.bind(self));
- get body() {
- return env.$body$;
- }
- get document() {
- return env.$document$;
- }
- get documentElement() {
- return env.$documentElement$;
- }
- fetch(input, init) {
- input = "string" == typeof input || input instanceof URL ? String(input) : input.url;
- return fetch(resolveUrl(env, input, "fetch"), init);
- }
- get frames() {
- return env.$window$;
- }
- get frameElement() {
- return $isTopWindow$ ? null : getOrCreateNodeInstance($parentWinId$, $winId$, "IFRAME");
- }
- get globalThis() {
- return env.$window$;
- }
- get head() {
- return env.$head$;
- }
- get length() {
- return getChildEnvs().length;
- }
- get location() {
- return $location$;
- }
- set location(loc) {
- $location$.href = loc + "";
- }
- get Image() {
- return createImageConstructor(env);
- }
- get navigator() {
- return (env => {
- let key;
- let nav = {
- sendBeacon: (url, body) => {
- if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSendBeaconRequests) {
- try {
- logWorker(`sendBeacon: ${resolveUrl(env, url, null)}${body ? ", data: " + JSON.stringify(body) : ""}`);
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e);
- }
- }
- try {
- fetch(resolveUrl(env, url, null), {
- method: "POST",
- body: body,
- mode: "no-cors",
- keepalive: true
- });
- return true;
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e);
- return false;
- }
- }
- };
- for (key in navigator) {
- nav[key] = navigator[key];
- }
- return nav;
- })(env);
- }
- get origin() {
- return $location$.origin;
- }
- set origin(_) {}
- get parent() {
- for (let envWinId in environments) {
- if (environments[envWinId].$winId$ === $parentWinId$) {
- return environments[envWinId].$window$;
- }
+ });
+ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self).map((globalName) => {
+ globalName in win || (win[globalName] = self[globalName]);
+ });
+ =>
+ defineProperty(win, cstrName, {
+ get() {
+ initWindowMedia();
+ return win[cstrName];
+ },
+ })
+ );
+ "trustedTypes" in self && (win.trustedTypes = self.trustedTypes);
+ patchElement(win.Element, win.HTMLElement);
+ patchDocument(win.Document, env, isDocumentImplementation);
+ ((WorkerDocumentFragment) => {
+ definePrototypeNodeType(WorkerDocumentFragment, 11);
+ cachedTreeProps(WorkerDocumentFragment, elementStructurePropNames);
+ })(win.DocumentFragment);
+ patchHTMLAnchorElement(win.HTMLAnchorElement, env);
+ ((WorkerHTMLFormElement) => {
+ definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(WorkerHTMLFormElement, {});
+ cachedProps(WorkerHTMLFormElement, "elements");
+ })(win.HTMLFormElement);
+ patchHTMLIFrameElement(win.HTMLIFrameElement);
+ patchHTMLScriptElement(win.HTMLScriptElement, env);
+ patchSvgElement(win.SVGGraphicsElement);
+ patchDocumentElementChild(win.HTMLHeadElement, env);
+ patchDocumentElementChild(win.HTMLBodyElement, env);
+ ((WorkerHTMLHtmlElement, env) => {
+ const DocumentElementDescriptorMap = {
+ parentElement: {
+ value: null,
+ },
+ parentNode: {
+ get: () => env.$document$,
+ },
+ };
+ definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(
+ WorkerHTMLHtmlElement,
+ DocumentElementDescriptorMap
+ );
+ })(win.HTMLHtmlElement, env);
+ createCSSStyleSheetConstructor(win, "CSSStyleSheet");
+ definePrototypeNodeType(win.Comment, 8);
+ definePrototypeNodeType(win.DocumentType, 10);
+ Object.assign(env, {
+ $winId$: $winId$,
+ $parentWinId$: $parentWinId$,
+ $window$: new Proxy(win, {
+ get: (win, propName) => {
+ var _a;
+ if ("string" != typeof propName || isNaN(propName)) {
+ return (
+ null === (_a = webWorkerCtx.$config$.mainWindowAccessors) ||
+ void 0 === _a
+ ? void 0
+ : _a.includes(propName)
+ )
+ ? getter(this, [propName])
+ : win[propName];
- return env.$window$;
- }
- postMessage(...args) {
- if (environments[args[0]]) {
- len(postMessages) > 50 && postMessages.splice(0, 5);
- postMessages.push({
- $winId$: args[0],
- $data$: JSON.stringify(args[1])
- });
- args = args.slice(1);
+ {
+ let frame = getChildEnvs()[propName];
+ return frame ? frame.$window$ : void 0;
- callMethod(this, [ "postMessage" ], args, 3);
- }
- get self() {
- return env.$window$;
- }
- get top() {
- for (let envWinId in environments) {
- if (environments[envWinId].$isTopWindow$) {
- return environments[envWinId].$window$;
- }
+ },
+ has: () => true,
+ }),
+ $document$: $createNode$("#document", $winId$ + ".d"),
+ $documentElement$: $createNode$("HTML", $winId$ + ".e"),
+ $head$: $createNode$("HEAD", $winId$ + ".h"),
+ $body$: $createNode$("BODY", $winId$ + ".b"),
+ $location$: $location$,
+ $visibilityState$: $visibilityState$,
+ $isSameOrigin$: $isSameOrigin$,
+ $isTopWindow$: $isTopWindow$,
+ $createNode$: $createNode$,
+ });
+ win.requestAnimationFrame = (cb) =>
+ setTimeout(() => cb(, 9);
+ win.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) => clearTimeout(id);
+ win.requestIdleCallback = (cb, start) => {
+ start =;
+ return setTimeout(
+ () =>
+ cb({
+ didTimeout: false,
+ timeRemaining: () => Math.max(0, 50 - ( - start)),
+ }),
+ 1
+ );
+ };
+ win.cancelIdleCallback = (id) => clearTimeout(id);
+ addStorageApi(
+ win,
+ "localStorage",
+ webWorkerlocalStorage,
+ $isSameOrigin$,
+ env
+ );
+ addStorageApi(
+ win,
+ "sessionStorage",
+ webWorkerSessionStorage,
+ $isSameOrigin$,
+ env
+ );
+ $isSameOrigin$ || (win.indexeddb = void 0);
+ if (isIframeWindow) {
+ historyState = {};
+ win.history = {
+ pushState(stateObj) {
+ historyState = stateObj;
+ },
+ replaceState(stateObj) {
+ historyState = stateObj;
+ },
+ get state() {
+ return historyState;
+ },
+ length: 0,
+ };
+ win.indexeddb = void 0;
+ } else {
+ const originalPushState = win.history.pushState.bind(win.history);
+ const originalReplaceState = win.history.replaceState.bind(
+ win.history
+ );
+ win.history.pushState = (stateObj, _, newUrl) => {
+ false !== env.$propagateHistoryChange$ &&
+ originalPushState(stateObj, _, newUrl);
+ };
+ win.history.replaceState = (stateObj, _, newUrl) => {
+ false !== env.$propagateHistoryChange$ &&
+ originalReplaceState(stateObj, _, newUrl);
+ };
+ }
+ win.Worker = void 0;
+ }
+ addEventListener(...args) {
+ "load" === args[0]
+ ? env.$runWindowLoadEvent$ &&
+ setTimeout(() =>
+ args[1]({
+ type: "load",
+ })
+ )
+ : callMethod(this, ["addEventListener"], args, 2);
+ }
+ get body() {
+ return env.$body$;
+ }
+ get document() {
+ return env.$document$;
+ }
+ get documentElement() {
+ return env.$documentElement$;
+ }
+ fetch(input, init) {
+ input =
+ "string" == typeof input || input instanceof URL
+ ? String(input)
+ : input.url;
+ return fetch(resolveUrl(env, input, "fetch"), init);
+ }
+ get frames() {
+ return env.$window$;
+ }
+ get frameElement() {
+ return $isTopWindow$
+ ? null
+ : getOrCreateNodeInstance($parentWinId$, $winId$, "INPUT");
+ }
+ get globalThis() {
+ return env.$window$;
+ }
+ get head() {
+ return env.$head$;
+ }
+ get length() {
+ return getChildEnvs().length;
+ }
+ get location() {
+ return $location$;
+ }
+ set location(loc) {
+ $location$.href = loc + "";
+ }
+ get Image() {
+ return createImageConstructor(env);
+ }
+ get navigator() {
+ return ((env) => {
+ let key;
+ let nav = {
+ sendBeacon: (url, body) => {
+ if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSendBeaconRequests) {
+ try {
+ logWorker(
+ `sendBeacon: ${resolveUrl(env, url, null)}${
+ body ? ", data: " + JSON.stringify(body) : ""
+ }`
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
- return env.$window$;
+ try {
+ fetch(resolveUrl(env, url, null), {
+ method: "POST",
+ body: body,
+ mode: "no-cors",
+ keepalive: true,
+ });
+ return true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ for (key in navigator) {
+ nav[key] = navigator[key];
- get window() {
- return env.$window$;
+ return nav;
+ })(env);
+ }
+ get origin() {
+ return $location$.origin;
+ }
+ set origin(_) {}
+ get parent() {
+ for (let envWinId in environments) {
+ if (environments[envWinId].$winId$ === $parentWinId$) {
+ return environments[envWinId].$window$;
- get XMLHttpRequest() {
- const Xhr = XMLHttpRequest;
- const str = String(Xhr);
- const ExtendedXhr = defineConstructorName(class extends Xhr {
- open(...args) {
- args[1] = resolveUrl(env, args[1], "xhr");
- }
- set withCredentials(_) {}
- toString() {
- return str;
- }
- }, getConstructorName(Xhr));
- ExtendedXhr.prototype.constructor.toString = () => str;
- return ExtendedXhr;
+ }
+ return env.$window$;
+ }
+ postMessage(...args) {
+ if (environments[args[0]]) {
+ len(postMessages) > 50 && postMessages.splice(0, 5);
+ postMessages.push({
+ $winId$: args[0],
+ $data$: JSON.stringify(args[1]),
+ });
+ args = args.slice(1);
+ }
+ callMethod(this, ["postMessage"], args, 3);
+ }
+ get self() {
+ return env.$window$;
+ }
+ get top() {
+ for (let envWinId in environments) {
+ if (environments[envWinId].$isTopWindow$) {
+ return environments[envWinId].$window$;
- }, "Window");
- const WorkerTrapProxy = class extends WorkerBase {
- constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName) {
- super(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName);
- return new Proxy(this, {
- get: (instance, propName) => getter(instance, [ propName ]),
- set(instance, propName, propValue) {
- setter(instance, [ propName ], propValue);
- return true;
- }
- });
- }
- };
- const WorkerEventTargetProxy = class extends WorkerBase {};
- => WorkerEventTargetProxy.prototype[methodName] = function(...args) {
- return callMethod(this, [ methodName ], args, 2);
- }));
- cachedProps(WorkerWindow, "devicePixelRatio");
- cachedDimensionProps(WorkerWindow);
- cachedDimensionMethods(WorkerWindow, [ "getComputedStyle" ]);
- new WorkerWindow;
- return env;
- };
- const TrapConstructors = {
- DOMStringMap: 1,
- NamedNodeMap: 1
- };
- const createEnvironment = ({$winId$: $winId$, $parentWinId$: $parentWinId$, $url$: $url$, $visibilityState$: $visibilityState$}, isIframeWindow, isDocumentImplementation) => {
- if (!environments[$winId$]) {
- environments[$winId$] = createWindow($winId$, $parentWinId$, $url$, $visibilityState$, isIframeWindow, isDocumentImplementation);
- {
- const winType = $winId$ === $parentWinId$ ? "top" : "iframe";
- logWorker(`Created ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)} environment`, $winId$);
- }
+ }
+ return env.$window$;
- webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 7, $winId$ ]);
- return environments[$winId$];
+ get window() {
+ return env.$window$;
+ }
+ get XMLHttpRequest() {
+ const Xhr = XMLHttpRequest;
+ const str = String(Xhr);
+ const ExtendedXhr = defineConstructorName(
+ class extends Xhr {
+ open(...args) {
+ args[1] = resolveUrl(env, args[1], "xhr");
+ }
+ set withCredentials(_) {}
+ toString() {
+ return str;
+ }
+ },
+ getConstructorName(Xhr)
+ );
+ ExtendedXhr.prototype.constructor.toString = () => str;
+ return ExtendedXhr;
+ }
+ },
+ "Window"
+ );
+ const WorkerTrapProxy = class extends WorkerBase {
+ constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName) {
+ super(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName);
+ return new Proxy(this, {
+ get: (instance, propName) => getter(instance, [propName]),
+ set(instance, propName, propValue) {
+ setter(instance, [propName], propValue);
+ return true;
+ },
+ });
+ }
- const queuedEvents = [];
- const receiveMessageFromSandboxToWorker = ev => {
- const msg =;
- const msgType = msg[0];
- const msgValue = msg[1];
- if (webWorkerCtx.$isInitialized$) {
- if (7 === msgType) {
- (async initScript => {
- let winId = initScript.$winId$;
- let instanceId = initScript.$instanceId$;
- let instance = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, "SCRIPT");
- let scriptContent = initScript.$content$;
- let scriptSrc = initScript.$url$;
- let scriptOrgSrc = initScript.$orgUrl$;
- let errorMsg = "";
- let env = environments[winId];
- let rsp;
- let javascriptContentTypes = [ "text/jscript", "text/javascript", "text/x-javascript", "application/javascript", "application/x-javascript", "text/ecmascript", "text/x-ecmascript", "application/ecmascript" ];
- if (scriptSrc) {
- try {
- scriptSrc = resolveToUrl(env, scriptSrc, "script") + "";
- setInstanceStateValue(instance, 4, scriptSrc);
- webWorkerCtx.$config$.logScriptExecution && logWorker(`Execute script src: ${scriptOrgSrc}`, winId);
- rsp = await fetch(scriptSrc);
- if (rsp.ok) {
- let responseContentType = rsp.headers.get("content-type");
- let shouldExecute = javascriptContentTypes.some((ct => {
- var _a, _b, _c;
- return null === (_c = null === (_a = null == responseContentType ? void 0 : responseContentType.toLowerCase) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : (_b = || void 0 === _c ? void 0 :, ct);
- }));
- if (shouldExecute) {
- scriptContent = await rsp.text();
- env.$currentScriptId$ = instanceId;
- run(env, scriptContent, scriptOrgSrc || scriptSrc);
- }
- runStateLoadHandlers(instance, "load");
- } else {
- errorMsg = rsp.statusText;
- runStateLoadHandlers(instance, "error");
- }
- } catch (urlError) {
- console.error(urlError);
- errorMsg = String(urlError.stack || urlError);
- runStateLoadHandlers(instance, "error");
- }
- } else {
- scriptContent && (errorMsg = runScriptContent(env, instanceId, scriptContent, winId, errorMsg));
- }
- env.$currentScriptId$ = "";
- webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 6, winId, instanceId, errorMsg ]);
- })(msgValue);
- } else if (9 === msgType) {
- (({$winId$: $winId$, $instanceId$: $instanceId$, $refId$: $refId$, $thisArg$: $thisArg$, $args$: $args$}) => {
- if (webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$]) {
- try {
- webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$].apply(deserializeFromMain($winId$, $instanceId$, [], $thisArg$), deserializeFromMain($winId$, $instanceId$, [], $args$));
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e);
- }
- }
- })(msgValue);
- } else if (10 === msgType) {
- (({$winId$: $winId$, $forward$: $forward$, $args$: $args$}) => {
- try {
- let target = environments[$winId$].$window$;
- let i = 0;
- let l = len($forward$);
- for (;i < l; i++) {
- i + 1 < l ? target = target[$forward$[i]] : target[$forward$[i]].apply(target, deserializeFromMain(null, $winId$, [], $args$));
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e);
- }
- })(msgValue);
- } else if (5 === msgType) {
- createEnvironment(msgValue);
- } else if (8 === msgType) {
- if (1 !== environments[msgValue].$isInitialized$) {
- const winId = msgValue;
- const env = environments[winId];
- const winType = env.$winId$ === env.$parentWinId$ ? "top" : "iframe";
- logWorker(`Initialized ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId(winId)} environment 🎉`, winId);
+ const WorkerEventTargetProxy = class extends WorkerBase {};
+ (methodName) =>
+ (WorkerEventTargetProxy.prototype[methodName] = function (...args) {
+ return callMethod(this, [methodName], args, 2);
+ })
+ );
+ cachedProps(WorkerWindow, "devicePixelRatio");
+ cachedDimensionProps(WorkerWindow);
+ cachedDimensionMethods(WorkerWindow, ["getComputedStyle"]);
+ new WorkerWindow();
+ return env;
+ };
+ const TrapConstructors = {
+ DOMStringMap: 1,
+ NamedNodeMap: 1,
+ };
+ const createEnvironment = (
+ {
+ $winId$: $winId$,
+ $parentWinId$: $parentWinId$,
+ $url$: $url$,
+ $visibilityState$: $visibilityState$,
+ },
+ isIframeWindow,
+ isDocumentImplementation
+ ) => {
+ if (!environments[$winId$]) {
+ environments[$winId$] = createWindow(
+ $winId$,
+ $parentWinId$,
+ $url$,
+ $visibilityState$,
+ isIframeWindow,
+ isDocumentImplementation
+ );
+ {
+ const winType = $winId$ === $parentWinId$ ? "top" : "input";
+ logWorker(
+ `Created ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)} environment`,
+ $winId$
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([7, $winId$]);
+ return environments[$winId$];
+ };
+ const queuedEvents = [];
+ const receiveMessageFromSandboxToWorker = (ev) => {
+ const msg =;
+ const msgType = msg[0];
+ const msgValue = msg[1];
+ if (webWorkerCtx.$isInitialized$) {
+ if (7 === msgType) {
+ (async (initScript) => {
+ let winId = initScript.$winId$;
+ let instanceId = initScript.$instanceId$;
+ let instance = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, "SCRIPT");
+ let scriptContent = initScript.$content$;
+ let scriptSrc = initScript.$url$;
+ let scriptOrgSrc = initScript.$orgUrl$;
+ let errorMsg = "";
+ let env = environments[winId];
+ let rsp;
+ let javascriptContentTypes = [
+ "text/jscript",
+ "text/javascript",
+ "text/x-javascript",
+ "application/javascript",
+ "application/x-javascript",
+ "text/ecmascript",
+ "text/x-ecmascript",
+ "application/ecmascript",
+ ];
+ if (scriptSrc) {
+ try {
+ scriptSrc = resolveToUrl(env, scriptSrc, "script") + "";
+ setInstanceStateValue(instance, 4, scriptSrc);
+ webWorkerCtx.$config$.logScriptExecution &&
+ logWorker(`Execute script src: ${scriptOrgSrc}`, winId);
+ rsp = await fetch(scriptSrc);
+ if (rsp.ok) {
+ let responseContentType = rsp.headers.get("content-type");
+ let shouldExecute = javascriptContentTypes.some((ct) => {
+ var _a, _b, _c;
+ return null ===
+ (_c =
+ null ===
+ (_a =
+ null == responseContentType
+ ? void 0
+ : responseContentType.toLowerCase) || void 0 === _a
+ ? void 0
+ : (_b = ||
+ void 0 === _c
+ ? void 0
+ :, ct);
+ });
+ if (shouldExecute) {
+ scriptContent = await rsp.text();
+ env.$currentScriptId$ = instanceId;
+ run(env, scriptContent, scriptOrgSrc || scriptSrc);
- environments[msgValue].$isInitialized$ = 1;
- environments[msgValue].$isLoading$ = 0;
- } else if (14 === msgType) {
- environments[msgValue].$visibilityState$ = msg[2];
- } else if (13 === msgType) {
- const $winId$ = msgValue.$winId$;
- const env = environments[$winId$];
- env.$location$.href = msgValue.url;
- !function($winId$, env, data) {
- const history = env.$window$.history;
- switch (data.type) {
- case 0:
- env.$propagateHistoryChange$ = false;
- try {
- history.pushState(data.state, "", data.newUrl);
- } catch (e) {}
- env.$propagateHistoryChange$ = true;
- break;
- case 1:
- env.$propagateHistoryChange$ = false;
- try {
- history.replaceState(data.state, "", data.newUrl);
- } catch (e) {}
- env.$propagateHistoryChange$ = true;
- }
- }(msgValue.$winId$, env, msgValue);
- } else {
- 15 === msgType && ((_type, winId, instanceId, callbackName, args) => {
- const elm = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId);
- elm && "function" == typeof elm[callbackName] && elm[callbackName].apply(elm, args);
- })(...msg);
+ runStateLoadHandlers(instance, "load");
+ } else {
+ errorMsg = rsp.statusText;
+ runStateLoadHandlers(instance, "error");
+ }
+ } catch (urlError) {
+ console.error(urlError);
+ errorMsg = String(urlError.stack || urlError);
+ runStateLoadHandlers(instance, "error");
- } else if (1 === msgType) {
- (initWebWorkerData => {
- const config = webWorkerCtx.$config$ = JSON.parse(initWebWorkerData.$config$);
- const locOrigin = initWebWorkerData.$origin$;
- webWorkerCtx.$importScripts$ = importScripts.bind(self);
- webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$ = initWebWorkerData.$interfaces$;
- webWorkerCtx.$libPath$ = initWebWorkerData.$libPath$;
- webWorkerCtx.$origin$ = locOrigin;
- webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$ = postMessage.bind(self);
- webWorkerCtx.$sharedDataBuffer$ = initWebWorkerData.$sharedDataBuffer$;
- webWorkerlocalStorage.set(locOrigin, initWebWorkerData.$localStorage$);
- webWorkerSessionStorage.set(locOrigin, initWebWorkerData.$sessionStorage$);
- self.importScripts = void 0;
- delete self.postMessage;
- delete self.WorkerGlobalScope;
- commaSplit("resolveUrl,get,set,apply").map((configName => {
- config[configName] && (config[configName] = new Function("return " + config[configName])());
- }));
- })(msgValue);
- webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 2 ]);
- } else if (3 === msgType) {
- webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$ = [ ...webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$, ...msgValue ];
- webWorkerCtx.$isInitialized$ = 1;
- logWorker("Initialized web worker");
- webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 4 ]);
- queuedEvents.length && logWorker(`Queued ready messages: ${queuedEvents.length}`);
- [ ...queuedEvents ].map(receiveMessageFromSandboxToWorker);
- queuedEvents.length = 0;
- } else {
- queuedEvents.push(ev);
+ } else {
+ scriptContent &&
+ (errorMsg = runScriptContent(
+ env,
+ instanceId,
+ scriptContent,
+ winId,
+ errorMsg
+ ));
+ }
+ env.$currentScriptId$ = "";
+ webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([6, winId, instanceId, errorMsg]);
+ })(msgValue);
+ } else if (9 === msgType) {
+ (({
+ $winId$: $winId$,
+ $instanceId$: $instanceId$,
+ $refId$: $refId$,
+ $thisArg$: $thisArg$,
+ $args$: $args$,
+ }) => {
+ if (webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$]) {
+ try {
+ webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$].apply(
+ deserializeFromMain($winId$, $instanceId$, [], $thisArg$),
+ deserializeFromMain($winId$, $instanceId$, [], $args$)
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ })(msgValue);
+ } else if (10 === msgType) {
+ (({ $winId$: $winId$, $forward$: $forward$, $args$: $args$ }) => {
+ try {
+ let target = environments[$winId$].$window$;
+ let i = 0;
+ let l = len($forward$);
+ for (; i < l; i++) {
+ i + 1 < l
+ ? (target = target[$forward$[i]])
+ : target[$forward$[i]].apply(
+ target,
+ deserializeFromMain(null, $winId$, [], $args$)
+ );
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ })(msgValue);
+ } else if (5 === msgType) {
+ createEnvironment(msgValue);
+ } else if (8 === msgType) {
+ if (1 !== environments[msgValue].$isInitialized$) {
+ const winId = msgValue;
+ const env = environments[winId];
+ const winType = env.$winId$ === env.$parentWinId$ ? "top" : "input";
+ logWorker(
+ `Initialized ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId(
+ winId
+ )} environment 🎉`,
+ winId
+ );
- };
- self.onmessage = receiveMessageFromSandboxToWorker;
- postMessage([ 0 ]);
+ environments[msgValue].$isInitialized$ = 1;
+ environments[msgValue].$isLoading$ = 0;
+ } else if (14 === msgType) {
+ environments[msgValue].$visibilityState$ = msg[2];
+ } else if (13 === msgType) {
+ const $winId$ = msgValue.$winId$;
+ const env = environments[$winId$];
+ env.$location$.href = msgValue.url;
+ !(function ($winId$, env, data) {
+ const history = env.$window$.history;
+ switch (data.type) {
+ case 0:
+ env.$propagateHistoryChange$ = false;
+ try {
+ history.pushState(data.state, "", data.newUrl);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ env.$propagateHistoryChange$ = true;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ env.$propagateHistoryChange$ = false;
+ try {
+ history.replaceState(data.state, "", data.newUrl);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ env.$propagateHistoryChange$ = true;
+ }
+ })(msgValue.$winId$, env, msgValue);
+ } else {
+ 15 === msgType &&
+ ((_type, winId, instanceId, callbackName, args) => {
+ const elm = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId);
+ elm &&
+ "function" == typeof elm[callbackName] &&
+ elm[callbackName].apply(elm, args);
+ })(...msg);
+ }
+ } else if (1 === msgType) {
+ ((initWebWorkerData) => {
+ const config = (webWorkerCtx.$config$ = JSON.parse(
+ initWebWorkerData.$config$
+ ));
+ const locOrigin = initWebWorkerData.$origin$;
+ webWorkerCtx.$importScripts$ = importScripts.bind(self);
+ webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$ = initWebWorkerData.$interfaces$;
+ webWorkerCtx.$libPath$ = initWebWorkerData.$libPath$;
+ webWorkerCtx.$origin$ = locOrigin;
+ webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$ = postMessage.bind(self);
+ webWorkerCtx.$sharedDataBuffer$ = initWebWorkerData.$sharedDataBuffer$;
+ webWorkerlocalStorage.set(locOrigin, initWebWorkerData.$localStorage$);
+ webWorkerSessionStorage.set(
+ locOrigin,
+ initWebWorkerData.$sessionStorage$
+ );
+ self.importScripts = void 0;
+ delete self.postMessage;
+ delete self.WorkerGlobalScope;
+ commaSplit("resolveUrl,get,set,apply").map((configName) => {
+ config[configName] &&
+ (config[configName] = new Function(
+ "return " + config[configName]
+ )());
+ });
+ })(msgValue);
+ webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([2]);
+ } else if (3 === msgType) {
+ webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$ = [...webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$, ...msgValue];
+ webWorkerCtx.$isInitialized$ = 1;
+ logWorker("Initialized web worker");
+ webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([4]);
+ queuedEvents.length &&
+ logWorker(`Queued ready messages: ${queuedEvents.length}`);
+ [...queuedEvents].map(receiveMessageFromSandboxToWorker);
+ queuedEvents.length = 0;
+ } else {
+ queuedEvents.push(ev);
+ }
+ };
+ self.onmessage = receiveMessageFromSandboxToWorker;
+ postMessage([0]);