_includes/script.html in appscms-tools-theme-4.2.0 vs _includes/script.html in appscms-tools-theme-4.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
if ((1 & e && (r = o(r)), 8 & e)) return r;
if (4 & e && "object" == typeof r && r && r.__esModule) return r;
var n = Object.create(null);
if (
- Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: r }),
- 2 & e && "string" != typeof r)
+ Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: r }),
+ 2 & e && "string" != typeof r)
for (var t in r)
@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@
(o.n = function (r) {
var e =
r && r.__esModule
? function () {
- return r.default;
- }
+ return r.default;
+ }
: function () {
- return r;
- };
+ return r;
+ };
return o.d(e, "a", e), e;
(o.o = function (r, e) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, e);
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@
try {
return r.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (r) {
try {
console.error("[Rollbar]: Internal error", r);
- } catch (r) {}
+ } catch (r) { }
var l = 0;
function i(r, e) {
@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@
var o = l++;
(this.shimId = function () {
return o;
"undefined" != typeof window &&
- window._rollbarShims &&
- (window._rollbarShims[o] = { handler: e, messages: [] });
+ window._rollbarShims &&
+ (window._rollbarShims[o] = { handler: e, messages: [] });
var s = o(4),
d = function (r, e) {
return new i(r, e);
@@ -137,18 +137,18 @@
) {
i.onload = i.onreadystatechange = null;
try {
- } catch (r) {}
+ } catch (r) { }
(l = !0),
(function () {
var e;
if (void 0 === r._rollbarDidLoad) {
e = new Error("rollbar.js did not load");
- for (var o, n, a, l, i = 0; (o = r._rollbarShims[i++]); )
- for (o = o.messages || []; (n = o.shift()); )
+ for (var o, n, a, l, i = 0; (o = r._rollbarShims[i++]);)
+ for (o = o.messages || []; (n = o.shift());)
for (a = n.args || [], i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
if ("function" == typeof (l = a[i])) {
@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@
if (
((n =
"function" == typeof e
? e
: function () {
- return e || {};
- }),
- "function" != typeof r)
+ return e || {};
+ }),
+ "function" != typeof r)
return r;
if (r._isWrap) return r;
if (
!r._rollbar_wrapped &&
@@ -182,33 +182,33 @@
} catch (o) {
var e = o;
throw (
(e &&
("string" == typeof e && (e = new String(e)),
- (e._rollbarContext = n() || {}),
- (e._rollbarContext._wrappedSource = r.toString()),
- (window._rollbarWrappedError = e)),
- e)
+ (e._rollbarContext = n() || {}),
+ (e._rollbarContext._wrappedSource = r.toString()),
+ (window._rollbarWrappedError = e)),
+ e)
- (r._rollbar_wrapped._isWrap = !0),
- r.hasOwnProperty)
+ (r._rollbar_wrapped._isWrap = !0),
+ r.hasOwnProperty)
for (var t in r)
r.hasOwnProperty(t) && (r._rollbar_wrapped[t] = r[t]);
return r._rollbar_wrapped;
} catch (e) {
return r;
for (
var p =
- "log,debug,info,warn,warning,error,critical,global,configure,handleUncaughtException,handleAnonymousErrors,handleUnhandledRejection,captureEvent,captureDomContentLoaded,captureLoad".split(
- ","
- ),
- f = 0;
+ "log,debug,info,warn,warning,error,critical,global,configure,handleUncaughtException,handleAnonymousErrors,handleUnhandledRejection,captureEvent,captureDomContentLoaded,captureLoad".split(
+ ","
+ ),
+ f = 0;
f < p.length;
i.prototype[p[f]] = u(p[f]);
r.exports = {
@@ -219,27 +219,27 @@
(r._rollbarShims = {}), (r._rollbarWrappedError = null);
var l = new c(e);
return a(function () {
e.captureUncaught &&
((l._rollbarOldOnError = r.onerror),
- n.captureUncaughtExceptions(r, l, !0),
- e.wrapGlobalEventHandlers && t(r, l, !0)),
+ n.captureUncaughtExceptions(r, l, !0),
+ e.wrapGlobalEventHandlers && t(r, l, !0)),
e.captureUnhandledRejections &&
- n.captureUnhandledRejections(r, l, !0);
+ n.captureUnhandledRejections(r, l, !0);
var a = e.autoInstrument;
return (
!1 !== e.enabled &&
- (void 0 === a ||
- !0 === a ||
- (function (r) {
- return !(
- "object" != typeof r ||
- (void 0 !== r.page && !r.page)
- );
- })(a)) &&
- r.addEventListener &&
- (r.addEventListener("load", l.captureLoad.bind(l)),
+ (void 0 === a ||
+ !0 === a ||
+ (function (r) {
+ return !(
+ "object" != typeof r ||
+ (void 0 !== r.page && !r.page)
+ );
+ })(a)) &&
+ r.addEventListener &&
+ (r.addEventListener("load", l.captureLoad.bind(l)),
(r[o] = l),
@@ -254,12 +254,12 @@
function (r, e, o) {
"use strict";
function n(r, e, o, n) {
r._rollbarWrappedError &&
(n[4] || (n[4] = r._rollbarWrappedError),
- n[5] || (n[5] = r._rollbarWrappedError._rollbarContext),
- (r._rollbarWrappedError = null));
+ n[5] || (n[5] = r._rollbarWrappedError._rollbarContext),
+ (r._rollbarWrappedError = null));
var t = e.handleUncaughtException.apply(e, n);
o && o.apply(r, n),
"anonymous" === t && (e.anonymousErrorsPending += 1);
r.exports = {
@@ -267,11 +267,11 @@
if (r) {
var t;
if ("function" == typeof e._rollbarOldOnError)
t = e._rollbarOldOnError;
else if (r.onerror) {
- for (t = r.onerror; t._rollbarOldOnError; )
+ for (t = r.onerror; t._rollbarOldOnError;)
t = t._rollbarOldOnError;
e._rollbarOldOnError = t;
var a = function () {
@@ -298,16 +298,16 @@
} catch (r) {
n = "[unhandledrejection] error getting `promise` from event";
try {
(t = r.detail), !o && t && ((o = t.reason), (n = t.promise));
- } catch (r) {}
+ } catch (r) { }
o ||
(o = "[unhandledrejection] error getting `reason` from event"),
e &&
- e.handleUnhandledRejection &&
- e.handleUnhandledRejection(o, n);
+ e.handleUnhandledRejection &&
+ e.handleUnhandledRejection(o, n);
(n.belongsToShim = o),
(r._rollbarURH = n),
r.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", n);
@@ -363,36 +363,36 @@
(this.impl = r(e, this)),
(this.options = e),
(function (r) {
for (
var e = function (r) {
- return function () {
- var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
- if (this.impl[r]) return this.impl[r].apply(this.impl, e);
- };
- },
- o =
- "log,debug,info,warn,warning,error,critical,global,configure,handleUncaughtException,handleAnonymousErrors,handleUnhandledRejection,_createItem,wrap,loadFull,shimId,captureEvent,captureDomContentLoaded,captureLoad".split(
- ","
- ),
- n = 0;
+ return function () {
+ var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
+ if (this.impl[r]) return this.impl[r].apply(this.impl, e);
+ };
+ },
+ o =
+ "log,debug,info,warn,warning,error,critical,global,configure,handleUncaughtException,handleAnonymousErrors,handleUnhandledRejection,_createItem,wrap,loadFull,shimId,captureEvent,captureDomContentLoaded,captureLoad".split(
+ ","
+ ),
+ n = 0;
n < o.length;
r[o[n]] = e(o[n]);
(n.prototype._swapAndProcessMessages = function (r, e) {
var o, n, t;
- for (this.impl = r(this.options); (o = e.shift()); )
+ for (this.impl = r(this.options); (o = e.shift());)
(n = o.method),
(t = o.args),
this[n] &&
- "function" == typeof this[n] &&
- ("captureDomContentLoaded" === n || "captureLoad" === n
- ? this[n].apply(this, [t[0], o.ts])
- : this[n].apply(this, t));
+ "function" == typeof this[n] &&
+ ("captureDomContentLoaded" === n || "captureLoad" === n
+ ? this[n].apply(this, [t[0], o.ts])
+ : this[n].apply(this, t));
return this;
(r.exports = n);
function (r, e, o) {
@@ -400,17 +400,17 @@
r.exports = function (r) {
return function (e) {
if (!e && !window._rollbarInitialized) {
for (
var o,
- n,
- t = (r = r || {}).globalAlias || "Rollbar",
- a = window.rollbar,
- l = function (r) {
- return new a(r);
- },
- i = 0;
+ n,
+ t = (r = r || {}).globalAlias || "Rollbar",
+ a = window.rollbar,
+ l = function (r) {
+ return new a(r);
+ },
+ i = 0;
(o = window._rollbarShims[i++]);
n || (n = o.handler),
o.handler._swapAndProcessMessages(l, o.messages);
@@ -424,102 +424,39 @@
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\ No newline at end of file