in appium_lib-1.0.0 vs in appium_lib-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
- [Documentation for appium_lib](
- [Appium Ruby Console](
Helper methods for writing cross platform (iOS, Android) tests in Ruby using Appium. Note that user waits should not exceed 120 seconds if they're going to run on Sauce Labs.
-Make sure you're using Ruby 1.9.3+ with upgraded rubygems and bundler.
+Make sure you're using Appium 1.0.0 or newer and Ruby 1.9.3+ with upgraded rubygems and bundler.
#### Start appium server
-`node server.js`
+`node .`
#### Install / Upgrade
Update rubygems and bundler.
@@ -26,86 +26,22 @@
gem uninstall -aIx appium_lib ;\
gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri appium_lib
-#### Simple Usage
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'appium_lib'
-# Start iOS driver
-# use appium's specific capability names
-appium_capabilities = { launchTimeout: 123 }
-# there are also built in capabilities such as device that don't require 'raw'
-caps = { device: :ios, app_path: '/Users/user/woven/ruby_lib_ios/', raw: appium_capabilities }
-# Start Android driver
-apk = {
- device: :android,
- app_path: '/path/to/the.apk',
- app_package: 'com.example.pkg',
- app_activity: '.act.Start',
- app_wait_activity: '.act.Start'
- }
-# Define the methods on all objects.
-# Note that this can also be scoped to limit the potential for conflicts.
-# Example: Appium.promote_appium_methods ::Minitest::Spec
-# Another alternative is to not promote at all. Instead access methods via $driver
-Appium.promote_appium_methods Object
-# Example of automating Settings preinstalled app on Android
-# Find these values using arc then type current_app
-apk = {
- device: :android,
- app_path: '',
- app_package: '',
- app_activity: '.Settings',
- app_wait_activity: '.Settings'
- }
-#### Other capabilities
-- `no_reset` If true, the app will not be reset
-- `full_reset` If true, the app will be uninstalled. When false, fast reset is activated.
-#### iOS env vars
-- `APP_PATH` Path to the .app folder
-#### Android env vars
-- `APP_PATH` Path to the apk
-- `APP_PACKAGE` The APK's package
-- `APP_ACTIVITY` Activity to start
-- `APP_WAIT_ACTIVITY` Optional. Activity to wait for.
#### Sauce Labs env vars
-- `APP_NAME` Name of the test run
- `SAUCE_USERNAME` Sauce username
#### Troubleshooting
1. Does `adb kill-server; adb devices` list an active Android device?
-2. Have you defined the proper env vars? `APP_PATH, APP_PACKAGE, APP_ACTIVITY, APP_WAIT_ACTIVITY`
-3. Are you running appium from source? `node server.js`
+3. Are you running appium from source? `node .`
#### Documentation
- [Installing Appium on OS X](
- [Overview](
-- [Android methods](
-- [iOS methods](
-- [Appium docs](
-- [Ruby iOS tests](
-- [Ruby Android tests](
+- [Ruby Android methods](
+- [Ruby iOS methods](
+- [Appium Server docs](