lib/appium_lib/common/patch.rb in appium_lib-0.24.1 vs lib/appium_lib/common/patch.rb in appium_lib-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,74 +1,53 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
+module Appium
+ module Common
+ # Implement useful features for element.
+ class Selenium::WebDriver::Element
+ # Note: For testing .text should be used over value, and name.
-# Add status to WebDriver
-class Selenium::WebDriver::Driver
- # @private
- def status
- bridge.status
- end
+ # Returns the value attribute
+ #
+ # Fixes NoMethodError: undefined method `value' for Selenium::WebDriver::Element
+ def value
+ self.attribute :value
+ end
-class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Bridge
- # @private
- def status
- raw_execute :status
- end
+ # Returns the name attribute
+ #
+ # Fixes NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for Selenium::WebDriver::Element
+ def name
+ self.attribute :name
+ end
-class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Bridge
- command :status, :get, 'status'
-# end Add status to WebDriver
+ # For use with mobile tap.
+ #
+ # ```ruby
+ # execute_script 'mobile: tap', :x => 0.0, :y => 0.98
+ # ```
+ #
+ #
+ # @return [OpenStruct] the relative x, y in a struct. ex: { x: 0.50, y: 0.20 }
+ def location_rel
+ location = self.location
+ location_x = location.x.to_f
+ location_y = location.y.to_f
-module Appium::Common
- # Implement useful features for element.
- class Selenium::WebDriver::Element
- # Note: For testing .text should be used over value, and name.
+ size = self.size
+ size_width = size.width.to_f
+ size_height = size.height.to_f
- # Returns the value attribute
- #
- # Fixes NoMethodError: undefined method `value' for Selenium::WebDriver::Element
- def value
- self.attribute :value
- end
+ center_x = location_x + (size_width / 2.0)
+ center_y = location_y + (size_height / 2.0)
- # Returns the name attribute
- #
- # Fixes NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for Selenium::WebDriver::Element
- def name
- self.attribute :name
+ w = $driver.window_size
+ "#{center_x} / #{w.width.to_f}",
+ y: "#{center_y} / #{w.height.to_f}")
+ end
+ end # module Common
+end # module Appium
- # For use with mobile tap.
- #
- # ```ruby
- # execute_script 'mobile: tap', :x => 0.0, :y => 0.98
- # ```
- #
- #
- # @return [OpenStruct] the relative x, y in a struct. ex: { x: 0.50, y: 0.20 }
- def location_rel
- location = self.location
- location_x = location.x.to_f
- location_y = location.y.to_f
- size = self.size
- size_width = size.width.to_f
- size_height = size.height.to_f
- center_x = location_x + (size_width / 2.0)
- center_y = location_y + (size_height / 2.0)
- w = $driver.window_size
- x: "#{center_x} / #{w.width.to_f}",
- y: "#{center_y} / #{w.height.to_f}" )
- end
- end
-end # module Appium::Common
# Print JSON posted to Appium. Not scoped to an Appium module.
# Requires from lib/selenium/webdriver/remote.rb
require 'selenium/webdriver/remote/capabilities'
require 'selenium/webdriver/remote/bridge'
@@ -84,60 +63,67 @@
# Invaluable for debugging.
def patch_webdriver_bridge
Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Bridge.class_eval do
# Code from lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/bridge.rb
def raw_execute(command, opts = {}, command_hash = nil)
- verb, path = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::COMMANDS[command] || raise(ArgumentError, "unknown command: #{command.inspect}")
- path = path.dup
+ verb, path = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::COMMANDS[command] || raise(ArgumentError, "unknown command: #{command.inspect}")
+ path = path.dup
path[':session_id'] = @session_id if path.include?(':session_id')
opts.each { |key, value| path[key.inspect] = escaper.escape(value.to_s) }
- rescue IndexError
+ rescue IndexError
raise ArgumentError, "#{opts.inspect} invalid for #{command.inspect}"
# convert /// into /
path.gsub! /\/+/, '/'
# change path from session/efac972c-941a-499c-803c-d7d008749/execute
# to /execute
# path may be nil, session, or not have anything after the session_id.
- path_str = path
- path_str = '/' + path_str unless path_str.nil? ||
+ path_str = path
+ path_str = '/' + path_str unless path_str.nil? ||
path_str.length <= 0 || path_str[0] == '/'
path_match = path.match /.*\h{8}-?\h{4}-?\h{4}-?\h{4}-?\h{12}/
- path_str = path.sub(path_match[0], '') unless path_match.nil?
+ path_str = path.sub(path_match[0], '') unless path_match.nil?
puts "#{verb} #{path_str}"
unless command_hash.nil? || command_hash.length == 0
- print_command = command_hash.clone
+ print_command = {}
+ # For complex_find, we pass a whole array
+ if command_hash.kind_of? Array
+ print_command[:args] = [command_hash.clone]
+ print_command[:script] = 'mobile: find' if command == :complex_find
+ else
+ print_command = command_hash.clone
+ end
print_command.delete :args if print_command[:args] == []
mobile_find = 'mobile: find'
if print_command[:script] == mobile_find
args = print_command[:args]
- puts "#{mobile_find}"#" #{args}"
+ puts "#{mobile_find}" #" #{args}"
# [[[[3, "sign"]]]] => [[[3, "sign"]]]
# [[[[4, "android.widget.EditText"], [7, "z"]], [[4, "android.widget.EditText"], [3, "z"]]]]
# => [[[4, "android.widget.EditText"], [7, "z"]], [[4, "android.widget.EditText"], [3, "z"]]]
- args = args[0]
- option = args[0].to_s.downcase
- has_option = ! option.match(/all|scroll/).nil?
+ args = args[0]
+ option = args[0].to_s.downcase
+ has_option = !option.match(/all|scroll/).nil?
puts option if has_option
start = has_option ? 1 : 0
start.upto(args.length-1) do |selector_index|
- selectors = args[selector_index]
+ selectors = args[selector_index]
selectors_size = selectors.length
selectors.each_index do |pair_index|
pair = selectors[pair_index]
- res = $driver.dynamic_code_to_string pair[0], pair[1]
+ res = $driver.dynamic_code_to_string pair[0], pair[1]
if selectors_size == 1 || pair_index >= selectors_size - 1
puts res
elsif selectors_size > 1 && pair_index < selectors_size
print res + '.'
@@ -152,10 +138,10 @@
sleep delay if !delay.nil? && delay > 0
# puts "verb: #{verb}, path #{path}, command_hash #{command_hash.to_json}" verb, path, command_hash
end # def
end # class
-end # def
# Print Appium's origValue error messages.
class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Response
# @private
def error_message
\ No newline at end of file