lib/appium_lib/android/helper.rb in appium_lib-9.3.8 vs lib/appium_lib/android/helper.rb in appium_lib-9.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -284,75 +284,65 @@
# @param class_name [String] the class name for the element
# @param value [String] the value to search for
# @return [String]
def string_visible_contains(class_name, value)
- value = %("#{value}")
+ r_id = resource_id(value, " or @resource-id='#{value}'")
if class_name == '*'
- return (resource_id(value, "new UiSelector().resourceId(#{value});") +
- "new UiSelector().descriptionContains(#{value});" \
- "new UiSelector().textContains(#{value});")
+ return "//*[contains(translate(@text,'#{value.upcase}', '#{value}'), '#{value}')" \
+ " or contains(translate(@content-desc,'#{value.upcase}', '#{value}'), '#{value}')" + r_id + ']'
- class_name = %("#{class_name}")
- resource_id(value, "new UiSelector().className(#{class_name}).resourceId(#{value});") +
- "new UiSelector().className(#{class_name}).descriptionContains(#{value});" \
- "new UiSelector().className(#{class_name}).textContains(#{value});"
+ "//#{class_name}[contains(translate(@text,'#{value.upcase}', '#{value}'), '#{value}')" \
+ " or contains(translate(@content-desc,'#{value.upcase}', '#{value}'), '#{value}')" + r_id + ']'
# Find the first element that contains value
# @param element [String] the class name for the element
# @param value [String] the value to search for
# @return [Element]
def complex_find_contains(element, value)
- find_element :uiautomator, string_visible_contains(element, value)
+ find_element :xpath, string_visible_contains(element, value)
# Find all elements containing value
# @param element [String] the class name for the element
# @param value [String] the value to search for
# @return [Array<Element>]
def complex_finds_contains(element, value)
- find_elements :uiautomator, string_visible_contains(element, value)
+ find_elements :xpath, string_visible_contains(element, value)
# @private
# Create an string to exactly match the first element with target value
# @param class_name [String] the class name for the element
# @param value [String] the value to search for
# @return [String]
def string_visible_exact(class_name, value)
- value = %("#{value}")
+ r_id = resource_id(value, " or @resource-id='#{value}'")
if class_name == '*'
- return (resource_id(value, "new UiSelector().resourceId(#{value});") +
- "new UiSelector().description(#{value});" \
- "new UiSelector().text(#{value});")
+ return "//*[@text='#{value}' or @content-desc='#{value}'" + r_id + ']'
- class_name = %("#{class_name}")
- resource_id(value, "new UiSelector().className(#{class_name}).resourceId(#{value});") +
- "new UiSelector().className(#{class_name}).description(#{value});" \
- "new UiSelector().className(#{class_name}).text(#{value});"
+ "//#{class_name}[@text='#{value}' or @content-desc='#{value}'" + r_id + ']'
# Find the first element exactly matching value
# @param class_name [String] the class name for the element
# @param value [String] the value to search for
# @return [Element]
def complex_find_exact(class_name, value)
- find_element :uiautomator, string_visible_exact(class_name, value)
+ find_element :xpath, string_visible_exact(class_name, value)
# Find all elements exactly matching value
# @param class_name [String] the class name for the element
# @param value [String] the value to search for
# @return [Element]
def complex_finds_exact(class_name, value)
- find_elements :uiautomator, string_visible_exact(class_name, value)
+ find_elements :xpath, string_visible_exact(class_name, value)
# Returns XML string for the current page
# Fixes uiautomator's $ in node names.
# `$Tab` becomes ``