in app_drone-0.9.2 vs in app_drone-0.10.0
- old
+ new
@@ -270,67 +270,77 @@
- [base] **HighVoltage** by ThoughtBot
- [base] **Flair** - drones use this to demonstrate their working functionality
- [views] **SimpleForm** with optional Country Select and automatic Twitter Bootstrap integration
- [views] **NestedForm** for managing multiple models in a single form
- [auth] **Sorcery** for no-frills user authentication
+- [auth] **Devise**, a flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
- [auth] **CanCan** for role-based authorization
- [auth] **EasyRoles**,to add roles to your User models
- [model] **Migrant** for easier schema management
- [model] **Squeel** improving on ActiveRelation
- [model] **RankedModel** for sorting and ranking objects
+- [model] **Stateflow** state machine for complex business decisions (or easy ones)
- [ui] **Chosen select** by harvestHQ
- [ui] **Bootstrap** by Twitter
- [ui] **Gritter** for jQuery growl-like notifications
- [ui] **Underscore.js** utility belt
+- [ui_shim] HTML5 placeholder shim
- [ux] **Ember** (the Ember.js library)
- [controller] **Responders** from Plataformatec
- [controller] **HasScope** for mapping filters to controller actions
- [controller] **WillPaginate** with automatic Bootstrap integration
-- [misc] **LetterOpener** to preview email in the browser instead of sending it\
+- [misc] **LetterOpener** to preview email in the browser instead of sending it
- [misc] **Chronic** for natural language date parsing
- [misc] **Timecop** - time travelling for Ruby
- [misc] **NiftyGenerators**, a collection of useful Rails generator scripts
- [misc] **NewRelic** app performance monitoring
+- [misc] **Whenever** clear syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs
- [uploads] **Carrierwave** file uploading plus optional Fog cloud storage
- [uploads] **Remotipart**, for AJAX file uploads with jQuery
- [test] **RSpec** for BDD
- [test] **Factory Girl** test fixtures
- [test] **SimpleCov** code coverage for Ruby 1.9, with automatic RSpec integration
### Frozen drones (currently in development)
-- [base] Database (currently rake db:migrate in template will break non-sqlite dbs)
+- [base] Database: rake [db:create, db:migrate] at very end of generator, options? postgres etc. (will need a dropdown option in the app for this)
- [auth] Devise
- [test] DatabaseCleaner
-- [test] TimeCop
- [test] Capybara
- [test] Shoulda
- [dev] Guard
- [source-control] Git
- [requests] InheritedResources (deprecated)
- [requests] UserAgent blocking script
-- [mailing] SendGrid
+- [mailing] SendGrid
+- [mailing] Postmark
### Future drones (TODO - I'll get there some day!)
+- [ux] Backbone integration + Skim
+- [uploads] Cloudinary
+- [dev] Spork
+- [search] Sphinx
+- [?] DelayedJob
+- [?] Resque
+- [?] Redis
+- [?] Faye
+- [test] Cucumber
- [ui] Stylesheet utils
- [ui] Calendrical for jQuery
- [ui] SlimViews: Add browser-specific classes to <html> via useragent + helpers..
- [ui] Bootstrap: vendor files rather than gem require (is this necessary? seems all variables can be customized in an external sheet as long as it's required before compass_twitter_bootstrap)
-- [ui] jQuery shims
- [ui] jQuery UI (vendor + theme etc.)
-- [ui] for IE
-- [ui] HTML5 shim for IE
-- [uploads?] RMagick / minimagick
-- [requests] HasScope
-- [requests] will-paginate (+bootstrap-will-paginate)
+- [ui_shim] for IE
+- [ui_shim] jQuery shims
+- [ui_shim] HTML5 shim/shiv for IE -- (or use modernizr?)
+- [processing] RMagick / minimagick
- [dev] rails-best-practices (and the other output gem for debugging)
- [dev] Pivotal tracker
- [dev] RailsErd
- [production] Airbrake + API Key
- [production] EngineYard for deployment
-- [ux] Backbone integration + Skim
-- [views] Nested Form
- [?] SeedFu
- [?] Launchy
- [?] Growl & rb-notify etc.
- [views] ShowFor
- [views?] RedCarpet