lib/app42/base/help.rb in app42-0.5.8 vs lib/app42/base/help.rb in app42-0.5.9
- old
+ new
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@
setupInfra # Setup your deployment and runtime environment i.e. Instance(Memory, CPU) and Technology Stack
deploy # Deploy the application over your runtime environment
update # Update the application over your runtime environment
- scale # Scale application by number of instance(s)
- descale # Descale application by number of instance(s)
+ scale # Scale application either by number of instance(s) OR kontena(s)
+ descale # Descale application either by number of instance(s) OR kontena(s)
start # Start the application
stop # Stop the application
restart # Restart the application
deleteInfra # Delete the Infrastructure environment
apps # List all the deployed applications with their meta details
@@ -50,10 +50,11 @@
createService # Creates a new service e.g. MySQL, MongoDB, CouchDB, PostgreSQL etc.
deleteService # Delete provisioned service
startService # Start the service
restartService # Restart the service
stopService # Stop the service
+ uploadBackup # Upload file data into a service
services # List all the provisioned services with their meta details
serviceInfo # Show meta information of the provisioned service
resetServicePassword # Reset password of provisioned service
bindIP # Bind IP to provisioned service
unbindIP # Unbind IP from provisioned service
@@ -64,14 +65,16 @@
iaasProviders # List supported IaaS providers by App42
runtimes # List supported runtimes by App42
activities # List all activities with their status
- setupBPaaS # Setup App42 BPaaS by choosing required configuration
- deleteSetup # Delete the setup
- setupInfo # Show setup information
- setups # List all the setups
+ setupBPaaS # Setup App42 BPaaS by choosing required configuration
+ deleteSetup # Delete the setup
+ startBPaaS # Start the BPaaS
+ stopBPaaS # Stop the BPaaS
+ setupInfo # Show setup information
+ setups # List all the setups
version # Show Ruby client gem version
help # List available commands and their description
COMMAND --help # Display detailed help of a specific command
@@ -209,17 +212,17 @@
List all the deployed applications with their meta details
$app42 apps
- +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+--------+
- | === My Apps === |
- +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+--------+
- | App Url | App Status | Iaas Provider | Name | Runtime | Instance Count | Memory |
- +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+--------+
- | | RUNNING | Amazon (Oregon) | demo | Ruby 2.0.0 | 1 | 256 MB |
- +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+--------+
+ +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+---------------+--------+
+ | === My Apps === |
+ +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+---------------+--------+
+ | App Url | App Status | Iaas Provider | Name | Runtime | Instance Count | Framework | Memory |
+ +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+---------------+--------+
+ | | RUNNING | Amazon (Oregon) | demo | Ruby 2.0.0 | 1 | Ruby on Rack | 256 MB |
+ +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+---------------+--------+
def deploy
@@ -369,51 +372,84 @@
def descale
print <<-DESC
app42 descale
- Descale application by number of instance(s)
+ Descale application either by number of instance(s) OR kontena(s)
[--app APP] # Name of app, you want to descale
$app42 descale
Enter App Name: demo
- Descale by instance(s) [1]: 2
- Descaling Application demo by instance 2... OK
+ 1: Horizontal
+ 2: Vertical
+ Choose Scale Type [Horizontal]:
+ Horizontal descale by instance(s) [1]: 1
+ Descaling Application demo by instance 1... OK
Operation is in progress, Please wait...|
- 1 out of 2 descaled
- -
Descale completed successfully.
def scale
print <<-DESC
app42 scale
- Scale application by number of instance(s)
+ Scale application either by number of instance(s) OR kontena(s)
[--app APP] # Name of app, you want to scale
$app42 scale
Enter App Name: demo
- Scale by instance(s) [1]: 2
- Scaling Application demo by instance 2... OK
- Operation is in progress, Please wait...-
- 1 out of 2 scaled
- |
+ 1: Horizontal
+ 2: Vertical
+ Choose Scale Type [Horizontal]: 2
+ Vertical descale by kontena power(s) [1]:
+ Scaling Application demo by kontena(s) 1... OK
+ Operation is in progress, Please wait...|
Scale completed successfully.
+ def uploadbackup
+ print <<-DESC
+ app42 uploadBackup
+ Upload file data into a service
+ [--service SERVICE] # Name of service, you want to scale
+ $app42 uploadBackup
+ Enter Service Name: db
+ Enter Backup File Path: /home/ubuntu/Downloads/demo_production-27Nov2013.sql
+ Do you also want to restore uploaded backup? [Yn]: n
+ Please be patient... This process may take a while to complete.
+ Uploading Service Backup... OK
+ Operation is in progress, Please wait...
+ Backup has been successfully restored.
+ end
def appinfo
print <<-DESC
app42 appInfo
@@ -423,18 +459,18 @@
[--app APP] # Name of app, you want to info
$app42 appInfo
Enter App Name: demo
- +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+--------+
- | === demo Info === |
- +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+--------+
- | App Url | App Status | Iaas Provider | Name | Runtime | Instance Count | Memory |
- +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+--------+
- | | RUNNING | Amazon (Oregon) | demo | Ruby 2.0.0 | 1 | 256 MB |
- +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+--------+
+ +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+---------------+--------+
+ | === demo Info === |
+ +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+---------------+--------+
+ | App Url | App Status | Iaas Provider | Name | Runtime | Instance Count | Framework | Memory |
+ +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+---------------+--------+
+ | | RUNNING | Amazon (Oregon) | demo | Ruby 2.0.0 | 1 | Ruby on Rack | 256 MB |
+ +--------------------------------+------------+-----------------+------+------------+----------------+---------------+--------+
def appstate
print <<-DESC
@@ -944,9 +980,47 @@
| Created On | Api Server Url | Setup Name | Iaas Provider | Setup Type | Vm Type | Setup Flavour | Setup Status |
| 2013-10-28 15:00:46.0 | | demo | Amazon (Oregon) | CLOUDAPI | Shared | light | RUNNING |
+ end
+ def startbpaas
+ print <<-DESC
+ app42 startBPaaS
+ Start the BPaaS setup
+ $app42 startBPaaS
+ Enter Setup Name: demo
+ Starting BPaaS Setup demo... OK
+ Operation is in progress, Please wait...|
+ BPaaS setup demo started successfully.
+ end
+ def stopbpaas
+ print <<-DESC
+ app42 stopBPaaS
+ Stop the BPaaS setup
+ $app42 stopBPaaS
+ Enter Setup Name: demo
+ Stopping BPaaS Setup demo... OK
+ Operation is in progress, Please wait...|
+ BPaaS setup demo stopped successfully.
def version
print <<-DESC