app/controllers/apicasso/crud_controller.rb in apicasso-0.1.2 vs app/controllers/apicasso/crud_controller.rb in apicasso-0.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,148 +1,148 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module Apicasso
- # Controller to consume read-only data to be used on client's frontend
- class CrudController < Apicasso::ApplicationController
- before_action :set_root_resource
- before_action :set_object, except: %i[index schema create]
- before_action :set_nested_resource, only: %i[nested_index]
- before_action :set_records, only: %i[index nested_index]
- before_action :set_schema, only: %i[schema]
- include Orderable
- # GET /:resource
- # Returns a paginated, ordered and filtered query based response.
- # Consider this
- # To get all `Channel` sorted by ascending `name` and descending
- # `updated_at`, filtered by the ones that have a `domain` that matches
- # exactly `""`, paginating records 42 per page and retrieving
- # the page 42 of that collection. Usage:
- # GET /sites?sort=+name,-updated_at&q[domain_eq]
- def index
- render json: response_json
- end
- # GET /:resource/1
- def show
- render json: @object.to_json(include: parsed_include)
- end
- # PATCH/PUT /:resource/1
- def update
- authorize_for(action: :update,
- resource:,
- object: @object)
- if @object.update(object_params)
- render json: @object
- else
- render json: @object.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
- end
- end
- # DELETE /:resource/1
- def destroy
- authorize_for(action: :destroy,
- resource:,
- object: @object)
- if @object.destroy
- head :no_content
- else
- render json: @object.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
- end
- end
- # GET /:resource/1/:nested_resource
- alias nested_index index
- # POST /:resource
- def create
- @object =
- authorize_for(action: :create,
- resource:,
- object: @object)
- if
- render json: @object, status: :created, location: @object
- else
- render json: @object.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
- end
- end
- # OPTIONS /:resource
- # OPTIONS /:resource/1/:nested_resource
- # Will return a JSON with the schema of the current resource, using
- # attribute names as keys and attirbute types as values.
- def schema
- render json: resource_schema.to_json
- end
- private
- # Common setup to stablish which model is the resource of this request
- def set_root_resource
- @root_resource = params[:resource].classify.constantize
- end
- # Common setup to stablish which object this request is querying
- def set_object
- id = params[:id]
- @object = resource.friendly.find(id)
- rescue NoMethodError
- @object = resource.find(id)
- ensure
- authorize! :read, @object
- end
- # Setup to stablish the nested model to be queried
- def set_nested_resource
- @nested_resource = @object.send(params[:nested].underscore.pluralize)
- end
- # Reutrns root_resource if nested_resource is not set scoped by permissions
- def resource
- (@nested_resource || @root_resource)
- end
- # Used to setup the resource's schema, mapping attributes and it's types
- def resource_schema
- schemated = {}
- resource.columns_hash.each { |key, value| schemated[key] = value.type }
- schemated
- end
- # Used to setup the records from the selected resource that are
- # going to be rendered, if authorized
- def set_records
- authorize! :read,
- @records = resource.ransack(parsed_query).result
- reorder_records if params[:sort].present?
- end
- # Reordering of records which happens when receiving `params[:sort]`
- def reorder_records
- @records = @records.unscope(:order).order(ordering_params(params))
- end
- # Raw paginated records object
- def paginated_records
- @records.accessible_by(current_ability)
- .paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: params[:per_page])
- end
- # Parsing of `paginated_records` with pagination variables metadata
- def response_json
- { entries: entries_json }.merge(pagination_metadata_for(paginated_records))
- end
- # Parsed JSON to be used as response payload
- def entries_json
- JSON.parse(paginated_records.to_json(include: parsed_include))
- end
- # Only allow a trusted parameter "white list" through,
- # based on resource's schema.
- def object_params
- params.fetch(, resource_schema.keys)
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Apicasso
+ # Controller to consume read-only data to be used on client's frontend
+ class CrudController < Apicasso::ApplicationController
+ before_action :set_root_resource
+ before_action :set_object, except: %i[index schema create]
+ before_action :set_nested_resource, only: %i[nested_index]
+ before_action :set_records, only: %i[index nested_index]
+ before_action :set_schema, only: %i[schema]
+ include Orderable
+ # GET /:resource
+ # Returns a paginated, ordered and filtered query based response.
+ # Consider this
+ # To get all `Channel` sorted by ascending `name` and descending
+ # `updated_at`, filtered by the ones that have a `domain` that matches
+ # exactly `""`, paginating records 42 per page and retrieving
+ # the page 42 of that collection. Usage:
+ # GET /sites?sort=+name,-updated_at&q[domain_eq]
+ def index
+ render json: response_json
+ end
+ # GET /:resource/1
+ def show
+ render json: @object.to_json(include: parsed_include)
+ end
+ # PATCH/PUT /:resource/1
+ def update
+ authorize_for(action: :update,
+ resource:,
+ object: @object)
+ if @object.update(object_params)
+ render json: @object
+ else
+ render json: @object.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
+ end
+ end
+ # DELETE /:resource/1
+ def destroy
+ authorize_for(action: :destroy,
+ resource:,
+ object: @object)
+ if @object.destroy
+ head :no_content
+ else
+ render json: @object.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
+ end
+ end
+ # GET /:resource/1/:nested_resource
+ alias nested_index index
+ # POST /:resource
+ def create
+ @object =
+ authorize_for(action: :create,
+ resource:,
+ object: @object)
+ if
+ render json: @object, status: :created, location: @object
+ else
+ render json: @object.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
+ end
+ end
+ # OPTIONS /:resource
+ # OPTIONS /:resource/1/:nested_resource
+ # Will return a JSON with the schema of the current resource, using
+ # attribute names as keys and attirbute types as values.
+ def schema
+ render json: resource_schema.to_json
+ end
+ private
+ # Common setup to stablish which model is the resource of this request
+ def set_root_resource
+ @root_resource = params[:resource].classify.constantize
+ end
+ # Common setup to stablish which object this request is querying
+ def set_object
+ id = params[:id]
+ @object = resource.friendly.find(id)
+ rescue NoMethodError
+ @object = resource.find(id)
+ ensure
+ authorize! :read, @object
+ end
+ # Setup to stablish the nested model to be queried
+ def set_nested_resource
+ @nested_resource = @object.send(params[:nested].underscore.pluralize)
+ end
+ # Reutrns root_resource if nested_resource is not set scoped by permissions
+ def resource
+ (@nested_resource || @root_resource)
+ end
+ # Used to setup the resource's schema, mapping attributes and it's types
+ def resource_schema
+ schemated = {}
+ resource.columns_hash.each { |key, value| schemated[key] = value.type }
+ schemated
+ end
+ # Used to setup the records from the selected resource that are
+ # going to be rendered, if authorized
+ def set_records
+ authorize! :read,
+ @records = resource.ransack(parsed_query).result
+ reorder_records if params[:sort].present?
+ end
+ # Reordering of records which happens when receiving `params[:sort]`
+ def reorder_records
+ @records = @records.unscope(:order).order(ordering_params(params))
+ end
+ # Raw paginated records object
+ def paginated_records
+ @records.accessible_by(current_ability)
+ .paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: params[:per_page])
+ end
+ # Parsing of `paginated_records` with pagination variables metadata
+ def response_json
+ { entries: entries_json }.merge(pagination_metadata_for(paginated_records))
+ end
+ # Parsed JSON to be used as response payload
+ def entries_json
+ JSON.parse(paginated_records.to_json(include: parsed_include))
+ end
+ # Only allow a trusted parameter "white list" through,
+ # based on resource's schema.
+ def object_params
+ params.fetch(, resource_schema.keys)
+ end
+ end