in anyway_config-2.4.1 vs in anyway_config-2.4.2

- old
+ new

@@ -365,10 +365,12 @@ development: host: localhost port: 3000 ``` +**NOTE:** You can override the environment name for configuration files via the `ANYWAY_ENV` environment variable or by setting it explicitly in the code: `Anyway::Settings.current_environment = "some_other_env"`. + ### Multi-env configuration _⚡️ This feature will be turned on by default in the future releases. You can turn it on now via `config.anyway_config.future.use :unwrap_known_environments`._ If the YML does not have keys that are one of the "known" Rails environments (development, production, test)—the same configuration will be available in all environments, similar to non-Rails behavior: @@ -556,9 +558,11 @@ If you want to enable this feature you must specify `Anyway::Settings.current_environment` variable for load config under specific environment. ```ruby Anyway::Settings.current_environment = "development" ``` + +You can also specify the `ANYWAY_ENV=development` environment variable to set the current environment for configuration. YAML files should be in this format: ```yml development: