in anyway_config-2.0.6 vs in anyway_config-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -327,43 +327,87 @@
### Data population
Your config is filled up with values from the following sources (ordered by priority from low to high):
-- `RAILS_ROOT/config/my_cool_gem.yml` (for the current `RAILS_ENV`, supports `ERB`):
+1) **YAML configuration files**: `RAILS_ROOT/config/my_cool_gem.yml`.
+Recognizes Rails environment, supports `ERB`:
host: localhost
port: 3002
host: localhost
port: 3000
-**NOTE:** you can override the default YML lookup path by setting `MYCOOLGEM_CONF` env variable.
+### Multi-env configuration
-- `Rails.application.secrets.my_cool_gem` (if `secrets.yml` present):
+_⚡️ This feature will be turned on by default in the future releases. You can turn it on now via `config.anyway_config.future.use :unwrap_known_environments`._
+If the YML does not have keys that are one of the "known" Rails environments (development, production, test)—the same configuration will be available in all environments, similar to non-Rails behavior:
+host: localhost
+port: 3002
+# These values will be active in all environments
+To extend the list of known environments, use the setting in the relevant part of your Rails code:
+Rails.application.config.anyway_config.known_environments << "staging"
+If your YML defines at least a single "environmental" top-level, you _have_ to separate all your settings per-environment. You can't mix and match:
+ host: localhost # This value will be loaded when Rails.env.staging? is true
+port: 3002 # This value will not be loaded at all
+You can specify the lookup path for YAML files in one of the following ways:
+- By setting `config.anyway_config.default_config_path` to a target directory path:
+config.anyway_config.default_config_path = "/etc/configs"
+config.anyway_config.default_config_path = Rails.root.join("etc", "configs")
+- By setting `config.anyway_config.default_config_path` to a Proc, which accepts a config name and returns the path:
+config.anyway_config.default_config_path = ->(name) { Rails.root.join("data", "configs", "#{name}.yml") }
+- By overriding a specific config YML file path via the `<NAME>_CONF` env variable, e.g., `MYCOOLGEM_CONF=path/to/cool.yml`
+2) **Rails secrets**: `Rails.application.secrets.my_cool_gem` (if `secrets.yml` present).
# config/secrets.yml
port: 4444
-- `Rails.application.credentials.my_cool_gem` (if supported):
+3) **Rails credentials**: `Rails.application.credentials.my_cool_gem` (if supported):
**NOTE:** You can backport Rails 6 per-environment credentials to Rails 5.2 app using [this patch](
-- `ENV['MYCOOLGEM_*']`.
+4) **Environment variables**: `ENV['MYCOOLGEM_*']`.
See [environment variables](#environment-variables).
### Organizing configs
@@ -442,23 +486,39 @@
## Using with Ruby
The default data loading mechanism for non-Rails applications is the following (ordered by priority from low to high):
-- `./config/<config-name>.yml` (`ERB` is supported if `erb` is loaded)
+1) **YAML configuration files**: `./config/<config-name>.yml`.
In pure Ruby apps, we do not know about _environments_ (`test`, `development`, `production`, etc.); thus, we assume that the YAML contains values for a single environment:
host: localhost
port: 3000
-**NOTE:** you can override the default YML lookup path by setting `MYCOOLGEM_CONF` env variable.
+`ERB` is supported if `erb` is loaded (thus, you need to call `require "erb"` somewhere before loading configuration).
-- `ENV['MYCOOLGEM_*']`.
+You can specify the lookup path for YAML files in one of the following ways:
+- By setting `Anyway::Settings.default_config_path` to a target directory path:
+Anyway::Settings.default_config_path = "/etc/configs"
+- By setting `Anyway::Settings.default_config_path` to a Proc, which accepts a config name and returns the path:
+Anyway::Settings.default_config_path = ->(name) { Rails.root.join("data", "configs", "#{name}.yml") }
+- By overriding a specific config YML file path via the `<NAME>_CONF` env variable, e.g., `MYCOOLGEM_CONF=path/to/cool.yml`
+2) **Environment variables**: `ENV['MYCOOLGEM_*']`.
See [environment variables](#environment-variables).
## Environment variables
Environmental variables for your config should start with your config name, upper-cased.
@@ -664,10 +724,10 @@
If you want to delete the env var, pass `nil` as the value.
This helper is automatically included to RSpec if `RAILS_ENV` or `RACK_ENV` env variable is equal to "test". It's only available for the example with the tag `type: :config` or with the path `spec/configs/...`.
-You can add it manually by requiring `"anyway/testing/helpers"` and including the `Anyway::Test::Helpers` module (into RSpec configuration or Minitest test class).
+You can add it manually by requiring `"anyway/testing/helpers"` and including the `Anyway::Testing::Helpers` module (into RSpec configuration or Minitest test class).
## OptionParser integration
It's possible to use config as option parser (e.g., for CLI apps/libraries). It uses
[`optparse`]( under the hood.