in ansible-powerplay-1.4.5 vs in ansible-powerplay-1.4.6
- old
+ new
@@ -2,17 +2,61 @@
This is my personal scratchpad. Please
ignore what you see after this point,
as it is not gauranteed to make sense to you
or to be kept up to date.
+** The Junkyard
+ This area should be ignored, just a place
+ for me to keep old snippets of code and other
+ notes that will be of relevance to no one else.
+*** Old execution planning model
+ #+begin_src ruby
+ # old code and will be deleted
+ playbooks do |pname, playbook|
+ group_threads = []
+ puts "PLAYBOOK #{pname} (group=#{Play::clopts[:group]}) -->"
+ groups playbook do |group|
+ tg = nil
+ group_threads << (tg = {
+ puts " GROUP #{group.type} (book=#{bucher}, cg=#{congroups}) -->"
+ book_threads = []
+ errors = []
+ group.books.each { |book| get_book_apcmd(book, bucher, book_threads, errors) }
+ book_threads.each{ |t| t.join }
+ unless errors.empty?
+ errors.each do |yaml, cmd, txt|
+ puts '=' * 30
+ puts ('*' * 10) + ' ' + yaml
+ puts txt
+ puts '-' * 30
+ puts cmd
+ end
+ exit 10
+ end
+ })
+ # Always wait here unless we're concurrent
+ group_threads.join unless congroups
+ end
+ group_threads.each{ |t| t.join }
+ end
+ #+end_src
+*** Old tmux option parsing functional
+ #+begin_src ruby
+ .inspect
+ .chop
+ .split(",")
+ .map{ |s| s.strip.sub(/\\n|\"/, '') }
+ .reject{ |pty| pty == %x(tty).chop }
+ .reject{ |pty| pty == '' }
+ #+end_src
** Tmux commnad to return the ptys and other info
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
tmux list-panes -F '#{pane_id} #{pane_tty}'
tmux list-panes -F '#{pane_id} #{pane_tty} #{pane_right} #{pane_left} #{pane_top} #{pane_bottom}'
** PowerPlay command for testing
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
cd examples/
../bin/powerplay play -p development -v1 -u