bin/annotate in annotate-2.7.5 vs bin/annotate in annotate-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -12,205 +12,21 @@
here = File.expand_path(File.dirname __FILE__)
$LOAD_PATH << "#{here}/../lib"
-require 'optparse'
require 'annotate'
+require 'annotate/parser'
-has_set_position = {}
-target_action = :do_annotations
-positions = %w(before top after bottom)
+options_result = Annotate::Parser.parse(ARGV) do |opts|
- opts.banner = 'Usage: annotate [options] [model_file]*'
+exit if options_result[:exit]
- opts.on('-d', '--delete', 'Remove annotations from all model files or the routes.rb file') do
- target_action = :remove_annotations
- end
- opts.on('-p', '--position [before|top|after|bottom]', positions,
- 'Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of the model/test/fixture/factory/route/serializer file(s)') do |p|
- ENV['position'] = p
- %w(position_in_class position_in_factory position_in_fixture position_in_test position_in_routes position_in_serializer).each do |key|
- ENV[key] = p unless has_set_position[key]
- end
- end
- opts.on('--pc', '--position-in-class [before|top|after|bottom]', positions,
- 'Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of the model file') do |p|
- ENV['position_in_class'] = p
- has_set_position['position_in_class'] = true
- end
- opts.on('--pf', '--position-in-factory [before|top|after|bottom]', positions,
- 'Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of any factory files') do |p|
- ENV['position_in_factory'] = p
- has_set_position['position_in_factory'] = true
- end
- opts.on('--px', '--position-in-fixture [before|top|after|bottom]', positions,
- 'Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of any fixture files') do |p|
- ENV['position_in_fixture'] = p
- has_set_position['position_in_fixture'] = true
- end
- opts.on('--pt', '--position-in-test [before|top|after|bottom]', positions,
- 'Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of any test files') do |p|
- ENV['position_in_test'] = p
- has_set_position['position_in_test'] = true
- end
- opts.on('--pr', '--position-in-routes [before|top|after|bottom]', positions,
- 'Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of the routes.rb file') do |p|
- ENV['position_in_routes'] = p
- has_set_position['position_in_routes'] = true
- end
- opts.on('--ps', '--position-in-serializer [before|top|after|bottom]', positions,
- 'Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of the serializer files') do |p|
- ENV['position_in_serializer'] = p
- has_set_position['position_in_serializer'] = true
- end
- opts.on('--w', '--wrapper STR', 'Wrap annotation with the text passed as parameter.',
- 'If --w option is used, the same text will be used as opening and closing') do |p|
- ENV['wrapper'] = p
- end
- opts.on('--wo', '--wrapper-open STR', 'Annotation wrapper opening.') do |p|
- ENV['wrapper_open'] = p
- end
- opts.on('--wc', '--wrapper-close STR', 'Annotation wrapper closing') do |p|
- ENV['wrapper_close'] = p
- end
- opts.on('-r', '--routes', "Annotate routes.rb with the output of 'rake routes'") do
- ENV['routes'] = 'true'
- end
- opts.on('-a', '--active-admin', 'Annotate active_admin models') do
- ENV['active_admin'] = 'true'
- end
- opts.on('-v', '--version', 'Show the current version of this gem') do
- puts "annotate v#{Annotate.version}"; exit
- end
- opts.on('-m', '--show-migration', 'Include the migration version number in the annotation') do
- ENV['include_version'] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('-k', '--show-foreign-keys',
- "List the table's foreign key constraints in the annotation") do
- ENV['show_foreign_keys'] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('--ck',
- '--complete-foreign-keys', 'Complete foreign key names in the annotation') do
- ENV['show_foreign_keys'] = 'yes'
- ENV['show_complete_foreign_keys'] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('-i', '--show-indexes',
- "List the table's database indexes in the annotation") do
- ENV['show_indexes'] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('-s', '--simple-indexes',
- "Concat the column's related indexes in the annotation") do
- ENV['simple_indexes'] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('--model-dir dir',
- "Annotate model files stored in dir rather than app/models, separate multiple dirs with commas") do |dir|
- ENV['model_dir'] = dir
- end
- opts.on('--root-dir dir',
- "Annotate files stored within root dir projects, separate multiple dirs with commas") do |dir|
- ENV['root_dir'] = dir
- end
- opts.on('--ignore-model-subdirects',
- "Ignore subdirectories of the models directory") do |dir|
- ENV['ignore_model_sub_dir'] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('--sort',
- "Sort columns alphabetically, rather than in creation order") do |dir|
- ENV['sort'] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('--classified-sort',
- "Sort columns alphabetically, but first goes id, then the rest columns, then the timestamp columns and then the association columns") do |dir|
- ENV['classified_sort'] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('-R', '--require path',
- "Additional file to require before loading models, may be used multiple times") do |path|
- if !ENV['require'].blank?
- ENV['require'] = ENV['require'] + ",#{path}"
- else
- ENV['require'] = path
- end
- end
- opts.on('-e', '--exclude [tests,fixtures,factories,serializers]', Array, "Do not annotate fixtures, test files, factories, and/or serializers") do |exclusions|
- exclusions ||= %w(tests fixtures factories)
- exclusions.each { |exclusion| ENV["exclude_#{exclusion}"] = 'yes' }
- end
- opts.on('-f', '--format [bare|rdoc|markdown]', %w(bare rdoc markdown), 'Render Schema Infomation as plain/RDoc/Markdown') do |fmt|
- ENV["format_#{fmt}"] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('--force', 'Force new annotations even if there are no changes.') do |force|
- ENV['force'] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('--frozen', 'Do not allow to change annotations. Exits non-zero if there are going to be changes to files.') do
- ENV['frozen'] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('--timestamp', 'Include timestamp in (routes) annotation') do
- ENV['timestamp'] = 'true'
- end
- opts.on('--trace', 'If unable to annotate a file, print the full stack trace, not just the exception message.') do |value|
- ENV['trace'] = 'yes'
- end
- opts.on('-I', '--ignore-columns REGEX', "don't annotate columns that match a given REGEX (i.e., `annotate -I '^(id|updated_at|created_at)'`") do |regex|
- ENV['ignore_columns'] = regex
- end
- opts.on('--ignore-routes REGEX', "don't annotate routes that match a given REGEX (i.e., `annotate -I '(mobile|resque|pghero)'`") do |regex|
- ENV['ignore_routes'] = regex
- end
- opts.on('--hide-limit-column-types VALUES', "don't show limit for given column types, separated by commas (i.e., `integer,boolean,text`)") do |values|
- ENV['hide_limit_column_types'] = "#{values}"
- end
- opts.on('--hide-default-column-types VALUES', "don't show default for given column types, separated by commas (i.e., `json,jsonb,hstore`)") do |values|
- ENV['hide_default_column_types'] = "#{values}"
- end
- opts.on('--ignore-unknown-models', "don't display warnings for bad model files") do |values|
- ENV['ignore_unknown_models'] = 'true'
- end
- opts.on('--with-comment', "include database comments in model annotations") do |values|
- ENV['with_comment'] = 'true'
- end
options = Annotate.setup_options(
is_rake: ENV['is_rake'] && !ENV['is_rake'].empty?
Annotate.eager_load(options) if Annotate.include_models?
-AnnotateModels.send(target_action, options) if Annotate.include_models?
-AnnotateRoutes.send(target_action, options) if Annotate.include_routes?
+AnnotateModels.send(options_result[:target_action], options) if Annotate.include_models?
+AnnotateRoutes.send(options_result[:target_action], options) if Annotate.include_routes?