Rakefile in ankusa-0.0.5 vs Rakefile in ankusa-0.0.6
- old
+ new
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
t.verbose = true
spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = "ankusa"
- s.version = "0.0.5"
+ s.version = "0.0.6"
s.authors = ["Brian Muller"]
- s.date = %q{2010-12-03}
- s.description = "Naive Bayes classifier with HBase storage"
- s.summary = "Naive Bayes classifier in Ruby that uses Hadoop's HBase for storage"
+ s.date = %q{2010-12-06}
+ s.description = "Text classifier with HBase storage"
+ s.summary = "Text classifier in Ruby that uses Hadoop's HBase for storage"
s.email = "brian.muller@livingsocial.com"
s.files = FileList["lib/**/*", "[A-Z]*", "Rakefile", "docs/**/*"]
s.homepage = "https://github.com/livingsocial/ankusa"
s.require_paths = ["lib"]
s.rubygems_version = "1.3.5"