./lib/animoto/client.rb in animoto-0.0.0.alpha9 vs ./lib/animoto/client.rb in animoto-0.1.0.beta0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,43 +1,98 @@
require 'yaml'
require 'uri'
require 'logger'
-require 'animoto/errors'
-require 'animoto/content_type'
-require 'animoto/standard_envelope'
-require 'animoto/resource'
-require 'animoto/asset'
-require 'animoto/visual'
-require 'animoto/coverable'
-require 'animoto/footage'
-require 'animoto/image'
-require 'animoto/song'
-require 'animoto/title_card'
-require 'animoto/manifest'
-require 'animoto/directing_manifest'
-require 'animoto/rendering_manifest'
-require 'animoto/directing_and_rendering_manifest'
-require 'animoto/storyboard'
-require 'animoto/video'
-require 'animoto/job'
-require 'animoto/directing_and_rendering_job'
-require 'animoto/directing_job'
-require 'animoto/rendering_job'
-require 'animoto/dynamic_class_loader'
-require 'animoto/http_engine'
-require 'animoto/response_parser'
+require 'animoto/support/content_type'
+require 'animoto/support/coverable'
+require 'animoto/support/dynamic_class_loader'
+require 'animoto/support/errors'
+require 'animoto/support/standard_envelope'
+require 'animoto/support/visual'
+require 'animoto/resources/base'
+require 'animoto/resources/storyboard'
+require 'animoto/resources/video'
+require 'animoto/resources/jobs/base'
+require 'animoto/resources/jobs/directing_and_rendering'
+require 'animoto/resources/jobs/directing'
+require 'animoto/resources/jobs/rendering'
+require 'animoto/assets/base'
+require 'animoto/assets/footage'
+require 'animoto/assets/image'
+require 'animoto/assets/song'
+require 'animoto/assets/title_card'
+require 'animoto/manifests/base'
+require 'animoto/manifests/directing'
+require 'animoto/manifests/directing_and_rendering'
+require 'animoto/manifests/rendering'
+require 'animoto/callbacks/base'
+require 'animoto/callbacks/directing'
+require 'animoto/callbacks/directing_and_rendering'
+require 'animoto/callbacks/rendering'
+require 'animoto/http_engines/base'
+require 'animoto/response_parsers/base'
module Animoto
class Client
API_ENDPOINT = "https://api2-sandbox.animoto.com/"
BASE_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/vnd.animoto"
- attr_accessor :key, :secret, :endpoint, :logger
- attr_reader :http_engine, :response_parser
+ # Your API key.
+ # @return [String]
+ attr_accessor :key
+ # Your API secret.
+ # @return [String]
+ attr_accessor :secret
+ # The base URL where all requests will be sent.
+ # @return [String]
+ attr_accessor :endpoint
+ # A logger.
+ # @return [Logger]
+ attr_accessor :logger
+ # The engine to handle HTTP requests.
+ # @return [HTTPEngines::Base]
+ # @overload http_engine
+ # Returns the HTTP engine.
+ # @return [HTTPEngines::Base]
+ # @overload http_engine=(engine)
+ # Sets the HTTP engine.
+ #
+ # @param [HTTPEngines::Base,Symbol,Class] engine you may pass a
+ # HTTPEngine instance to use, or the symbolic name of an adapter to use,
+ # or a Class whose instances respond to #request and return a String of
+ # the response body
+ # @see Animoto::HTTPEngines::Base
+ # @return [HTTPEngines::Base] the engine instance
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if given a class without the correct interface
+ attr_reader :http_engine
+ # The engine to handle parsing XML or JSON responses.
+ # @return [ResponseParsers::Base]
+ # @overload response_parser
+ # Returns the parser.
+ # @return [ResponseParsers::Base]
+ # @overload response_parser=(parser)
+ # Sets the parser.
+ #
+ # @param [ResponseParsers::Base,Symbol,Class] parser you may pass a
+ # ResponseParser instance to use, or the symbolic name of an adapter to use,
+ # or a Class whose instances respond to #parse, #unparse, and #format.
+ # @see Animoto::ResponseParsers::Base
+ # @return [ResponseParsers::Base] the parser instance
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if given a class without the correct interface
+ attr_reader :response_parser
# Creates a new Client object which handles credentials, versioning, making requests, and
# parsing responses.
# If you have your key and secret in ~/.animotorc or /etc/.animotorc, those credentials will
# be read from those files (in that order) whenever you make a new Client if you don't specify
@@ -58,109 +113,102 @@
@endpoint ||= API_ENDPOINT
__send__ :http_engine=, options[:http_engine] || :net_http
__send__ :response_parser=, options[:response_parser] || :json
- # Set the HTTP engine this client will use.
- #
- # @param [HTTPEngine, Symbol, Class] engine you may pass a
- # HTTPEngine instance to use, or the symbolic name of a adapter to use,
- # or a Class whose instances respond to #request and return a String of
- # the response body
- # @see Animoto::HTTPEngine
- # @return [HTTPEngine] the engine instance
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if given a class without the correct interface
def http_engine= engine
@http_engine = case engine
- when Animoto::HTTPEngine
+ when Animoto::HTTPEngines::Base
when Class
if engine.instance_methods.include?('request')
raise ArgumentError
- Animoto::HTTPEngine[engine].new
+ Animoto::HTTPEngines[engine].new
- # Set the response parser this client will use.
- #
- # @param [ResponseParser, Symbol, Class] parser you may pass a
- # ResponseParser instance to use, or the symbolic name of a adapter to use,
- # or a Class whose instances respond to #parse, #unparse, and #format.
- # @see Animoto::ResponseParser
- # @return [ResponseParser] the parser instance
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if given a class without the correct interface
def response_parser= parser
@response_parser = case parser
- when Animoto::ResponseParser
+ when Animoto::ResponseParsers::Base
when Class
if %{format parse unparse}.all? { |m| parser.instance_methods.include? m }
raise ArgumentError
- Animoto::ResponseParser[parser].new
+ Animoto::ResponseParsers[parser].new
# Finds a resource by its URL.
- # @param [Class] klass the Resource class you're finding
+ # @param [Class] klass the resource class you're finding
# @param [String] url the URL of the resource you want
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @return [Resource] the Resource object found
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Object>] options
+ # @return [Resources::Base] the resource object found
def find klass, url, options = {}
klass.load(find_request(klass, url, options))
+ # Returns a callback object of the specified type given the callback body.
+ #
+ # @param [Class] klass the callback class
+ # @param [String] body the HTTP body of the callback
+ # @return [Callbacks::Base] the callback object
+ def process_callback klass, body
+ klass.new(response_parser.parse(body))
+ end
# Sends a request to start directing a storyboard.
- # @param [DirectingManifest] manifest the manifest to direct
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @return [DirectingJob] a job to monitor the status of the directing
+ # @param [Manifests::Directing] manifest the manifest to direct
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Object>] options
+ # @return [Jobs::Directing] a job to monitor the status of the directing
def direct! manifest, options = {}
- DirectingJob.load(send_manifest(manifest, DirectingJob.endpoint, options))
+ Resources::Jobs::Directing.load(send_manifest(manifest, Resources::Jobs::Directing.endpoint, options))
# Sends a request to start rendering a video.
- # @param [RenderingManifest] manifest the manifest to render
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @return [RenderingJob] a job to monitor the status of the rendering
+ # @param [Manifests::Rendering] manifest the manifest to render
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Object>] options
+ # @return [Jobs::Rendering] a job to monitor the status of the rendering
def render! manifest, options = {}
- RenderingJob.load(send_manifest(manifest, RenderingJob.endpoint, options))
+ Resources::Jobs::Rendering.load(send_manifest(manifest, Resources::Jobs::Rendering.endpoint, options))
# Sends a request to start directing and rendering a video.
- # @param [DirectingAndRenderingManifest] manifest the manifest to direct and render
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @return [DirectingAndRenderingJob] a job to monitor the status of the directing and rendering
+ # @param [Manifests::DirectingAndRendering] manifest the manifest to direct and render
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Object>] options
+ # @return [Jobs::DirectingAndRendering] a job to monitor the status of the directing and rendering
def direct_and_render! manifest, options = {}
- DirectingAndRenderingJob.load(send_manifest(manifest, DirectingAndRenderingJob.endpoint, options))
+ Resources::Jobs::DirectingAndRendering.load(send_manifest(manifest, Resources::Jobs::DirectingAndRendering.endpoint, options))
# Update a resource with the latest attributes. Useful to update the state of a Job to
# see if it's ready if you are not using HTTP callbacks.
- # @param [Resource] resource the resource to update
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @return [Resource] the given resource with the latest attributes
+ # @param [Resources::Base] resource the resource to update
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Object>] options
+ # @return [Resources::Base] the given resource with the latest attributes
def reload! resource, options = {}
resource.load(find_request(resource.class, resource.url, options))
# Sets the API credentials from an .animotorc file. First looks for one in the current
# directory, then checks ~/.animotorc, then finally /etc/.animotorc.
+ # @return [void]
# @raise [ArgumentError] if none of the files are found
def configure_from_rc_file
current_path = Dir.pwd + '/.animotorc'
home_path = File.expand_path('~/.animotorc')
config = if File.exist?(current_path)
@@ -181,22 +229,22 @@
# Builds a request to find a resource.
# @param [Class] klass the Resource class you're looking for
# @param [String] url the URL of the resource
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @return [Hash] deserialized response body
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Object>] options
+ # @return [Hash<String,Object>] deserialized response body
def find_request klass, url, options = {}
request(:get, url, nil, { "Accept" => content_type_of(klass) }, options)
# Builds a request requiring a manifest.
- # @param [Manifest] manifest the manifest being acted on
+ # @param [Manifests::Base] manifest the manifest being acted on
# @param [String] endpoint the endpoint to send the request to
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @return [Hash] deserialized response body
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Object>] options
+ # @return [Hash<String,Object>] deserialized response body
def send_manifest manifest, endpoint, options = {}
u = URI.parse(self.endpoint)
u.path = endpoint
@@ -209,39 +257,44 @@
# Makes a request and parses the response.
# @param [Symbol] method which HTTP method to use (should be lowercase, i.e. :get instead of :GET)
# @param [String] url the URL of the request
- # @param [String, nil] body the request body
+ # @param [String,nil] body the request body
# @param [Hash<String,String>] headers the request headers (will be sent as-is, which means you should
# specify "Content-Type" => "..." instead of, say, :content_type => "...")
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @return [Hash] deserialized response body
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Object>] options
+ # @return [Hash<String,Object>] deserialized response body
# @raise [Error]
def request method, url, body, headers = {}, options = {}
- error = catch(:fail) do
+ code, body = catch(:fail) do
options = { :username => @key, :password => @secret }.merge(options)
@logger.info "Sending request to #{url.inspect} with body #{body}"
response = http_engine.request(method, url, body, headers, options)
@logger.info "Received response #{response}"
return response_parser.parse(response)
- if error
- errors = response_parser.parse(error)['response']['status']['errors']
- err_string = errors.collect { |e| e['message'] }.join(', ')
- @logger.error "Error response from server: #{err_string}"
- raise Animoto::Error.new(err_string)
+ if code
+ if body.empty?
+ @logger.error "HTTP error (#{code})"
+ raise Animoto::Error.new("HTTP error (#{code})")
+ else
+ errors = response_parser.parse(body)['response']['status']['errors']
+ err_string = errors.collect { |e| e['message'] }.join(', ')
+ @logger.error "Error response from server: #{err_string}"
+ raise Animoto::Error.new(err_string)
+ end
@logger.error "Error sending request to #{url.inspect}"
raise Animoto::Error
rescue NoMethodError => e
@logger.error e.inspect
raise Animoto::Error.new("Invalid response (#{e.inspect})")
# Creates the full content type string given a Resource class or instance
- # @param [Class,ContentType] klass_or_instance the class or instance to build the
+ # @param [Class,Support::ContentType] klass_or_instance the class or instance to build the
# content type for
# @return [String] the full content type with the version and format included (i.e.
# "application/vnd.animoto.storyboard-v1+json")
def content_type_of klass_or_instance
klass = klass_or_instance.is_a?(Class) ? klass_or_instance : klass_or_instance.class
\ No newline at end of file