test/unit/angularjs/rails/httpSettingsSpec.js in angularjs-rails-resource-1.1.1 vs test/unit/angularjs/rails/httpSettingsSpec.js in angularjs-rails-resource-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -32,10 +32,96 @@
return matches;
+ describe('$post/$put/$patch', function() {
+ it('passes resourceConfigOverrides to $http', function() {
+ var methods = ['$post', '$put', '$patch'],
+ Resource = factory(config),
+ overrides = {baz: 'qux'};
+ spyOn(Resource, '$http');
+ angular.forEach(methods, function(method) {
+ Resource[method](null, null, overrides);
+ expect(Resource.$http.mostRecentCall.args[2]).toEqual(overrides);
+ });
+ expect(Resource.$http.calls.length).toBe(methods.length);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('$http', function() {
+ describe('when config includes skipRequestProcessing', function() {
+ it('skips all "before" interceptors', function() {
+ var phases = ['beforeRequest', 'beforeRequestWrapping', 'request'],
+ interceptors = {},
+ Resource = factory(config),
+ data = {foo: 'bar'},
+ httpConfig = {method: 'POST', url: config.url, data: data};
+ angular.forEach(phases, function(phase) {
+ interceptors[phase] = jasmine.createSpy(phase);
+ Resource.intercept(phase, interceptors[phase]);
+ });
+ $httpBackend.expectPOST(config.url, data).respond(200);
+ Resource.$http(httpConfig, null, {skipRequestProcessing: true});
+ $httpBackend.flush();
+ angular.forEach(phases, function(phase) {
+ expect(interceptors[phase]).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ });
+ it('does not skip "after" interceptors', function() {
+ var phases = ['beforeResponse', 'beforeResponseDeserialize', 'response', 'afterResponse'],
+ interceptors = {},
+ Resource = factory(config),
+ data = {foo: 'bar'},
+ httpConfig = {method: 'POST', url: config.url, data: data};
+ angular.forEach(phases, function(phase) {
+ interceptors[phase] = jasmine.createSpy(phase);
+ Resource.intercept(phase, interceptors[phase]);
+ });
+ $httpBackend.expectPOST(config.url, data).respond(200);
+ Resource.$http(httpConfig, null, {skipRequestProcessing: true});
+ $httpBackend.flush();
+ angular.forEach(phases, function(phase) {
+ expect(interceptors[phase]).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ });
+ it('deserializes the response into a Resource object', function() {
+ var promise,
+ result,
+ data = {foo: 'bar'},
+ httpConfig = {method: 'POST', url: config.url, data: data},
+ Resource = factory(config);
+ $httpBackend.expectPOST(config.url, data).respond(200, data);
+ promise = Resource.$http(httpConfig, null, {skipRequestProcessing: true});
+ promise.then(function(response) {
+ result = response;
+ });
+ $httpBackend.flush();
+ expect(result).toBeInstanceOf(Resource);
+ expect(result).toEqualData(data);
+ });
+ });
+ });
it('query should pass default $http options', inject(function($httpBackend) {
var promise, result, Test;
$httpBackend.expectGET('/test', headerComparison({'Accept': 'application/json'})).respond(200, {test: {abc: 'xyz'}});
@@ -234,6 +320,6 @@
Test.$patch('/test/123', {id: 123, xyz: '123'});
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