features/comments/commenting.feature in andrewroth_activeadmin-0.3.4 vs features/comments/commenting.feature in andrewroth_activeadmin-
- old
+ new
@@ -37,25 +37,26 @@
Then I should not see "Comments"
Scenario: View a resource in a namespace that doesn't have comments
Given a configuration of:
- ActiveAdmin.register Post, :namespace => :new_namespace
+ post_config = ActiveAdmin.register Post, :namespace => :new_namespace
+ post_config.namespace.allow_comments = false
Given I am logged in
When I am on the index page for posts in the new_namespace namespace
And I follow "View"
Then I should not see "Comments"
Scenario: Creating a comment in one namespace does not create it in another
Given a show configuration of:
- ActiveAdmin.application.allow_comments_in << :public
ActiveAdmin.register Post
ActiveAdmin.register Post, :namespace => :public
When I add a comment "Hello world in admin namespace"
Then I should see "Hello world in admin namespace"
When I am on the index page for posts in the public namespace
And I follow "View"
Then I should not see "Hello world in admin namespace"
And I should see "Comments (0)"