examples/mq/logger.rb in amqp-0.5.5 vs examples/mq/logger.rb in amqp-0.5.9
- old
+ new
@@ -1,75 +1,14 @@
$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib'
require 'mq'
+require 'mq/logger'
-class Logger
- def initialize *args, &block
- opts = args.pop if args.last.is_a? Hash
- opts ||= {}
- printer(block) if block
- @log = []
- @tags = ([:timestamp] + args).uniq
- end
+Logger = MQ::Logger
- def log severity, *args
- opts = args.pop if args.last.is_a? Hash and args.size != 1
- opts ||= {}
- data = args.shift
- data = {:type => :exception,
- :name => data.class.to_s.intern,
- :backtrace => data.backtrace,
- :message => data.message} if data.is_a? Exception
- (@tags + args).each do |tag|
- tag = tag.to_sym
- case tag
- when :timestamp
- opts.update :timestamp => Time.now.to_i
- when :hostname
- @hostname ||= { :hostname => `hostname`.strip }
- opts.update @hostname
- when :process
- @process_id ||= { :process_id => Process.pid,
- :process_name => $0,
- :process_parent_id => Process.ppid,
- :thread_id => Thread.current.object_id }
- opts.update :process => @process_id
- else
- (opts[:tags] ||= []) << tag
- end
- end
- opts.update(:severity => severity,
- :data => data)
- print(opts)
- MQ.queue('logger', :durable => true).publish(Marshal.dump(opts), :persistent => true)
- opts
- end
- alias :method_missing :log
- def print data = nil, &block
- if block
- @printer = block
- elsif data.is_a? Proc
- @printer = data
- elsif @printer and data
- @printer.call(data)
- else
- @printer
- end
- end
- alias :printer :print
- # AMQP.logging = true
- # MQ.logging = true
if ARGV[0] == 'server'
- MQ.queue('logger', :durable => true).subscribe{|msg|
+ MQ.queue('logger').bind(MQ.fanout('logging', :durable => true)).subscribe{|msg|
msg = Marshal.load(msg)
require 'pp'