docs/Queues.textile in amqp-0.8.0.rc6 vs docs/Queues.textile in amqp-0.8.0.rc7
- old
+ new
@@ -342,10 +342,15 @@
+In books, articles and documentation about AMQP 0.9.1 you may come around discussions of _consumer tags_. Consumer tag in AMQP
+parlance is an identifier for subscription: most often, it is used to unsubscribe from messages (more on that later in this chapter).
+If you need to obtain consumer tag of a queue that is subscribed to receive messages, use {AMQP::Queue#consumer_tag}.
h3. Exclusive consumers
@@ -392,10 +397,45 @@
h2. Unsubscribing from messages
+Sometimes it is necessary to unsubscribe from messages without deleting a queue. To do that, use {AMQP::Queue#unsubscribe} method:
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# encoding: utf-8
+require "rubygems"
+require "amqp"
+AMQP.start("amqp://") do |connection, open_ok|
+ do |channel, open_ok|
+ exchange = channel.fanout("amq.fanout")
+ channel.queue("", :auto_delete => true, :exclusive => true) do |queue, declare_ok|
+ queue.bind(exchange).subscribe do |headers, payload|
+ puts "Received a new message"
+ end
+ EventMachine.add_timer(0.3) do
+ queue.unsubscribe
+ puts "Unsubscribed. Shutting down..."
+ connection.close {
+ EM.stop { exit }
+ }
+ end # EventMachine.add_timer
+ end # channel.queue
+ end
+By default {AMQP::Queue#unsubscribe} uses :noack option to inform broker that there is no need to send a
+confirmation. In other words, it does not expect you to pass in a callback, because consumer tag and registered
+callbacks are cleared immediately.
h2. Unbinding queues from exchanges
To unbind queue from exchange, use {AMQP::Queue#unbind}: