in ami_spec-0.3.0 vs in ami_spec-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -27,35 +27,37 @@
## CLI Usage
$ bundle exec ami_spec --help
- -r, --role=<s> The role to test, this should map to a directory in the spec folder
- -a, --ami=<s> The ami ID to run tests against
- -o, --role-ami-file=<s> A file containing comma separated roles and amis. i.e.
- web_server,ami-id.
- -s, --specs=<s> The directory to find ServerSpecs
- -u, --subnet-id=<s> The subnet to start the instance in
- -k, --key-name=<s> The SSH key name to assign to instances
- -e, --key-file=<s> The SSH private key file associated to the key_name
- -h, --ssh-user=<s> The user to ssh to the instance as
- -w, --aws-region=<s> The AWS region, defaults to AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable
- -i, --aws-instance-type=<s> The ec2 instance type, defaults to t2.micro (default: t2.micro)
- -c, --aws-security-groups=<s+> Security groups to associate to the launched instances. May be specified
- multiple times
- -p, --aws-public-ip Launch instances with a public IP
- -t, --ssh-retries=<i> The number of times we should try sshing to the ec2 instance before
- giving up. Defaults to 30 (default: 30)
- -d, --debug Don't terminate instances on exit
- -l, --help Show this message
-$ bundle exec ami_spec \
---role web_server \
---ami ami-12345678 \
---subnet-id subnet-abcdefgh \
---key-name ec2-key-pair \
---key-file ~/.ssh/ec2-key-pair.pem \
---ssh-user ubuntu \
---specs ./my_project/spec
+ -r, --role=<s> The role to test, this should map to a directory in the spec
+ folder
+ -a, --ami=<s> The ami ID to run tests against
+ -o, --role-ami-file=<s> A file containing comma separated roles and amis. i.e.
+ web_server,ami-id.
+ -s, --specs=<s> The directory to find ServerSpecs
+ -u, --subnet-id=<s> The subnet to start the instance in
+ -k, --key-name=<s> The SSH key name to assign to instances
+ -e, --key-file=<s> The SSH private key file associated to the key_name
+ -h, --ssh-user=<s> The user to ssh to the instance as
+ -w, --aws-region=<s> The AWS region, defaults to AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment
+ variable
+ -i, --aws-instance-type=<s> The ec2 instance type, defaults to t2.micro (default:
+ t2.micro)
+ -c, --aws-security-groups=<s+> Security groups to associate to the launched instances. May be
+ specified multiple times
+ -p, --aws-public-ip Launch instances with a public IP
+ -t, --ssh-retries=<i> The number of times we should try sshing to the ec2 instance
+ before giving up. Defaults to 30 (default: 30)
+ -g, --tags=<s> Additional tags to add to launched instances in the form of
+ comma separated key=value pairs. i.e. Name=AmiSpec (default: )
+ -d, --debug Don't terminate instances on exit
+ -f, --wait-for-rc Wait for oldschool SystemV scripts to run before conducting
+ tests. Currently only supports Ubuntu with upstart
+ -l, --user-data-file=<s> File path for aws ec2 user data
+ -m, --iam-instance-profile-arn=<s> IAM instance profile to use
+ --help Show this message
AmiSpec will launch an EC2 instance from the given AMI (`--ami`), in a subnet (`--subnet-id`) with a key-pair (`--key-name`)
and try to SSH to it (`--ssh-user` and `--key-file`).
When the instances becomes reachable it will run all Specs inside the role spec directory (`--role` i.e. `my_project/spec/web_server`).