amazon-s3-uri.gemspec in amazon-s3-uri-0.1.0 vs amazon-s3-uri.gemspec in amazon-s3-uri-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ = "amazon-s3-uri"
spec.version = Amazon::S3::Uri::VERSION
spec.authors = ["Mustafah"] = [""]
- spec.summary = "Helps parse a s3 URL"
- spec.description = ""
+ spec.summary = "Helps parse a S3 URL"
+ spec.description = "Helps parse a S3 URL and get its region, bucket and key"
spec.homepage = ""
spec.license = "MIT"
# Prevent pushing this gem to To allow pushes either set the 'allowed_push_host'
# to allow pushing to a single host or delete this section to allow pushing to any host.