lib/alma/availability_response.rb in alma-0.5.1 vs lib/alma/availability_response.rb in alma-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -18,25 +18,33 @@
acc.merge({ "#{}" => { holdings: build_holdings_for(bib) } })
def build_holdings_for(bib)
+ holdings = []
get_inventory_fields_for(bib).map do |inventory_field|
+ h = {}
# Use the mapping for this inventory type
subfield_codes = Alma::INVENTORY_SUBFIELD_MAPPING[inventory_field["tag"]]
+ h["inventory_type"] = subfield_codes["INVENTORY_TYPE"]
# Get all the subfields for this inventory field
fetch("subfield", []).
# Limit to only subfields codes for which we have a mapping
- select { |sf| subfield_codes.key? sf["code"] }.
- # Transform the array of subfields into a hash with mapped code as key
- reduce( { |acc, subfield|
- acc.merge({ "#{subfield_codes[subfield['code']]}" => subfield["content"] })
- }.
- # Include the inventory type
- merge({ "inventory_type" => subfield_codes["INVENTORY_TYPE"] })
+ select { |sf| subfield_codes.key? sf["code"] }.each { |f|
+ key = subfield_codes[f["code"]]
+ if h.key? key
+ h[key] << " " + f["content"]
+ else
+ h[key] = f["content"]
+ end
+ }
+ holdings << h
+ holdings
def get_inventory_fields_for(bib)
# Return only the datafields with tags AVA, AVD, or AVE