lib/aliyun/rails/connector/roa_client.rb in aliyun-rails-0.1.9 vs lib/aliyun/rails/connector/roa_client.rb in aliyun-rails-0.1.10
- old
+ new
@@ -1,168 +1,168 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "faraday"
-require "securerandom"
-require "active_support/all"
-require "net/http"
-module Net::HTTPHeader
- def capitalize(name)
- name
- end
- private :capitalize
-module Aliyun
- module Rails
- module Connector
- class ROAClient
- attr_accessor :endpoint, :api_version, :access_key_id,
- :access_key_secret, :security_token, :hostname, :opts
- def initialize(config)
- validate config
- self.endpoint = config[:endpoint]
- self.api_version = config[:api_version]
- self.access_key_id = config[:access_key_id]
- self.access_key_secret = config[:access_key_secret]
- self.security_token = config[:security_token]
- end
- def request(method:, uri:, params: {}, body: {}, headers: {}, options: {})
- # :"Content-Type" => "application/json" to "content-type" => "application/json"
- headers.deep_transform_keys! { |key| key.to_s.downcase }
- mix_headers = default_headers.merge(headers)
- response = connection.send(method.downcase) do |request|
- request.url uri, params
- if body
- if mix_headers["content-type"].start_with? "application/json"
- request_body = body.to_json
- elsif mix_headers["content-type"].start_with? "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- request_body = URI.encode_www_form(body)
- else
- request_body = body
- end
- mix_headers["content-md5"] = Digest::MD5.base64digest request_body
- mix_headers["content-length"] = request_body.length.to_s
- request.body = request_body
- end
- string2sign = string_to_sign(method, uri, mix_headers, params)
- mix_headers[:authorization] = authorization(string2sign)
- mix_headers.each { |key, value| request.headers[key] = value }
- end
- return response if options.has_key? :raw_body
- response_content_type = response.headers["Content-Type"] || ""
- if response_content_type.start_with?("application/json")
- if response.status >= 400
- result = JSON.parse(response.body)
- raise StandardError, "code: #{response.status}, #{result['Message']} requestid: #{result['RequestId']}"
- end
- end
- if response_content_type.start_with?("text/xml")
- result = Hash.from_xml(response.body)
- raise ACSError, result["Error"] if result["Error"]
- end
- response
- end
- def connection(adapter = Faraday.default_adapter)
- self.endpoint) { |f| f.adapter adapter }
- end
- def get(uri: "", headers: {}, params: {}, options: {})
- request(method: :get, uri: uri, params: params, body: {}, headers: headers, options: options)
- end
- def post(uri: "", headers: {}, params: {}, body: {}, options: {})
- request(method: :post, uri: uri, params: params, body: body, headers: headers, options: options)
- end
- def put(uri: "", headers: {}, params: {}, body: {}, options: {})
- request(method: :put, uri: uri, params: params, body: body, headers: headers, options: options)
- end
- def delete(uri: "", headers: {}, params: {}, options: {})
- request(method: :delete, uri: uri, params: params, body: {}, headers: headers, options: options)
- end
- def default_headers
- default_headers = {
- "accept" => "application/json",
- "date" =>,
- "host" => URI(self.endpoint).host,
- "x-acs-signature-nonce" => SecureRandom.hex(16),
- "x-acs-signature-method" => "HMAC-SHA1",
- "x-acs-signature-version" => "1.0",
- "x-acs-version" => self.api_version,
- "x-sdk-client" => "RUBY(#{RUBY_VERSION})", # FIXME: 如何获取Gem的名称和版本号
- "user-agent" => DEFAULT_UA
- }
- if self.security_token
- default_headers["x-acs-accesskey-id"] = self.access_key_id
- default_headers["x-acs-security-token"] = self.security_token
- end
- default_headers
- end
- private
- def string_to_sign(method, uri, headers, query = {})
- header_string = [
- method,
- headers["accept"],
- headers["content-md5"] || "",
- headers["content-type"] || "",
- headers["date"],
- ].join("\n")
- "#{header_string}\n#{canonicalized_headers(headers)}#{canonicalized_resource(uri, query)}"
- end
- def canonicalized_headers(headers)
- { |key| key.to_s.start_with? "x-acs-" }
- { |key| "#{key}:#{headers[key].strip}\n" }.join
- end
- def canonicalized_resource(uri, query_hash = {})
- query_string = { |key, value| "#{key}=#{value}" }.join("&")
- query_string.empty? ? uri : "#{uri}?#{query_string}"
- end
- def authorization(string_to_sign)
- "acs #{self.access_key_id}:#{signature(string_to_sign)}"
- end
- def signature(string_to_sign)
- Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest("sha1", self.access_key_secret, string_to_sign)).strip
- end
- def validate(config)
- raise ArgumentError, 'must pass "config"' unless config
- raise ArgumentError, 'must pass "config[:endpoint]"' unless config[:endpoint]
- unless config[:endpoint].start_with?("http://") || config[:endpoint].start_with?("https://")
- raise ArgumentError, '"config.endpoint" must starts with \'https://\' or \'http://\'.'
- end
- raise ArgumentError, 'must pass "config[:api_version]"' unless config[:api_version]
- raise ArgumentError, 'must pass "config[:access_key_id]"' unless config[:access_key_id]
- raise ArgumentError, 'must pass "config[:access_key_secret]"' unless config[:access_key_secret]
- end
- class ACSError < StandardError
- attr_accessor :code
- def initialize(error)
- self.code = error["Code"]
- message = error["Message"]
- host_id = error["HostId"]
- request_id = error["RequestId"]
- super("#{message} host_id: #{host_id}, request_id: #{request_id}")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "faraday"
+require "securerandom"
+require "active_support/all"
+require "net/http"
+module Net::HTTPHeader
+ def capitalize(name)
+ name
+ end
+ private :capitalize
+module Aliyun
+ module Rails
+ module Connector
+ class ROAClient
+ attr_accessor :endpoint, :api_version, :access_key_id,
+ :access_key_secret, :security_token, :hostname, :opts
+ def initialize(config)
+ validate config
+ self.endpoint = config[:endpoint]
+ self.api_version = config[:api_version]
+ self.access_key_id = config[:access_key_id]
+ self.access_key_secret = config[:access_key_secret]
+ self.security_token = config[:security_token]
+ end
+ def request(method:, uri:, params: {}, body: {}, headers: {}, options: {})
+ # :"Content-Type" => "application/json" to "content-type" => "application/json"
+ headers.deep_transform_keys! { |key| key.to_s.downcase }
+ mix_headers = default_headers.merge(headers)
+ response = connection.send(method.downcase) do |request|
+ request.url uri, params
+ if body
+ if mix_headers["content-type"].start_with? "application/json"
+ request_body = body.to_json
+ elsif mix_headers["content-type"].start_with? "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+ request_body = URI.encode_www_form(body)
+ else
+ request_body = body
+ end
+ mix_headers["content-md5"] = Digest::MD5.base64digest request_body
+ mix_headers["content-length"] = request_body.length.to_s
+ request.body = request_body
+ end
+ string2sign = string_to_sign(method, uri, mix_headers, params)
+ mix_headers[:authorization] = authorization(string2sign)
+ mix_headers.each { |key, value| request.headers[key] = value }
+ end
+ return response if options.has_key? :raw_body
+ response_content_type = response.headers["Content-Type"] || ""
+ if response_content_type.start_with?("application/json")
+ if response.status >= 400
+ result = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ raise StandardError, "code: #{response.status}, #{result['Message']} requestid: #{result['RequestId']}"
+ end
+ end
+ if response_content_type.start_with?("text/xml")
+ result = Hash.from_xml(response.body)
+ raise ACSError, result["Error"] if result["Error"]
+ end
+ response
+ end
+ def connection(adapter = Faraday.default_adapter)
+ self.endpoint) { |f| f.adapter adapter }
+ end
+ def get(uri: "", headers: {}, params: {}, options: {})
+ request(method: :get, uri: uri, params: params, body: {}, headers: headers, options: options)
+ end
+ def post(uri: "", headers: {}, params: {}, body: {}, options: {})
+ request(method: :post, uri: uri, params: params, body: body, headers: headers, options: options)
+ end
+ def put(uri: "", headers: {}, params: {}, body: {}, options: {})
+ request(method: :put, uri: uri, params: params, body: body, headers: headers, options: options)
+ end
+ def delete(uri: "", headers: {}, params: {}, options: {})
+ request(method: :delete, uri: uri, params: params, body: {}, headers: headers, options: options)
+ end
+ def default_headers
+ default_headers = {
+ "accept" => "application/json",
+ "date" =>,
+ "host" => URI(self.endpoint).host,
+ "x-acs-signature-nonce" => SecureRandom.hex(16),
+ "x-acs-signature-method" => "HMAC-SHA1",
+ "x-acs-signature-version" => "1.0",
+ "x-acs-version" => self.api_version,
+ "x-sdk-client" => "RUBY(#{RUBY_VERSION})", # FIXME: 如何获取Gem的名称和版本号
+ "user-agent" => DEFAULT_UA
+ }
+ if self.security_token
+ default_headers["x-acs-accesskey-id"] = self.access_key_id
+ default_headers["x-acs-security-token"] = self.security_token
+ end
+ default_headers
+ end
+ private
+ def string_to_sign(method, uri, headers, query = {})
+ header_string = [
+ method,
+ headers["accept"],
+ headers["content-md5"] || "",
+ headers["content-type"] || "",
+ headers["date"],
+ ].join("\n")
+ "#{header_string}\n#{canonicalized_headers(headers)}#{canonicalized_resource(uri, query)}"
+ end
+ def canonicalized_headers(headers)
+ { |key| key.to_s.start_with? "x-acs-" }
+ { |key| "#{key}:#{headers[key].strip}\n" }.join
+ end
+ def canonicalized_resource(uri, query_hash = {})
+ query_string = { |key, value| "#{key}=#{value}" }.join("&")
+ query_string.empty? ? uri : "#{uri}?#{query_string}"
+ end
+ def authorization(string_to_sign)
+ "acs #{self.access_key_id}:#{signature(string_to_sign)}"
+ end
+ def signature(string_to_sign)
+ Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest("sha1", self.access_key_secret, string_to_sign)).strip
+ end
+ def validate(config)
+ raise ArgumentError, 'must pass "config"' unless config
+ raise ArgumentError, 'must pass "config[:endpoint]"' unless config[:endpoint]
+ unless config[:endpoint].start_with?("http://") || config[:endpoint].start_with?("https://")
+ raise ArgumentError, '"config.endpoint" must starts with \'https://\' or \'http://\'.'
+ end
+ raise ArgumentError, 'must pass "config[:api_version]"' unless config[:api_version]
+ raise ArgumentError, 'must pass "config[:access_key_id]"' unless config[:access_key_id]
+ raise ArgumentError, 'must pass "config[:access_key_secret]"' unless config[:access_key_secret]
+ end
+ class ACSError < StandardError
+ attr_accessor :code
+ def initialize(error)
+ self.code = error["Code"]
+ message = error["Message"]
+ host_id = error["HostId"]
+ request_id = error["RequestId"]
+ super("#{message} host_id: #{host_id}, request_id: #{request_id}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end