app/assets/javascripts/ajaxtable.js in ajax_table_rails-0.0.2 vs app/assets/javascripts/ajaxtable.js in ajax_table_rails-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,100 +1,14 @@
-var ajaxTable = (function($) {
+;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
- // On document ready:
- // ajaxify all tables with the `ajax-table` class
- // bind search/reset via forms with the `ajax-table-search` class
- //
- // If you want to use custom settings for your tables, forego the `ajax-table` class and call init manually:
- // $(function() {
- // ajaxTable.init($('#some-table'), {
- // cssClasses: { pagination: 'some-class' },
- // text: { count: null },
- // ...
- // });
- // });
- //
- // @see config Available settings
- $(function() {
- $('table.ajax-table').each(function() {
- init($(this));
- });
- $('body').on('submit', 'form.ajax-table-search', function(e) {
- var $form = $(this);
- search($('#'+$'ajax-table-id')), $form.find('input.ajax-table-search-input').val());
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- $('body').on('click', '.ajax-table-reset', function(e) {
- var $form = $(this).closest('form.ajax-table-search');
- $form.find('input.ajax-table-search-input').val('');
- resetTable($('#'+$'ajax-table-id')));
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- });
- /* public */
- // Load and build initial table, and bind static events
- var init = function($table, options) {
- $.extend(true, config, options);
- $'page', 1);
- loadTable($table);
- initSorting($table);
- };
- // Filter table records against submitted keywords
- var search = function($table, val) {
- $'page', 1);
- $'search', val);
- loadTable($table);
- };
- // Reset table to an unpaginated and unfiltered state
- var resetTable = function($table) {
- $'page', 1);
- $table.removeData('search');
- loadTable($table);
- };
- /* private */
- // Default config
- // All of these settings can be overriden by manually calling `init`
- var config = {
- // You can safely use multiple classes here
- // @example `pagination: 'pagination foo-pagination'`
- cssClasses: {
- count: 'at-count', // "Showing xx records out of xx" span
- pagination: 'pagination', // Pagination ul, defaults to match Bootstrap
- sort: 'at-sort', // Sort icon base class
- sortAsc: 'fa fa-sort-up', // Sort icon ascending indicator, defaults to use FontAwesome
- sortDesc: 'fa fa-sort-down' // Sort icon descending indicator, defaults to use FontAwesome
- },
- // @note Querystring param keys match up with those used by ajax_table.rb
- params: {
- page: 'page',
- search: 'search',
- sortColumn: 'sort',
- sortDirection: 'direction'
- },
- // To not display count, pass `text.count: null`
- text: {
- count: 'Showing {count} records out of {total_count}',
- nextPage: '»',
- previousPage: '«'
- }
- };
- // Load and render table, based on current page, sort, and search filter
+ // Load and build table and pagination based on current data state
var loadTable = function($table) {
params = {};
- params[] = $'page');
- params[config.params.sortColumn] = $'sort-column');
- params[config.params.sortDirection] = $'sort-direction');
- params[] = $'search');
+ params[$'ajaxTable')] = $'page');
+ params[$'ajaxTable').params.sortColumn] = $'sort-column');
+ params[$'ajaxTable').params.sortDirection] = $'sort-direction');
+ params[$'ajaxTable')] = $'search');
var request = $.ajax({
url: $'source'),
data: $.extend({ format: 'json' }, params),
type: 'GET',
@@ -104,32 +18,10 @@
buildRows($table, data.rows);
buildPagination($table, data.pagination);
- // Bind table headers to sort with direction
- // @note To enable sorting on a header, add a `data-sort-column` attribute with the desired column name.
- // @example `<th data-sort-column="email">Email</th>`
- var initSorting = function($table) {
- $table.find('th[data-sort-column]').on('click', function() {
- // Reset pagination
- $'page', 1);
- // Set direction based on prior and just-clicked sort column
- var sortColumn = $(this).data('sort-column');
- var direction = ($'sort-column') == sortColumn && $'sort-direction') == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
- $'sort-direction', direction);
- // Set new sort column
- $'sort-column', sortColumn);
- // Remove and re-insert sort icon
- $table.find('th i.' + config.cssClasses.sort).remove();
- var $i = $('<i/>', { class: config.cssClasses.sort + ' ' + (direction == 'asc' ? config.cssClasses.sortAsc : config.cssClasses.sortDesc) });
- $(this).append($i);
- // Reload table
- loadTable($table);
- });
- };
// Build table rows
var buildRows = function($table, rows) {
var $tbody = $table.find('tbody');
$.each(rows, function(i,row) {
@@ -145,45 +37,153 @@
var buildPagination = function($table, pagination) {
$td = $table.find('tfoot').find('td').first();
if (pagination.total_count > pagination.count) {
// Display current out of total record count
- if (config.text.count) {
- var $count = $('<span/>', { class: config.cssClasses.count });
+ if ($'ajaxTable').text.count) {
+ var $count = $('<span/>', { class: $'ajaxTable').cssClasses.count });
- $count.html(config.text.count.replace('{count}', pagination.count).replace('{total_count}', pagination.total_count));
+ $count.html($'ajaxTable').text.count.replace('{count}', pagination.count).replace('{total_count}', pagination.total_count));
// Build pagination controls
var pageCount = Math.ceil(pagination.total_count / pagination.per_page);
var currentPage = $'page');
- var $ul = $('<ul/>', { class: config.cssClasses.pagination });
+ var $ul = $('<ul/>', { class: $'ajaxTable').cssClasses.pagination });
if (currentPage > 1) {
var previousPage = currentPage-1;
- $ul.append('<li><a href="#" data-page=' + previousPage + '>' + config.text.previousPage + '</a></li>');
+ $ul.append('<li><a href="#" data-page=' + previousPage + '>' + $'ajaxTable').text.previousPage + '</a></li>');
for (var pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= pageCount; pageNumber++) {
var li = '<li';
- if (pageNumber == currentPage) li += ' class="active"';
+ if (pageNumber == currentPage || (pageNumber == 1 && !currentPage)) li += ' class="active"';
li += '>';
$ul.append(li + '<a href="#" data-page=' + pageNumber + '>' + pageNumber + '</a></li>');
if (currentPage < pageCount) {
var nextPage = currentPage+1;
- $ul.append('<li><a href="#" data-page=' + nextPage + '>' + config.text.nextPage + '</a></li>');
+ $ul.append('<li><a href="#" data-page=' + nextPage + '>' + $'ajaxTable').text.nextPage + '</a></li>');
// Bind pagination controls
- $table.find('ul.' + config.cssClasses.pagination.split(' ').join('.') + ' a').on('click', function(e) {
+ $table.find('ul.' + $'ajaxTable').cssClasses.pagination.split(' ').join('.') + ' a').on('click', function(e) {
$'page', $(this).data('page'));
- return {
- init: init,
- search: search,
- resetTable: resetTable
- }
+ // Bind table headers to sort with direction
+ // @note To enable sorting on a header, add a `data-sort-column` attribute with the desired column name.
+ // @example `<th data-sort-column="email">Email</th>`
+ var initSorting = function($table) {
+ $table.find('th[data-sort-column]').on('click', function() {
+ // Reset pagination
+ $'page', 1);
+ // Set direction based on prior and just-clicked sort column
+ var sortColumn = $(this).data('sort-column');
+ var direction = ($'sort-column') == sortColumn && $'sort-direction') == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
+ $'sort-direction', direction);
+ // Set new sort column
+ $'sort-column', sortColumn);
+ // Remove and re-insert sort icon
+ $table.find('th i.' + $'ajaxTable').cssClasses.sort).remove();
+ var $i = $('<i/>', { class: $'ajaxTable').cssClasses.sort + ' ' + (direction == 'asc' ? $'ajaxTable').cssClasses.sortAsc : $'ajaxTable').cssClasses.sortDesc) });
+ $(this).append($i);
+ // Reload table
+ loadTable($table);
+ });
+ };
+ // Initialize search and reset based off of searchForm specified on init
+ var initSearch = function($table, searchForm) {
+ $('body').on('submit', searchForm, function(e) {
+ searchTable($table, $(this).find('input.ajax-table-search-input').val());
+ e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ $('body').on('click', '.ajax-table-reset', function(e) {
+ $(this).closest('form').find('input.ajax-table-search-input').val('');
+ resetTable($table);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ };
+ // Filter table records against submitted keywords
+ var searchTable = function($table, val) {
+ $'page', 1);
+ $'search', val);
+ loadTable($table);
+ };
+ // Reset table to an unpaginated and unfiltered state
+ var resetTable = function($table) {
+ $'page', 1);
+ $table.removeData('search');
+ loadTable($table);
+ };
+ var publicMethods = {
+ init: function(options) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var $this = $(this);
+ var defaults = {
+ // You can safely use multiple classes here
+ // @example `pagination: 'pagination foo-pagination'`
+ cssClasses: {
+ count: 'at-count', // "Showing xx records out of xx" span
+ pagination: 'pagination', // Pagination ul, defaults to match Bootstrap
+ sort: 'at-sort', // Sort icon base class
+ sortAsc: 'fa fa-sort-up', // Sort icon ascending indicator, defaults to use FontAwesome
+ sortDesc: 'fa fa-sort-down' // Sort icon descending indicator, defaults to use FontAwesome
+ },
+ // @note Querystring param keys match up with those used by ajax_table.rb
+ params: {
+ page: 'page',
+ search: 'search',
+ sortColumn: 'sort',
+ sortDirection: 'direction'
+ },
+ searchForm: null, // Form selector to be automatically bound for searching this table
+ text: {
+ count: 'Showing {count} records out of {total_count}', // To not display count, pass `text.count: null`
+ nextPage: '»',
+ previousPage: '«'
+ }
+ }
+ var settings = $.extend(true, defaults, options);
+ $'ajaxTable', settings);
+ loadTable($this);
+ initSorting($this);
+ if (settings.searchForm) {
+ initSearch($this, settings.searchForm);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ search: function(val) {
+ var $this = $(this);
+ searchTable($this, val);
+ return $this;
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ var $this = $(this);
+ resetTable($this);
+ return $this;
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.ajaxTable = function(method) {
+ if (publicMethods[method]) {
+ return publicMethods[method].apply(this,, 1));
+ } else if (typeof(method) === 'object' || !method) {
+ return publicMethods.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ } else {
+ $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.ajaxTable.');
+ }
+ };
+})(jQuery, window, document);
\ No newline at end of file