spec/integration/rails/rake_spec.rb in airbrake-8.1.4 vs spec/integration/rails/rake_spec.rb in airbrake-8.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,174 +1,99 @@
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe "Rake integration" do
- let(:endpoint) { 'https://api.airbrake.io/api/v3/projects/113743/notices' }
+ let(:task) { Rake::Task['bingo:bango'] }
- let(:routes_endpoint) do
- 'https://api.airbrake.io/api/v5/projects/113743/routes-stats'
- end
+ before { Rails.application.load_tasks }
- let(:queries_endpoint) do
- 'https://api.airbrake.io/api/v5/projects/113743/queries-stats'
- end
+ after do
+ expect { task.invoke }.to raise_error(AirbrakeTestError)
- def wait_for_a_request_with_body(body)
- wait_for(a_request(:post, endpoint).with(body: body)).to have_been_made.once
+ # Rake ensures that each task is executed only once per session. For testing
+ # purposes, we run the task multiple times.
+ task.reenable
- def expect_no_requests_with_body(body)
- sleep 1
- expect(a_request(:post, endpoint).with(body: body)).not_to have_been_made
+ it "sends the exception to Airbrake" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync)
+ .with(an_instance_of(Airbrake::Notice))
- before do
- stub_request(:post, endpoint).to_return(status: 201, body: '{}')
- # Airbrake Ruby has a background thread that sends performance requests
- # periodically. We don't want this to get in the way.
- [routes_endpoint, queries_endpoint].each do |e|
- stub_request(:put, e).to_return(status: 200, body: '')
+ describe "contains the context payload, which" do
+ it "includes correct component" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync)
+ .with(a_notice_with(%i[context component], 'rake'))
- Rails.application.load_tasks
- expect { faulty_task.invoke }.to raise_error(AirbrakeTestError)
+ it "includes correct action" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync)
+ .with(a_notice_with(%i[context action], 'bingo:bango'))
+ end
- after do
- # Rake ensures that each task is executed only once per session. For testing
- # purposes, we run the task multiple times.
- faulty_task.reenable
- end
+ describe "contains the params payload, which" do
+ it "includes a task name" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync)
+ .with(a_notice_with(%i[params rake_task name], 'bingo:bango'))
+ end
- describe "a task with maximum information, which raises an exception" do
- let(:faulty_task) { Rake::Task['bingo:bango'] }
+ it "includes a timestamp" do
+ expected_notice = a_notice_with(
+ %i[params rake_task timestamp], /20\d\d\-\d\d-\d\d.+/
+ )
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync).with(expected_notice)
+ end
- it "sends the exception to Airbrake" do
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(/"errors":\[{"type":"AirbrakeTestError"/)
+ it "includes investigation" do
+ expected_notice = a_notice_with(
+ %i[params rake_task investigation], /Investigating bingo:bango/
+ )
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync).with(expected_notice)
- describe "contains the context payload, which" do
- it "includes correct component" do
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(/"context":{.*"component":"rake".*}/)
- end
+ it "includes full comment" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync)
+ .with(a_notice_with(%i[params rake_task full_comment], 'Dummy description'))
+ end
- it "includes correct action" do
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- /"context":{.*"action":"bingo:bango".*/
- )
- end
+ it "includes arg names" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync)
+ .with(a_notice_with(%i[params rake_task arg_names], [:dummy_arg]))
- describe "contains the params payload, which" do
- it "includes a task name" do
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"name":"bingo:bango".*}.*}/
- )
- end
+ it "includes arg description" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync)
+ .with(a_notice_with(%i[params rake_task arg_description], '[dummy_arg]'))
+ end
- it "includes a timestamp" do
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"timestamp":"201\d\-\d\d-\d\d.+".*}.*}/
- )
+ it "includes locations" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync) do |notice|
+ expect(notice[:params][:rake_task][:locations])
+ .to match(array_including(%r{spec/apps/rails/dummy_task.rake:\d+:in}))
+ end
- it "includes investigation" do
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"investigation":".+Investigating bingo:bango.+".*}.*}/
- )
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength
- end
+ it "includes sources" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync)
+ .with(a_notice_with(%i[params rake_task sources], ['environment']))
+ end
- it "includes full comment" do
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"full_comment":"Dummy description".*}.*}/
- )
+ it "includes prerequisite tasks" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync) do |notice|
+ expect(notice[:params][:rake_task][:prerequisite_tasks])
+ .to match(array_including(hash_including(name: 'bingo:environment')))
+ end
- it "includes arg names" do
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"arg_names":\["dummy_arg"\].*}.*}/
- )
- end
- it "includes arg description" do
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"arg_description":"\[dummy_arg\]".*}.*}/
- )
- end
- it "includes locations" do
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- %r("params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"locations":\[".+spec/apps/rails/dummy_task.rake:\d+:in.+"\].*}.*})
- )
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength
- end
- it "includes sources" do
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"sources":\["environment"\].*}.*}/
- )
- end
- it "includes prerequisite tasks" do
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"prerequisite_tasks":\[{"name":"bingo:environment".+\].*}.*}/
- )
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength
- end
- it "includes argv info" do
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- %r("params":{.*"argv":".*spec/integration/rails/.+_spec.rb".*})
- )
- end
- it "includes #execute args" do
- wait_for_a_request_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"execute_args":\[\].*}/
- )
- end
+ it "includes argv info" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync)
+ .with(a_notice_with(%i[params argv], %r{spec/integration/rails/.+_spec.rb}))
- end
- describe "a task with minimum information, which raises an exception" do
- let(:faulty_task) { Rake::Task['bingo:bongo'] }
- describe "doesn't contain in the params payload" do
- it "full comment" do
- expect_no_requests_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"full_comment":"Dummy description".*}.*}/
- )
- end
- it "arg names" do
- expect_no_requests_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"arg_names":\["dummy_arg"\].*}.*}/
- )
- end
- it "arg description" do
- expect_no_requests_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"arg_description":"\[dummy_arg\]".*}.*}/
- )
- end
- it "sources" do
- expect_no_requests_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"sources":\["environment"\].*}.*}/
- )
- end
- it "prerequisite tasks" do
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength
- expect_no_requests_with_body(
- /"params":{.*"rake_task":{.*"prerequisite_tasks":\[{"name":"bingo:environment".+\].*}.*}/
- )
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength
+ it "includes execute args" do
+ expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_sync) do |notice|
+ expect(notice[:params][:execute_args])
+ .to be_an_instance_of(Rake::TaskArguments)