lib/airbrake.rb in airbrake-4.3.8 vs lib/airbrake.rb in airbrake-5.0.0.rc.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,191 +1,22 @@
- require "girl_friday"
-rescue LoadError
+# For 'Socket.gethostname' only.
+require 'socket'
- require "sucker_punch"
-rescue LoadError
+# Core library that sends notices.
+# See:
+require 'airbrake-ruby'
-require 'net/http'
-require 'net/https'
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'logger'
require 'airbrake/version'
-require 'airbrake/jobs/send_job'
-require 'airbrake/utils/rack_filters'
-require 'airbrake/utils/params_cleaner'
-require 'airbrake/configuration'
-require 'airbrake/notice'
-require 'airbrake/sender'
-require 'airbrake/response'
-require 'airbrake/backtrace'
-require 'airbrake/rack'
-require 'airbrake/sinatra'
-require 'airbrake/user_informer'
- require 'airbrake/sidekiq'
-rescue LoadError
+# Automatically load needed files for the environment the library is running in.
+if defined?(Rack)
+ require 'airbrake/rack/user'
+ require 'airbrake/rack/notice_builder'
+ require 'airbrake/rack/middleware'
-require 'airbrake/railtie' if defined?(Rails::Railtie)
-module Airbrake
- API_VERSION = "2.4"
- LOG_PREFIX = "** [Airbrake] "
- class << self
- # The sender object is responsible for delivering formatted data to the Airbrake server.
- # Must respond to #send_to_airbrake. See Airbrake::Sender.
- attr_accessor :sender
- # A Airbrake configuration object. Must act like a hash and return sensible
- # values for all Airbrake configuration options. See Airbrake::Configuration.
- attr_writer :configuration
- # Tell the log that the Notifier is good to go
- def report_ready
- write_verbose_log("Notifier #{VERSION} ready to catch errors")
- end
- # Prints out the environment info to the log for debugging help
- def report_environment_info
- write_verbose_log("Environment Info: #{environment_info}")
- end
- # Prints out the response body from Airbrake for debugging help
- def report_response_body(response)
- write_verbose_log("Response from Airbrake: \n#{Response.pretty_format(response)}")
- end
- # Prints out the details about the notice that wasn't sent to server
- def report_notice(notice)
- write_verbose_log("Notice details: \n#{notice}")
- end
- def report_notice_not_sent_for_configuration
- write_verbose_log("Notice was not sent due to configuration: \
- \n Environment Monitored? #{configuration.public?} \
- \n API key set? #{configuration.configured?}")
- end
- # Returns the Ruby version, Rails version, and current Rails environment
- def environment_info
- info = "[Ruby: #{RUBY_VERSION}]"
- info << " [#{configuration.framework}]" if configuration.framework
- info << " [Env: #{configuration.environment_name}]" if configuration.environment_name
- info
- end
- # Writes out the given message to the #logger
- def write_verbose_log(message)
- logger.debug LOG_PREFIX + message if logger
- end
- # Look for the Rails logger currently defined
- def logger
- self.configuration.logger ||
- end
- # Call this method to modify defaults in your initializers.
- #
- # @example
- # Airbrake.configure do |config|
- # config.api_key = '1234567890abcdef'
- # = false
- # end
- def configure(silent = false)
- yield(configuration)
- self.sender = if configuration.test_mode?
- else
- end
- report_ready unless silent
- self.sender
- end
- # The configuration object.
- # @see Airbrake.configure
- def configuration
- @configuration ||=
- end
- # Sends an exception manually using this method, even when you are not in a controller.
- #
- # @param [Exception] exception The exception you want to notify Airbrake about.
- # @param [Hash] opts Data that will be sent to Airbrake.
- #
- # @option opts [String] :api_key The API key for this project. The API key is a unique identifier that Airbrake uses for identification.
- # @option opts [String] :error_message The error returned by the exception (or the message you want to log).
- # @option opts [String] :backtrace A backtrace, usually obtained with +caller+.
- # @option opts [String] :rack_env The Rack environment.
- # @option opts [String] :session The contents of the user's session.
- # @option opts [String] :environment_name The application environment name.
- # @option opts [String] :parameters Additional parameters.
- def notify(exception, opts = {})
- send_notice(build_notice_for(exception, opts))
- end
- # Sends the notice unless it is one of the default ignored exceptions
- # @see Airbrake.notify
- def notify_or_ignore(exception, opts = {})
- notice = build_notice_for(exception, opts)
- send_notice(notice) unless notice.ignore?
- end
- def build_lookup_hash_for(exception, options = {})
- notice = build_notice_for(exception, options)
- result = {}
- result[:action] = notice.action rescue nil
- result[:component] = notice.component rescue nil
- result[:error_class] = notice.error_class if notice.error_class
- result[:environment_name] = 'production'
- unless notice.backtrace.lines.empty?
- result[:file] = notice.backtrace.lines.first.file
- result[:line_number] = notice.backtrace.lines.first.number
- end
- result
- end
- private
- def send_notice(notice)
- if configuration.configured? && configuration.public?
- if configuration.async?
- nil # make sure we never set env["airbrake.error_id"] for async notices
- else
- sender.send_to_airbrake(notice)
- end
- else
- report_notice_not_sent_for_configuration
- end
- end
- def build_notice_for(exception, opts = {})
- exception_classes = [exception.class.to_s]
- exception = unwrap_exception(exception)
- opts = opts.merge(:exception => exception) if exception.is_a?(Exception)
- opts = opts.merge(exception.to_hash) if exception.respond_to?(:to_hash)
- opts = opts.merge(:exception_classes => exception_classes)
- end
- def unwrap_exception(exception)
- if exception.respond_to?(:original_exception)
- exception.original_exception
- elsif exception.respond_to?(:continued_exception)
- exception.continued_exception
- end || exception
- end
- end
+ require 'airbrake/rails/railtie' if defined?(Rails)
+require 'airbrake/rake/task_ext' if defined?(Rake)
+require 'airbrake/resque/failure' if defined?(Resque)
+require 'airbrake/sidekiq/error_handler' if defined?(Sidekiq)
+require 'airbrake/delayed_job/plugin' if defined?(Delayed)