man/ in aia-0.5.7 vs man/ in aia-0.5.8

- old
+ new

@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ : begin a chat session with the backend after the initial prompt response; will set --no-out_file so that the backend response comes to STDOUT. After the initial prompt is processed, you will be asked to provide a follow up. Just enter whatever is appropriate terminating your input with a RETURN. The backend will provide a response to you follow up and ask you again if you have another follow up. This back and forth chatting will continue until you enter a RETURN without any other content - an empty follow up prompt. You may also enter a directive to be processed after which another follow up is requested. If you have the `--shell` and/or the `--erb` options set you may use those tools within your follow up to provide dynamic content. `--completion` *SHELL_NAME* : Show completion script for bash|zsh|fish - default is nil -`--dump` *FORMAT* -: Dump a Config File in [yaml | toml] to STDOUT - default is nil +`--dump` *PATH/TO/FILE.ext* +: Dump the current configuration to a file in the format denoted by the file's extension. Currently only .yml, .yaml and .toml are acceptable file extensions. *If the file exists, it will be over-written without warning.* `-e`, `--edit` : Invokes an editor on the prompt file. You can make changes to the prompt file, save it and the newly saved prompt will be processed by the backend. `--shell` @@ -120,10 +120,11 @@ `aia` is designed for flexibility, allowing users to pass prompt ids and context files as arguments. Some options change the behavior of the output, such as `--out_file` for specifying a file or `--no-out_file` for disabling file output in favor of standard output (STDPIT). The `--completion` option displays a script that enables prompt ID auto-completion for bash, zsh, or fish shells. It's crucial to integrate the script into the shell's runtime to take effect. -The `--dump` options will send the current configuration to STDOUT in the format requested. Both YAML and TOML formats are supported. +The `--dump path/to/file.ext` option will write the current configuration to a file in the format requested by the file's extension. The following extensions are supported: .yml, .yaml and .toml + ## PROMPT DIRECTIVES Within a prompt text file any line that begins with "//" is considered a prompt directive. There are numerious prompt directives available. In the discussion above on the configuration you learned about the "//config" directive.