bin/aia in aia-0.0.2 vs bin/aia in aia-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,272 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# encoding: utf-8
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# warn_indent: true
-## File: aia
-## Desc: AI Assistant
-## Use generative AI with saved parameterized prompts
-## By: Dewayne VanHoozer (
-## This program makes use of the gem word_wrap's
-## CLI tool: ww
-## brew install fzf mods the_silver_searcher ripgrep
-# TODO: refactor with a goal to isolate the search_proc and mods functionality
-# TODO: consider a config file.
-# TODO: remove use of CLI Helper.
-# TODO: consider --no-log
+# aia
-require 'pathname'
-PROMPTS_DIR =['PROMPTS_DIR'] || (HOME + ".prompts_dir"))
+require_relative '../lib/aia'
-require 'prompt_manager'
-require 'prompt_manager/storage/file_system_adapter'
-PromptManager::Prompt.storage_adapter =
- PromptManager::Storage::FileSystemAdapter.config do |config|
- config.prompts_dir = PROMPTS_DIR
- config.prompt_extension = '.txt' # default
- config.params_extension = '.json' # default
- # config.search_proc = nil # default
-require 'amazing_print'
-require 'readline' # TODO: or reline ??
-require 'word_wrap'
-require 'word_wrap/core_ext'
-require 'debug_me'
-include DebugMe
-require 'cli_helper'
-include CliHelper
-MODS_MODEL = ENV['MODS_MODEL'] || 'gpt-4-1106-preview'
-AI_CLI_PROGRAM = "mods"
-ai_default_opts = "-m #{MODS_MODEL} --no-limit -f"
-ai_options = ai_default_opts.dup
-extra_inx = ARGV.index('--')
-if extra_inx
- ai_options += " " + ARGV[extra_inx+1..].join(' ')
- ARGV.pop(ARGV.size - extra_inx)
-AI_COMMAND = "#{AI_CLI_PROGRAM} #{ai_options} "
-PROMPT_LOG = PROMPTS_DIR + "_prompts.log"
-# PROMPT_EXTNAME = ".txt"
-# SEARCH_COMMAND = "ag -l"
-# KEYWORD_REGEX = /(\[[A-Z _|]+\])/
-configatron.version = '1.2.0'
-AI Assistant (aia)
-The AI cli program being used is: #{AI_CLI_PROGRAM}
-The defaul options to #{AI_CLI_PROGRAM} are:
- "#{ai_default_opts}"
-You can pass additional CLI options to #{AI_CLI_PROGRAM} like this:
- "#{my_name} my options -- options for #{AI_CLI_PROGRAM}"
-cli_helper("Use generative AI with saved parameterized prompts") do |o|
- o.bool '-f', '--fuzzy', 'Allow fuzzy matching', default: false
- o.path '-o', '--output', 'The output file', default: Pathname.pwd + ""
-AG_COMMAND = "ag --file-search-regex '\.txt$' e" # searching for the letter "e"
-FIND_COMMAND = "find . -name '*.txt'"
- "--tabstop=2", # 2 soaces for a tab
- "--header='Prompt contents below'",
- "--header-first",
- "--prompt='Search term: '",
- '--delimiter :',
- "--preview 'ww {1}'", # ww comes from the word_wrap gem
- "--preview-window=down:50%:wrap"
-].join(' ')
-FZF_OPTIONS += " --exact" unless fuzzy?
-# use `ag` to build a list of text lines from each prompt
-# use `fzf` to search through that list to select a prompt file
-def ag_fzf = `#{AG_FZF_COMMAND}`.split(':')&.first&.strip&.gsub('.txt','')
-# The prompt_id is always the first argument
-if configatron.arguments.empty?
- show_usage
- exit
-def process_arguments
- prompt_id = configatron.arguments.shift
- if prompt_id.include?('.')
- error "Invalid prompt_id: #{configatron.prompt_id}"
- else
- configatron.input_files = []
- configatron.arguments.each do |arg|
- file_path =
- if file_path.exist?
- configatron.input_files << file_path
- else
- error "File does not exist: #{file_path}"
- end
- end
- end
- prompt_id # may be invalid
-configatron.prompt_id = process_arguments
-# Local methods
-def replace_keywords
- defaults = configatron.prompt.parameters
- configatron.prompt.keywords.each do |kw|
- defaults[kw] = keyword_value(kw, defaults[kw])
- end
- configatron.prompt.parameters = defaults
-def keyword_value(kw, default)
- label = "Default: "
- puts "#{kw} ..."
- print label
- puts default.wrap.split("\n").join("\n"+" "*label.length)
- a_string = Readline.readline("\n-=> ", false)
- puts
- a_string.empty? ? default : a_string
-def log(prompt, answer)
- f =, "ab")
- f.write <<~EOS
- =======================================
- == #{}
- == #{prompt.path}
- PROMPT: #{prompt}
- #{answer}
-def search_for_a_matching_prompt
- found_prompt_ids =
- configatron.prompt_id
- )
- if found_prompt_ids.size > 1
- puts <<~EOS
- Search Results
- ==============
- The following prompt IDs have the search term '#{configatron.prompt_id}'
- #{found_prompt_ids.join(', ').wrap}
- exit
- else
- configatron.prompt_id = found_prompt_ids.first
- configatron.prompt = PromptManager::Prompt.get(id: configatron.prompt_id)
- end
-# Main
-at_exit do
- puts
- puts "Done."
- puts
-ap configatron.to_h if debug?
- configatron.prompt = PromptManager::Prompt.get(id: configatron.prompt_id)
-rescue ArgumentError
- search_for_a_matching_prompt
-puts "PROMPT:"
-puts configatron.prompt.text.wrap
-unless configatron.prompt.keywords.empty?
- replace_keywords
-command = AI_COMMAND + configatron.prompt.to_s
-configatron.input_files.each do |input_file|
- command += " < #{input_file}"
-print "\n\n" if verbose? && !keywords.empty?
-if verbose?
- puts "="*42
- puts command
- puts "="*42
- print "\n\n"
-result = `#{command}`
-configatron.output.write result
-log configatron.prompt, result
+# Create an instance of the Main class and run the program