lib/cli/commands/apps.rb in af- vs lib/cli/commands/apps.rb in af-0.3.13.beta.5
- old
+ new
@@ -42,10 +42,32 @@
app = client.app_info(appname)
return display "Application '#{appname}' could not be found".red if app.nil?
return display "Application '#{appname}' already started".yellow if app[:state] == 'STARTED'
+ if @options[:debug]
+ runtimes = client.runtimes_info
+ return display "Cannot get runtime information." unless runtimes
+ runtime = runtimes[app[:staging][:stack].to_sym]
+ return display "Unknown runtime." unless runtime
+ unless runtime[:debug_modes] and runtime[:debug_modes].include? @options[:debug]
+ modes = runtime[:debug_modes] || []
+ display "\nApplication '#{appname}' cannot start in '#{@options[:debug]}' mode"
+ if push
+ display "Try `vmc start' with one of the following modes: #{modes.inspect}"
+ else
+ display "Available modes: #{modes.inspect}"
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ end
banner = 'Staging Application: '
display banner, false
t = do
count = 0
@@ -55,10 +77,11 @@
count += 1
app[:state] = 'STARTED'
+ app[:debug] = @options[:debug]
client.update_app(appname, app)
display "#{banner}#{'OK'.green}"
@@ -77,14 +100,13 @@
break if app_started_properly(appname, count > HEALTH_TICKS)
if !crashes(appname, false, start_time).empty?
# Check for the existance of crashes
display "\nError: Application [#{appname}] failed to start, logs information below.\n".red
grab_crash_logs(appname, '0', true)
- if push
+ if push and !no_prompt
display "\n"
- should_delete = ask 'Should I delete the application? (Y/n)? ' unless no_prompt
- delete_app(appname, false) unless no_prompt || should_delete.upcase == 'N'
+ delete_app(appname, false) if ask "Delete the application?", :default => true
failed = true
elsif count > TAIL_TICKS
log_lines_displayed = grab_startup_tail(appname, log_lines_displayed)
@@ -128,18 +150,15 @@
def mem(appname, memsize=nil)
app = client.app_info(appname)
mem = current_mem = mem_quota_to_choice(app[:resources][:memory])
memsize = normalize_mem(memsize) if memsize
- unless memsize
- choose do |menu|
- menu.layout = :one_line
- menu.prompt = "Update Memory Reservation? [Current:#{current_mem}] "
- menu.default = current_mem
- mem_choices.each { |choice| menu.choice(choice) { memsize = choice } }
- end
- end
+ memsize ||= ask(
+ "Update Memory Reservation?",
+ :default => current_mem,
+ :choices => mem_choices
+ )
mem = mem_choice_to_quota(mem)
memsize = mem_choice_to_quota(memsize)
current_mem = mem_choice_to_quota(current_mem)
@@ -182,15 +201,11 @@
def delete(appname=nil)
force = @options[:force]
if @options[:all]
- should_delete = force && no_prompt ? 'Y' : 'N'
- unless no_prompt || force
- should_delete = ask 'Delete ALL Applications and Services? (y/N)? '
- end
- if should_delete.upcase == 'Y'
+ if no_prompt || force || ask("Delete ALL applications and services?", :default => false)
apps = client.apps
apps.each { |app| delete_app(app[:name], force) }
err 'No valid appname given' unless appname
@@ -200,25 +215,38 @@
def delete_app(appname, force)
app = client.app_info(appname)
services_to_delete = []
app_services = app[:services]
+ services_apps_hash = provisioned_services_apps_hash
app_services.each { |service|
- del_service = force && no_prompt ? 'Y' : 'N'
+ del_service = force && no_prompt
unless no_prompt || force
- del_service = ask("Provisioned service [#{service}] detected, would you like to delete it? [yN]: ")
+ del_service = ask(
+ "Provisioned service [#{service}] detected, would you like to delete it?",
+ :default => false
+ )
+ if del_service
+ apps_using_service = services_apps_hash[service].reject!{ |app| app == appname}
+ if apps_using_service.size > 0
+ del_service = ask(
+ "Provisioned service [#{service}] is also used by #{apps_using_service.size == 1 ? "app" : "apps"} #{apps_using_service.entries}, are you sure you want to delete it?",
+ :default => false
+ )
+ end
+ end
- services_to_delete << service if del_service.upcase == 'Y'
+ services_to_delete << service if del_service
display "Deleting application [#{appname}]: ", false
display 'OK'.green
services_to_delete.each do |s|
- display "Deleting service [#{s}]: ", false
- client.delete_service(s)
- display 'OK'.green
+ delete_service_banner(s)
def all_files(appname, path)
instances_info_envelope = client.app_instances(appname)
@@ -342,14 +370,14 @@
exec = @options[:exec] || 'thin start'
ignore_framework = @options[:noframework]
no_start = @options[:nostart]
path = @options[:path] || '.'
- appname = @options[:name] unless appname
- url = @options[:url]
+ appname ||= @options[:name]
mem, memswitch = nil, @options[:mem]
memswitch = normalize_mem(memswitch) if memswitch
+ url = @options[:url]
# Check app existing upfront if we have appname
app_checked = false
if appname
err "Application '#{appname}' already exists, use update" if app_exists?(appname)
@@ -365,77 +393,78 @@
if memswitch && !no_start
check_has_capacity_for(mem_choice_to_quota(memswitch) * instances)
unless no_prompt || @options[:path]
- proceed = ask('Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]: ')
- if proceed.upcase == 'N'
- path = ask('Please enter in the deployment path: ')
+ unless ask('Would you like to deploy from the current directory?', :default => true)
+ path = ask('Please enter in the deployment path')
path = File.expand_path(path)
- appname = ask("Application Name: ") unless no_prompt || appname
+ appname ||= ask("Application Name") unless no_prompt
err "Application Name required." if appname.nil? || appname.empty?
- unless app_checked
- err "Application '#{appname}' already exists, use update or delete." if app_exists?(appname)
+ if !app_checked and app_exists?(appname)
+ err "Application '#{appname}' already exists, use update or delete."
+ default_url = "#{appname}.#{VMC::Cli::Config.suggest_url}"
unless no_prompt || url
- url = ask("Application Deployed URL: '#{appname}.#{VMC::Cli::Config.suggest_url}'? ")
+ url = ask(
+ "Application Deployed URL",
+ :default => default_url
+ )
- # common error case is for prompted users to answer y or Y or yes or YES to this ask() resulting in an
- # unintended URL of y. Special case this common error
- if YES_SET.member?(url)
- #silently revert to the stock url
- url = "#{appname}.#{VMC::Cli::Config.suggest_url}"
- end
+ # common error case is for prompted users to answer y or Y or yes or
+ # YES to this ask() resulting in an unintended URL of y. Special case
+ # this common error
+ url = nil if YES_SET.member? url
- url = "#{appname}.#{VMC::Cli::Config.suggest_url}" if url.nil? || url.empty?
+ url ||= default_url
# Detect the appropriate framework.
framework = nil
unless ignore_framework
framework = VMC::Cli::Framework.detect(path)
- framework_correct = ask("Detected a #{framework}, is this correct? [Yn]: ") if prompt_ok && framework
- framework_correct ||= 'y'
- if prompt_ok && (framework.nil? || framework_correct.upcase == 'N')
+ if prompt_ok and framework
+ framework_correct =
+ ask("Detected a #{framework}, is this correct?", :default => true)
+ end
+ if prompt_ok && (framework.nil? || !framework_correct)
display "#{"[WARNING]".yellow} Can't determine the Application Type." unless framework
- framework = nil if framework_correct.upcase == 'N'
- choose do |menu|
- menu.layout = :one_line
- menu.prompt = "Select Application Type: "
- menu.default = framework
- VMC::Cli::Framework.known_frameworks.each do |f|
- menu.choice(f) { framework = VMC::Cli::Framework.lookup(f) }
- end
- end
+ framework = VMC::Cli::Framework.lookup(
+ ask(
+ "Select Application Type",
+ { :indexed => true,
+ :choices => VMC::Cli::Framework.known_frameworks
+ }
+ )
+ )
display "Selected #{framework}"
# Framework override, deprecated
exec = framework.exec if framework && framework.exec
framework =
err "Application Type undetermined for path '#{path}'" unless framework
- unless memswitch
- mem = framework.memory
- if prompt_ok
- choose do |menu|
- menu.layout = :one_line
- menu.prompt = "Memory Reservation [Default:#{mem}] "
- menu.default = mem
- mem_choices.each { |choice| menu.choice(choice) { mem = choice } }
- end
- end
- else
+ if memswitch
mem = memswitch
+ elsif prompt_ok
+ mem = ask("Memory Reservation",
+ :default => framework.memory, :choices => mem_choices)
+ else
+ mem = framework.memory
# Set to MB number
mem_quota = mem_choice_to_quota(mem)
@@ -463,12 +492,12 @@
# Services check
unless no_prompt || @options[:noservices]
services = client.services_info
unless services.empty?
- proceed = ask("Would you like to bind any services to '#{appname}'? [yN]: ")
- bind_services(appname, services) if proceed.upcase == 'Y'
+ proceed = ask("Would you like to bind any services to '#{appname}'?", :default => false)
+ bind_services(appname, services) if proceed
# Stage and upload the app bits.
upload_app_bits(appname, path)
@@ -598,34 +627,37 @@
display 'OK'.green
+ # If no resource needs to be sent, add an empty file to ensure we have
+ # a multi-part request that is expected by nginx fronting the CC.
+ if VMC::Cli::ZipUtil.get_files_to_pack(explode_dir).empty?
+ Dir.chdir(explode_dir) do
+".__empty__", "w")
+ end
+ end
# Perform Packing of the upload bits here.
- unless VMC::Cli::ZipUtil.get_files_to_pack(explode_dir).empty?
- display ' Packing application: ', false
- VMC::Cli::ZipUtil.pack(explode_dir, upload_file)
- display 'OK'.green
+ display ' Packing application: ', false
+ VMC::Cli::ZipUtil.pack(explode_dir, upload_file)
+ display 'OK'.green
- upload_size = File.size(upload_file);
- if upload_size > 1024*1024
- upload_size = (upload_size/(1024.0*1024.0)).round.to_s + 'M'
- elsif upload_size > 0
- upload_size = (upload_size/1024.0).round.to_s + 'K'
- end
+ upload_size = File.size(upload_file);
+ if upload_size > 1024*1024
+ upload_size = (upload_size/(1024.0*1024.0)).round.to_s + 'M'
+ elsif upload_size > 0
+ upload_size = (upload_size/1024.0).round.to_s + 'K'
upload_size = '0K'
upload_str = " Uploading (#{upload_size}): "
display upload_str, false
- unless VMC::Cli::ZipUtil.get_files_to_pack(explode_dir).empty?
- FileWithPercentOutput.display_str = upload_str
- FileWithPercentOutput.upload_size = File.size(upload_file);
- file =, 'rb')
- end
+ FileWithPercentOutput.display_str = upload_str
+ FileWithPercentOutput.upload_size = File.size(upload_file);
+ file =, 'rb')
client.upload_app(appname, file, appcloud_resources)
display 'OK'.green if VMC::Cli::ZipUtil.get_files_to_pack(explode_dir).empty?
display 'Push Status: ', false
@@ -638,67 +670,80 @@
FileUtils.rm_rf(explode_dir) if explode_dir
def choose_existing_service(appname, user_services)
return unless prompt_ok
- selected = false
- choose do |menu|
- menu.header = "The following provisioned services are available"
- menu.prompt = 'Please select one you wish to provision: '
- menu.select_by = :index_or_name
- user_services.each do |s|
- menu.choice(s[:name]) do
- display "Binding Service: ", false
- client.bind_service(s[:name], appname)
- display 'OK'.green
- selected = true
- end
- end
- end
- selected
+ display "The following provisioned services are available"
+ name = ask(
+ "Please select one you which to prevision",
+ { :indexed => true,
+ :choices => user_services.collect { |s| s[:name] }
+ }
+ )
+ bind_service_banner(name, appname, false)
+ true
def choose_new_service(appname, services)
return unless prompt_ok
- choose do |menu|
- menu.header = "The following system services are available"
- menu.prompt = 'Please select one you wish to provision: '
- menu.select_by = :index_or_name
- service_choices = []
- services.each do |service_type, value|
- value.each do |vendor, version|
- service_choices << vendor
- end
- end
- service_choices.sort! {|a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }
- service_choices.each do |vendor|
- menu.choice(vendor) do
- default_name = random_service_name(vendor)
- service_name = ask("Specify the name of the service [#{default_name}]: ")
- service_name = default_name if service_name.empty?
- create_service_banner(vendor, service_name)
- bind_service_banner(service_name, appname)
- end
- end
- end
+ display "The following system services are available"
+ vendor = ask(
+ "Please select one you wish to provision",
+ { :indexed => true,
+ :choices =>
+ services.values.collect { |type|
+ type.keys.collect(&:to_s)
+ }.flatten.sort!
+ }
+ )
+ default_name = random_service_name(vendor)
+ service_name = ask("Specify the name of the service",
+ :default => default_name)
+ create_service_banner(vendor, service_name)
+ bind_service_banner(service_name, appname)
def bind_services(appname, services)
user_services =
selected_existing = false
unless no_prompt || user_services.empty?
- use_existing = ask "Would you like to use an existing provisioned service [yN]? "
- if use_existing.upcase == 'Y'
+ if ask("Would you like to use an existing provisioned service?",
+ :default => false)
selected_existing = choose_existing_service(appname, user_services)
# Create a new service and bind it here
unless selected_existing
choose_new_service(appname, services)
+ def provisioned_services_apps_hash
+ apps = client.apps
+ services_apps_hash = {}
+ apps.each {|app|
+ app[:services].each { |svc|
+ svc_apps = services_apps_hash[svc]
+ unless svc_apps
+ svc_apps =
+ services_apps_hash[svc] = svc_apps
+ end
+ svc_apps.add(app[:name])
+ } unless app[:services] == nil
+ }
+ services_apps_hash
+ end
def check_app_limit
usage = client_info[:usage]
limits = client_info[:limits]
return unless usage and limits and limits[:apps]
if limits[:apps] == usage[:apps]
@@ -769,13 +814,23 @@
return display JSON.pretty_generate(instances_info) if @options[:json]
return display "No running instances for [#{appname}]".yellow if instances_info.empty?
instances_table = table do |t|
- t.headings = 'Index', 'State', 'Start Time'
+ show_debug = instances_info.any? { |e| e[:debug_port] }
+ headings = ['Index', 'State', 'Start Time']
+ headings << 'Debug IP' if show_debug
+ headings << 'Debug Port' if show_debug
+ t.headings = headings
instances_info.each do |entry|
- t << [entry[:index], entry[:state],[:since]).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p")]
+ row = [entry[:index], entry[:state],[:since]).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p")]
+ row << entry[:debug_ip] if show_debug
+ row << entry[:debug_port] if show_debug
+ t << row
display "\n"
display instances_table
@@ -823,15 +878,20 @@
def app_started_properly(appname, error_on_health)
app = client.app_info(appname)
case health(app)
when 'N/A'
# Health manager not running.
- err "\Application '#{appname}'s state is undetermined, not enough information available." if error_on_health
+ err "\nApplication '#{appname}'s state is undetermined, not enough information available." if error_on_health
return false
when 'RUNNING'
return true
- return false
+ if app[:meta][:debug] == "suspend"
+ display "\nApplication [#{appname}] has started in a mode that is waiting for you to trigger startup."
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
def display_logfile(path, content, instance='0', banner=nil)
banner ||= "====> #{path} <====\n\n"