lib/resource_helper.rb in aeonscope-rest-1.0.0 vs lib/resource_helper.rb in aeonscope-rest-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,63 +1,146 @@
module ResourceHelper
- # Builds a DOM ID for a given record. Works the same as the dom_id helper found in Rails except that it returns a record ID with
- # a "_0" suffix for new records instead of a "new_" prefix. This makes attaching JavaScript events easier since all DOM IDs are numbers.
+ # Renders a label for the current controller resource and action. Useful for labeling index, show, new, and edit views.
+ # Format: <action> <suffix || resource name>, Example: "New Post"
+ # *suffix* - Optional. The suffix to be applied to the action name. Defaults to the controller name (i.e. resource).
+ def render_action_label suffix = nil
+ [params[:action].capitalize, (suffix || controller_name.singularize.capitalize)] * ' '
+ end
+ # Answers whether the given action is equal to the current action.
+ def is_action? action
+ params[:action] == action.to_s
+ end
+ # Answers if the current action is an index action.
+ def index_action?
+ is_action? :index
+ end
+ # Answers if the current action is show action.
+ def show_action?
+ is_action? :show
+ end
+ # Answers if the current action is a new action.
+ def new_action?
+ is_action? :new
+ end
+ # Answers if the current action is a create action.
+ def create_action?
+ is_action? :create
+ end
+ # Answers if the current action is an edit action.
+ def edit_action?
+ is_action? :edit
+ end
+ # Answers if the current action is an update action.
+ def update_action?
+ is_action? :update
+ end
+ # Answers if the current action is a destroy action.
+ def destroy_action?
+ is_action? :destroy
+ end
+ # Toggles hiding a group of records if the given collection is empty. Use as a class attribute.
+ # * *collection* - The collection of records.
+ def toggle_group_class collection
+ "hidden" if collection.empty?
+ end
+ # Builds a DOM ID for a given record. Works the same as the Rails dom_id helper except that it returns a record ID with
+ # a "_0" suffix for new records instead of a "new_" prefix. This makes record IDs consistent and attaching JavaScript
+ # events easier.
def build_dom_id record
name =
- record.new_record? ? name + "_0" : name + '_' +
+ id = record.new_record? ? 0 :
+ [name, id].compact * '_'
- # Show a descriptive label based on the current controller action. Useful for new/edit actions. Accepts the following parameters:
- # * *label* - The action label.
- def show_action_label label
- [params[:action].capitalize, label].compact.join ' '
+ # Renders a descriptive label based on the current controller action. Useful for new/edit actions.
+ # * *suffix* - The action label.
+ def render_render_action_label suffix
+ [params[:action].capitalize, suffix].compact * ' '
- # Shows an unobtrusive jQuery link where the UJS event is attached to the link via the "destroy" class.
- # If JavaScript is disabled then the _show_ action will be called instead of the _destroy_ action. Accepts
- # the following hash arguments:
- # * *parent_id* - The ID of the parent element for which the link is a child of. Example: post_1. *NOTE:* The parent ID takes precidence over the link ID if defined.
- # * *id* - The link ID. Example: post_1_link. *NOTE:* The link ID _must_ include the parent ID.
- # * *label* - The link label. Defaults to "Delete".
- # * *url* - The destroy URL. Example: /posts/1. *NOTE:* The proper HTTP POST request will be handled by JavaScript.
- def show_destroy_link options = {}
- options.reverse_merge! :id => options[:parent_id].to_s + "_destroy"
- options.reverse_merge! :label => "Delete", :class => "destroy", :url => '#' + options[:id].to_s
- link_to options[:label], options[:url], :id => options[:id], :class => options[:class]
- end
- # Shows a nested, unobtrusive jQuery link where the UJS event is attached to the link via the "destroy-nested" class.
- # If JavaScript is disabled then the _show_ action will be called instead of the _destroy_ action. Accepts
- # the following hash arguments:
- # * *object* - The model object to destroy.
- # * *parent_id* - The ID of the parent element for which the link is a child of. Example: post_1. *NOTE:* The parent ID takes precidence over the link ID if defined.
- # * *id* - The link ID. Example: post_1_link. *NOTE:* The link ID _must_ include the parent ID.
- # * *label* - The link label. Defaults to "Delete".
- # * *url* - The destroy URL. Example: /posts/1. *NOTE:* The proper HTTP POST request will be handled by JavaScript.
- def show_destroy_nested_link options = {}
- unless options[:object].new_record?
- options.reverse_merge! :id => options[:parent_id].to_s + "_destroy-nested", :class => "destroy-nested"
- show_destroy_link options
- end
+ # Renders a label or an icon.
+ # * *label* - Optional (if use_icon=true). The link label. Defaults to "Unknown".
+ # * *use_icon* - Optional. Boolean for using a text or icon link. Defaults to false.
+ # * *icon_path* - Optional. The icon path. Defaults to "#{THEME_ROOT}/images/icons/unknown.png".
+ # * *icon_alt* - Optional. The icon text. Defaults to "Unknown Icon".
+ # * *icon_size* - Optional. The icon dimensions. Example: "{width}x{height}". Defaults to nil.
+ def render_label_or_icon options = {}
+ options.delete_if {|key, value| value.blank?}
+ options.reverse_merge! :label => "Uknown", :icon_path => "#{THEME_ROOT}/images/icons/unknown.png", :icon_alt => "Unknown Icon"
+ options[:use_icon] ? image_tag(options[:icon_path], :alt => options[:icon_alt], :size => options[:icon_size]) : options[:label]
+ # Renders an UJS show link.
+ # * *label* - Optional. The link label. Defaults to "Show".
+ # * *id* - Optional. The link ID. Defaults to nil.
+ # * *class* - Optional. The link class. Defaults to "show".
+ # * *url* - Required. The link URL (example: /posts/1). Defaults to "#show".
+ # * *use_icon* - Optional. Boolean for using a text or icon link. Defaults to false.
+ # * *icon_path* - Optional. The icon path. Defaults to "#{THEME_ROOT}/images/icons/rest/show.png".
+ # * *icon_alt* - Optional. The icon text. Defaults to "Show Icon".
+ # * *icon_size* - Optional. The icon dimensions. Example: "{width}x{height}". Defaults to nil.
+ def render_show_link options = {}
+ options.delete_if {|key, value| value.blank?}
+ options.reverse_merge! :label => "Show", :icon_path => "#{THEME_ROOT}/images/icons/rest/show.png", :icon_alt => "Show Icon", :class => "show", :url => "#show"
+ link_to render_label_or_icon(options), options[:url], :id => options[:id], :class => options[:class]
+ end
- # Shows an unobtrusive jQuery link based on an array of resource hashes. See the show_destroy_link above
- # for further details. Accepts the following arguments:
- # * *resources* - The array of resource hashes.
- def show_destroy_resource_link resources, parent_dom_id
- show_destroy_link :parent_id => parent_dom_id, :url => build_resource_url(resources, :destroy)
+ # Renders an UJS new link.
+ # * *label* - Optional. The link label. Defaults to "New".
+ # * *id* - Optional. The link ID. Defaults to nil.
+ # * *class* - Optional. The link class. Defaults to "new".
+ # * *type* - Optional. Determines the type of object be created. Specifiy "input" as the type for form additions. Defaults to nil.
+ # * *ogid* = Optional (if type=nil). The outer group ID. Defaults to nil.
+ # * *igid* = Optional (if type=nil). The inner group ID. Defaults to nil.
+ # * *position* = Optional (if type=nil). A number position of the ID to be modified. Useful when dealing with complex nested forms. Defaults to 0.
+ # * *url* - Optional (if type="input"). The link URL (example: /posts/new). Defaults to "#new".
+ # * *use_icon* - Optional. Boolean for using a text or icon link. Defaults to false.
+ # * *icon_path* - Optional. The icon path. Defaults to "#{THEME_ROOT}/images/icons/rest/new.png".
+ # * *icon_alt* - Optional. The icon text. Defaults to "New Icon".
+ # * *icon_size* - Optional. The icon dimensions. Example: "{width}x{height}". Defaults to nil.
+ def render_new_link options = {}
+ options.delete_if {|key, value| value.blank?}
+ options.reverse_merge! :label => "New", :icon_path => "#{THEME_ROOT}/images/icons/rest/new.png", :icon_alt => "New Icon", :class => "new", :url => "#new", "data-position" => 0
+ link_to render_label_or_icon(options), options[:url], :id => options[:id], :class => options[:class], "data-type" => options[:type], "data-ogid" => options[:ogid], "data-igid" => options[:igid], "data-position" => options[:position]
- # Shows an unobtrusive jQuery link based on an array of resource hashes. See the show_destroy_link above
- # for further details. Accepts the following arguments:
- # * *resources* - The array of resource hashes.
- def show_destroy_nested_resource_link resources, parent_dom_id
- show_destroy_link(:id => parent_dom_id.to_s + "_destroy-nested", :class => "destroy-nested") unless resources.last[:record].new_record?
- end
- # Shows edit and delete links for resources. Accepts the following parameters:
- # * *resources* - The array of resource hashes.
- # * *parent_dom_id* - The parent ID of the dom object for which the edit and destroy links belong to for UJS manipulation.
- def show_edit_and_destroy_resource_links resources, parent_dom_id
- [link_to("Edit", build_resource_url(resources, :edit)), show_destroy_resource_link(resources, parent_dom_id)].join(" | ")
+ # Renders an UJS edit link.
+ # * *label* - Optional. The link label. Defaults to "Edit".
+ # * *id* - Optional. The link ID. Defaults to nil.
+ # * *class* - Optional. The link class. Defaults to "edit".
+ # * *url* - Required. The link URL (example: /posts/1/edit). Defaults to "#edit".
+ # * *use_icon* - Optional. Boolean for using a text or icon link. Defaults to false.
+ # * *icon_path* - Optional. The icon path. Defaults to "#{THEME_ROOT}/images/icons/rest/edit.png".
+ # * *icon_alt* - Optional. The icon text. Defaults to "Edit Icon".
+ # * *icon_size* - Optional. The icon dimensions. Example: "{width}x{height}". Defaults to nil.
+ def render_edit_link options = {}
+ options.delete_if {|key, value| value.blank?}
+ options.reverse_merge! :label => "Edit", :icon_path => "#{THEME_ROOT}/images/icons/rest/edit.png", :icon_alt => "Edit Icon", :class => "edit", :url => "#edit"
+ link_to render_label_or_icon(options), options[:url], :id => options[:id], :class => options[:class]
+ end
+ # Renders an UJS destroy link.
+ # * *label* - Optional. The link label. Defaults to "Delete".
+ # * *id* - Optional. The link ID. Defaults to nil.
+ # * *class* - Optional. The link class. Defaults to "destroy".
+ # * *type* - Optional. Determines the type of object be deleted. Specifiy "input" as the type for form deletions. Defaults to nil.
+ # * *url* - Required. The link URL (example: /posts/1). Defaults to "#destroy".
+ # * *use_icon* - Optional. Boolean for using a text or icon link. Defaults to false.
+ # * *icon_path* - Optional. The icon path. Defaults to "#{THEME_ROOT}/images/icons/rest/destroy.png".
+ # * *icon_alt* - Optional. The icon text. Defaults to "Delete Icon".
+ # * *icon_size* - Optional. The icon dimensions. Example: "{width}x{height}". Defaults to nil.
+ def render_destroy_link options = {}
+ options.delete_if {|key, value| value.blank?}
+ options.reverse_merge! :label => "Delete", :icon_path => "#{THEME_ROOT}/images/icons/rest/destroy.png", :icon_alt => "Delete Icon", :class => "destroy", :url => "#destroy"
+ link_to render_label_or_icon(options), options[:url], :id => options[:id], :class => options[:class], "data-type" => options[:type]