lib/adyen/form.rb in adyen-1.6.0 vs lib/adyen/form.rb in adyen-2.0.0.pre1
- old
+ new
@@ -84,13 +84,13 @@
parameters[:shared_secret] ||= skin[:shared_secret]
parameters[:recurring_contract] = 'RECURRING' if parameters.delete(:recurring) == true
- parameters[:order_data] = Adyen::Encoding.gzip_base64(parameters.delete(:order_data_raw)) if parameters[:order_data_raw]
- parameters[:ship_before_date] = Adyen::Formatter::DateTime.fmt_date(parameters[:ship_before_date])
- parameters[:session_validity] = Adyen::Formatter::DateTime.fmt_time(parameters[:session_validity])
+ parameters[:order_data] = Adyen::Util.gzip_base64(parameters.delete(:order_data_raw)) if parameters[:order_data_raw]
+ parameters[:ship_before_date] = Adyen::Util.format_date(parameters[:ship_before_date])
+ parameters[:session_validity] = Adyen::Util.format_timestamp(parameters[:session_validity])
# Transforms the payment parameters to be in the correct format and calculates the merchant
# signature parameter. It also does some basic health checks on the parameters hash.
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@
# @param [Hash] parameters The payment parameters. The parameters set in the
# {Adyen::Configuration#default_form_params} hash will be included automatically.
# @return [Hash] The payment parameters flatten, with camelized and prefixed key, stringified value
def flat_payment_parameters(parameters = {})
- flatten(payment_parameters(parameters))
+ Adyen::Util.flatten(payment_parameters(parameters))
# Returns an absolute URL to the Adyen payment system, with the payment parameters included
# as GET parameters in the URL. The URL also depends on the current Adyen enviroment.
@@ -250,11 +250,11 @@
# @return [String] The signature of the payment request
# @raise [ArgumentError] Thrown if shared_secret is empty
def calculate_signature(parameters, shared_secret = nil)
shared_secret ||= parameters.delete(:shared_secret)
raise ArgumentError, "Cannot calculate payment request signature with empty shared_secret" if shared_secret.to_s.empty?
- Adyen::Encoding.hmac_base64(shared_secret, calculate_signature_string(parameters))
+ Adyen::Util.hmac_base64(shared_secret, calculate_signature_string(parameters))
# Generates the string that is used to calculate the request signature. This signature
# is used by Adyen to check whether the request is genuinely originating from you.
# @param [Hash] parameters The parameters that will be included in the billing address request.
@@ -280,11 +280,11 @@
# @return [String] The signature of the billing address request
# @raise [ArgumentError] Thrown if shared_secret is empty
def calculate_billing_address_signature(parameters, shared_secret = nil)
shared_secret ||= parameters.delete(:shared_secret)
raise ArgumentError, "Cannot calculate billing address request signature with empty shared_secret" if shared_secret.to_s.empty?
- Adyen::Encoding.hmac_base64(shared_secret, calculate_billing_address_signature_string(parameters[:billing_address]))
+ Adyen::Util.hmac_base64(shared_secret, calculate_billing_address_signature_string(parameters[:billing_address]))
# shopperSig: shopper.firstName + shopper.infix + shopper.lastName + shopper.gender + shopper.dateOfBirthDayOfMonth + shopper.dateOfBirthMonth + shopper.dateOfBirthYear + shopper.telephoneNumber
# (Note that you can send only shopper.firstName and shopper.lastName if you like. Do NOT include shopperSocialSecurityNumber in the shopperSig!)
def calculate_shopper_signature_string(parameters)
@@ -294,23 +294,23 @@
def calculate_shopper_signature(parameters, shared_secret = nil)
shared_secret ||= parameters.delete(:shared_secret)
raise ArgumentError, "Cannot calculate shopper request signature with empty shared_secret" if shared_secret.to_s.empty?
- Adyen::Encoding.hmac_base64(shared_secret, calculate_shopper_signature_string(parameters[:shopper]))
+ Adyen::Util.hmac_base64(shared_secret, calculate_shopper_signature_string(parameters[:shopper]))
# Generates the string for which the redirect signature is calculated, using the request paramaters.
# @param [Hash] params A hash of HTTP GET parameters for the redirect request.
# @return [String] The signature string.
def redirect_signature_string(params)
- params[:authResult].to_s + params[:pspReference].to_s + params[:merchantReference].to_s +
- params[:skinCode].to_s + params[:merchantReturnData].to_s
+ params['authResult'].to_s + params['pspReference'].to_s + params['merchantReference'].to_s +
+ params['skinCode'].to_s + params['merchantReturnData'].to_s
# Computes the redirect signature using the request parameters, so that the
# redirect can be checked for forgery.
@@ -319,13 +319,13 @@
# the original payment form. You can leave this out of the skin is registered
# using the {Adyen::Form.register_skin} method.
# @return [String] The redirect signature
# @raise [ArgumentError] Thrown if shared_secret is empty
def redirect_signature(params, shared_secret = nil)
- shared_secret ||= Adyen.configuration.form_skin_shared_secret_by_code(params[:skinCode])
+ shared_secret ||= Adyen.configuration.form_skin_shared_secret_by_code(params['skinCode'])
raise ArgumentError, "Cannot compute redirect signature with empty shared_secret" if shared_secret.to_s.empty?
- Adyen::Encoding.hmac_base64(shared_secret, redirect_signature_string(params))
+ Adyen::Util.hmac_base64(shared_secret, redirect_signature_string(params))
# Checks the redirect signature for this request by calcultating the signature from
# the provided parameters, and comparing it to the signature provided in the +merchantSig+
# parameter.
@@ -356,45 +356,10 @@
# the original payment form. You can leave this out of the skin is registered
# using the {Adyen::Configuration#register_form_skin} method.
# @return [true, false] Returns true only if the signature in the parameters is correct.
def redirect_signature_check(params, shared_secret = nil)
raise ArgumentError, "params should be a Hash" unless params.is_a?(Hash)
- raise ArgumentError, "params should contain :merchantSig" unless params.key?(:merchantSig)
- params[:merchantSig] == redirect_signature(params, shared_secret)
- end
- # Returns the camelized version of a string.
- # @param [:to_s] identifier The identifier to turn to camelcase
- # @return [String] The camelcase version of the identifier provided.
- def camelize(identifier)
- identifier.to_s.gsub(/_(.)/) { $1.upcase }
- end
- # Transforms the nested parameters Hash into a 'flat' Hash which is understood by adyen. This is:
- # * all keys are camelized
- # * all keys are stringified
- # * nested hash is flattened, keys are prefixed with root key
- #
- # @example
- # flatten {:billing_address => { :street => 'My Street'}}
- #
- # # resolves in:
- # {'billingAddress.street' => 'My Street'}
- #
- # @param [Hash] parameters The payment parameters which to transform
- # @param [String] prefix The prefix to add to the key
- # @param [Hash] return_hash The new hash which is retruned (needed for recursive calls)
- # @return [Hash] The return_hash filled with camelized and prefixed key, stringified value
- def flatten(parameters, prefix = "", return_hash = {})
- parameters ||= {}
- parameters.inject(return_hash) do |hash, (key, value)|
- key = "#{prefix}#{camelize(key)}"
- if value.is_a?(Hash)
- flatten(value, "#{key}.", return_hash)
- else
- hash[key] = value.to_s
- end
- hash
- end
+ raise ArgumentError, "params should contain :merchantSig" unless params.key?('merchantSig')
+ params['merchantSig'] == redirect_signature(params, shared_secret)