spec/adhearsion/calls_spec.rb in adhearsion-2.0.0.rc1 vs spec/adhearsion/calls_spec.rb in adhearsion-2.0.0.rc2
- old
+ new
@@ -2,48 +2,74 @@
require 'spec_helper'
module Adhearsion
describe Calls do
- before { Adhearsion.active_calls.clear! }
let(:call) { Adhearsion::Call.new new_offer }
+ let(:number_of_calls) { 10 }
+ let :calls do
+ Array.new(number_of_calls) { Adhearsion::Call.new new_offer }
+ end
def new_offer(call_id = nil, headers = {})
- Punchblock::Event::Offer.new :call_id => call_id || rand, :headers => headers
+ Punchblock::Event::Offer.new :call_id => call_id || random_call_id, :headers => headers
- it 'can create a call and add it to the active calls' do
- Adhearsion.active_calls.any?.should be == false
- call = Adhearsion.active_calls.from_offer new_offer
+ it 'can create a call and add it to the collection' do
+ subject.any?.should be == false
+ call = subject.from_offer new_offer
call.should be_a Adhearsion::Call
- Adhearsion.active_calls.size.should be == 1
+ subject.size.should be == 1
+ subject[call.id].should be call
- it '#size should return the size of the collection' do
+ it '#size should return the number of calls in the collection' do
subject.size.should be == 0
subject << call
subject.size.should be == 1
- it '#remove_inactive_call should delete the call in the Hash' do
- number_of_calls = 10
- calls = Array.new(number_of_calls) { Adhearsion::Call.new new_offer }
- calls.each { |call| subject << call }
+ describe "removing a call" do
+ let(:deleted_call) { calls[number_of_calls / 2] }
- deleted_call = calls[number_of_calls / 2]
- subject.remove_inactive_call deleted_call
- subject.size.should be == number_of_calls - 1
- end
+ before { calls.each { |call| subject << call } }
- it '#find should pull the Call from the Hash using the id' do
- subject << call
- subject.find(call.id).should be call
+ context "by call object" do
+ before { subject.remove_inactive_call deleted_call }
+ it "should remove the call from the collection" do
+ subject.size.should be == number_of_calls - 1
+ subject[deleted_call.id].should be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context "by dead call object" do
+ before do
+ @call_id = deleted_call.id
+ deleted_call.terminate
+ deleted_call.should_not be_alive
+ subject.remove_inactive_call deleted_call
+ end
+ it "should remove the call from the collection" do
+ subject.size.should be == number_of_calls - 1
+ subject[@call_id].should be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context "by ID" do
+ before { subject.remove_inactive_call deleted_call.id }
+ it "should remove the call from the collection" do
+ subject.size.should be == number_of_calls - 1
+ subject[deleted_call.id].should be_nil
+ end
+ end
it "finding calls by a tag" do
- calls = Array.new(3) { Adhearsion::Call.new new_offer }
calls.each { |call| subject << call }
tagged_call = calls.last
tagged_call.tag :moderator
@@ -52,9 +78,52 @@
describe "#<<" do
it "should allow chaining" do
subject << Call.new(new_offer) << Call.new(new_offer)
subject.size.should be == 2
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when a call in the collection crashes" do
+ let(:wrapped_object) { call.wrapped_object }
+ before do
+ def wrapped_object.crash_me
+ raise StandardError, "Someone crashed me"
+ end
+ end
+ def crash
+ lambda { call.crash_me }.should raise_error(StandardError, "Someone crashed me")
+ sleep 0.5
+ end
+ it "is removed from the collection" do
+ call_id = call.id
+ size_before = subject.size
+ subject << call
+ subject.size.should be > size_before
+ subject[call_id].should be call
+ crash
+ subject.size.should be == size_before
+ subject[call_id].should be_nil
+ end
+ it "is sends a hangup command for the call" do
+ call_id = call.id
+ flexmock PunchblockPlugin, :client => flexmock('Client')
+ flexmock(PunchblockPlugin.client).should_receive(:execute_command).once.with(Punchblock::Command::Hangup, :async => true, :call_id => call_id)
+ subject << call
+ crash
+ end
+ it "shuts down the actor" do
+ crash
+ call.should_not be_alive