spec/adhearsion/call_spec.rb in adhearsion-2.0.0.alpha1 vs spec/adhearsion/call_spec.rb in adhearsion-2.0.0.alpha2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,13 +1,28 @@
require 'spec_helper'
module Adhearsion
describe Call do
+ let(:mock_client) { flexmock('Client').tap &:should_ignore_missing }
+ let(:call_id) { rand }
let(:headers) { nil }
- let(:offer) { mock_offer nil, headers }
+ let(:to) { 'sip:you@there.com' }
+ let(:from) { 'sip:me@here.com' }
+ let :offer do
+ Punchblock::Event::Offer.new :call_id => call_id,
+ :to => to,
+ :from => from,
+ :headers => headers
+ end
subject { Adhearsion::Call.new offer }
+ before do
+ flexmock(offer).should_receive(:client).and_return(mock_client)
+ end
after do
it { should respond_to :<< }
@@ -16,14 +31,47 @@
it { should be_active }
its(:commands) { should be_a Call::CommandRegistry }
its(:commands) { should be_empty }
+ its(:id) { should == call_id }
+ its(:to) { should == to }
+ its(:from) { should == from }
+ its(:offer) { should be offer }
+ its(:client) { should be mock_client }
describe "its variables" do
context "with an offer with headers" do
let(:headers) { {:x_foo => 'bar'} }
its(:variables) { should == headers }
+ it "should be made available via []" do
+ subject[:x_foo].should == 'bar'
+ end
+ it "should be alterable using []=" do
+ subject[:x_foo] = 'baz'
+ subject[:x_foo].should == 'baz'
+ end
+ context "when receiving an event with headers" do
+ let(:event) { Punchblock::Event::End.new :headers => {:x_bar => 'foo'} }
+ it "should merge later headers" do
+ subject << event
+ subject.variables.should == {:x_foo => 'bar', :x_bar => 'foo'}
+ end
+ end
+ context "when sending a command with headers" do
+ let(:command) { Punchblock::Command::Accept.new :headers => {:x_bar => 'foo'} }
+ it "should merge later headers" do
+ subject.write_command command
+ subject.variables.should == {:x_foo => 'bar', :x_bar => 'foo'}
+ end
+ end
context "with an offer without headers" do
let(:headers) { nil }
its(:variables) { should == {} }
@@ -33,37 +81,20 @@
let(:offer) { nil }
its(:variables) { should == {} }
- it '#id should return the ID from the Offer' do
- offer = mock_offer
- Adhearsion::Call.new(offer).id.should == offer.call_id
- end
- it 'should store the original offer' do
- offer = mock_offer
- Adhearsion::Call.new(offer).offer.should == offer
- end
describe 'without an offer' do
it 'should not raise an exception' do
lambda { Adhearsion::Call.new }.should_not raise_error
- it "should store the Punchblock client from the Offer" do
- offer = mock_offer
- client = flexmock('Client')
- offer.should_receive(:client).once.and_return(client)
- Adhearsion::Call.new(offer).client.should == client
- end
it 'a hungup call removes itself from the active calls' do
size_before = Adhearsion.active_calls.size
- call = Adhearsion.active_calls.from_offer mock_offer
+ call = Adhearsion.active_calls.from_offer offer
Adhearsion.active_calls.size.should > size_before
Adhearsion.active_calls.size.should == size_before
@@ -348,14 +379,104 @@
describe "#join" do
- let(:other_call_id) { rand }
+ def expect_join_with_options(options = {})
+ Punchblock::Command::Join.new(options).tap do |join|
+ expect_message_waiting_for_response join
+ end
+ end
- it "should mark the call inactive" do
- expect_message_waiting_for_response Punchblock::Command::Join.new :other_call_id => other_call_id
- subject.join other_call_id
+ context "with a call" do
+ let(:call_id) { rand.to_s }
+ let(:target) { flexmock Call.new, :id => call_id }
+ it "should send a join command joining to the provided call ID" do
+ expect_join_with_options :other_call_id => call_id
+ subject.join target
+ end
+ context "and direction/media options" do
+ it "should send a join command with the correct options" do
+ expect_join_with_options :other_call_id => call_id, :media => :bridge, :direction => :recv
+ subject.join target, :media => :bridge, :direction => :recv
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a call ID" do
+ let(:target) { rand.to_s }
+ it "should send a join command joining to the provided call ID" do
+ expect_join_with_options :other_call_id => target
+ subject.join target
+ end
+ context "and direction/media options" do
+ it "should send a join command with the correct options" do
+ expect_join_with_options :other_call_id => target, :media => :bridge, :direction => :recv
+ subject.join target, :media => :bridge, :direction => :recv
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a call ID as a hash key" do
+ let(:call_id) { rand.to_s }
+ let(:target) { { :call_id => call_id } }
+ it "should send a join command joining to the provided call ID" do
+ expect_join_with_options :other_call_id => call_id
+ subject.join target
+ end
+ context "and direction/media options" do
+ it "should send a join command with the correct options" do
+ expect_join_with_options :other_call_id => call_id, :media => :bridge, :direction => :recv
+ subject.join target.merge({:media => :bridge, :direction => :recv})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a mixer name as a hash key" do
+ let(:mixer_name) { rand.to_s }
+ let(:target) { { :mixer_name => mixer_name } }
+ it "should send a join command joining to the provided call ID" do
+ expect_join_with_options :mixer_name => mixer_name
+ subject.join target
+ end
+ context "and direction/media options" do
+ it "should send a join command with the correct options" do
+ expect_join_with_options :mixer_name => mixer_name, :media => :bridge, :direction => :recv
+ subject.join target.merge({:media => :bridge, :direction => :recv})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a call ID and a mixer name as hash keys" do
+ let(:call_id) { rand.to_s }
+ let(:mixer_name) { rand.to_s }
+ let(:target) { { :call_id => call_id, :mixer_name => mixer_name } }
+ it "should raise an ArgumentError" do
+ lambda { subject.join target }.should raise_error ArgumentError, /call ID and mixer name/
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#mute" do
+ it 'should send a Mute message' do
+ expect_message_waiting_for_response Punchblock::Command::Mute.new
+ subject.mute
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#unmute" do
+ it 'should send a Mute message' do
+ expect_message_waiting_for_response Punchblock::Command::Unmute.new
+ subject.unmute
describe "#execute_controller" do
let(:latch) { CountDownLatch.new 1 }