spec/adhearsion/call_controller/dial_spec.rb in adhearsion-2.4.0.beta1 vs spec/adhearsion/call_controller/dial_spec.rb in adhearsion-2.4.0.beta2
- old
+ new
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@
other_mock_call << mock_end
latch.wait(1).should be_true
- it "hangs up the new call when the dial unblocks" do
+ it "hangs up the new call when the root call ends" do
@@ -174,11 +174,10 @@
latch.wait(1).should be_true
status = t.value
status.result.should be == :answer
- status.joined_call.should eq(other_mock_call)
joined_status = status.joins[status.calls.first]
joined_status.result.should == :joined
@@ -204,15 +203,397 @@
latch.wait(1).should be_true
status = t.value
status.result.should be == :answer
- status.joined_call.should eq(other_mock_call)
joined_status = status.joins[status.calls.first]
joined_status.duration.should == 37.0
+ context "when a dial is split" do
+ before do
+ call.should_receive(:answer).once
+ other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.with(call)
+ call.stub(:unjoin).and_return do
+ call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: other_mock_call.id)
+ other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: call.id)
+ end
+ end
+ it "should unjoin the calls" do
+ call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(other_mock_call.id).and_return do
+ call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: other_mock_call.id)
+ other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: call.id)
+ end
+ dial = Dial::Dial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ dial.split
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ it "should not unblock immediately" do
+ dial = Dial::Dial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ dial.split
+ latch.wait(1).should be_false
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ it "should set end time" do
+ dial = Dial::Dial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ base_time = Time.local(2008, 9, 1, 12, 0, 0)
+ Timecop.freeze base_time
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ base_time = Time.local(2008, 9, 1, 12, 0, 37)
+ Timecop.freeze base_time
+ dial.split
+ base_time = Time.local(2008, 9, 1, 12, 0, 54)
+ Timecop.freeze base_time
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ status = dial.status
+ status.result.should be == :answer
+ joined_status = status.joins[status.calls.first]
+ joined_status.duration.should == 37.0
+ end
+ context "with new controllers specified" do
+ let(:split_latch) { CountDownLatch.new 2 }
+ let(:split_controller) do
+ latch = split_latch
+ Class.new(Adhearsion::CallController) do
+ @@split_latch = latch
+ def run
+ call['hit_split_controller'] = self.class
+ call['split_controller_metadata'] = metadata
+ @@split_latch.countdown!
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ let(:main_split_controller) { Class.new(split_controller) }
+ let(:others_split_controller) { Class.new(split_controller) }
+ it "should execute the :main controller on the originating call and :others on the outbound calls" do
+ dial = Dial::Dial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ should_receive(:callback).once.with(call)
+ should_receive(:callback).once.with(other_mock_call)
+ dial.split main: main_split_controller, others: others_split_controller, main_callback: ->(call) { self.callback(call) }, others_callback: ->(call) { self.callback(call) }
+ latch.wait(1).should be_false
+ split_latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ call['hit_split_controller'].should == main_split_controller
+ call['split_controller_metadata']['current_dial'].should be dial
+ other_mock_call['hit_split_controller'].should == others_split_controller
+ other_mock_call['split_controller_metadata']['current_dial'].should be dial
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ end
+ context "when rejoining" do
+ it "should rejoin the calls" do
+ call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(other_mock_call.id).and_return do
+ call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: other_mock_call.id)
+ other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: call.id)
+ end
+ dial = Dial::Dial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ dial.split
+ other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(call)
+ dial.rejoin
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ context "to a specified mixer" do
+ let(:mixer) { SecureRandom.uuid }
+ it "should join all calls to the mixer" do
+ call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(other_mock_call.id).and_return do
+ call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: other_mock_call.id)
+ other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: call.id)
+ end
+ dial = Dial::Dial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ dial.split
+ call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ dial.rejoin mixer_name: mixer
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when another dial is merged in" do
+ let(:second_root_call_id) { new_uuid }
+ let(:second_root_call) { Adhearsion::Call.new }
+ let(:mixer) { SecureRandom.uuid }
+ let(:dial) { Dial::Dial.new to, options, call }
+ let(:other_dial) { Dial::Dial.new second_to, options, second_root_call }
+ before do
+ second_root_call.stub write_command: true, id: second_root_call_id
+ OutboundCall.should_receive(:new).and_return second_other_mock_call
+ second_other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.with(second_root_call)
+ second_other_mock_call.should_receive(:dial).once.with(second_to, options)
+ second_root_call.should_receive(:answer).once
+ SecureRandom.stub uuid: mixer
+ dial.run
+ other_dial.run
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ second_other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ end
+ it "should split calls, rejoin to a mixer, and rejoin other calls to mixer" do
+ call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(other_mock_call.id).and_return do
+ call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: other_mock_call.id)
+ other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: call.id)
+ end
+ second_root_call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(second_other_mock_call.id).and_return do
+ second_root_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: second_other_mock_call.id)
+ second_other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: second_root_call.id)
+ end
+ call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ second_root_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ second_other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ dial.merge other_dial
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ second_root_call << mock_end
+ second_other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ it "should add the merged calls to the returned status" do
+ [call, other_mock_call, second_root_call, second_other_mock_call].each { |c| c.stub join: true, unjoin: true }
+ dial.merge other_dial
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ second_root_call << mock_end
+ second_other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ dial.status.calls.should include(second_root_call, second_other_mock_call)
+ end
+ it "should not unblock until all joined calls end" do
+ [call, other_mock_call, second_root_call, second_other_mock_call].each { |c| c.stub join: true, unjoin: true }
+ dial.merge other_dial
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_false
+ second_other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_false
+ second_root_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ it "should cleanup merged calls when the root call ends" do
+ [call, other_mock_call, second_root_call, second_other_mock_call].each do |c|
+ c.stub join: true, unjoin: true
+ end
+ [other_mock_call, second_root_call, second_other_mock_call].each do |c|
+ c.should_receive(:hangup).once
+ end
+ dial.merge other_dial
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ dial.cleanup_calls
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ context "if the calls were not joined" do
+ it "should still join to mixer" do
+ call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(other_mock_call.id).and_raise Punchblock::ProtocolError.new.setup(:service_unavailable)
+ second_root_call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(second_other_mock_call.id).and_raise Punchblock::ProtocolError.new.setup(:service_unavailable)
+ call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ second_root_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ second_other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ dial.merge other_dial
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ second_root_call << mock_end
+ second_other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe "when the caller has already hung up" do
before do
call << mock_end
@@ -723,11 +1104,11 @@
other_mock_call << mock_end
latch.wait(1).should be_true
- it "hangs up the new call when the dial unblocks" do
+ it "hangs up the new call when the root call ends" do
@@ -791,11 +1172,10 @@
latch.wait(1).should be_true
status = t.value
status.result.should be == :answer
- status.joined_call.should eq(other_mock_call)
joined_status = status.joins[status.calls.first]
joined_status.result.should == :joined
@@ -821,15 +1201,397 @@
latch.wait(1).should be_true
status = t.value
status.result.should be == :answer
- status.joined_call.should eq(other_mock_call)
joined_status = status.joins[status.calls.first]
joined_status.duration.should == 37.0
+ context "when a dial is split" do
+ before do
+ call.should_receive(:answer).once
+ other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.with(call)
+ call.stub(:unjoin).and_return do
+ call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: other_mock_call.id)
+ other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: call.id)
+ end
+ end
+ it "should unjoin the calls" do
+ call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(other_mock_call.id).and_return do
+ call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: other_mock_call.id)
+ other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: call.id)
+ end
+ dial = Dial::ParallelConfirmationDial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ dial.split
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ it "should not unblock immediately" do
+ dial = Dial::ParallelConfirmationDial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ dial.split
+ latch.wait(1).should be_false
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ it "should set end time" do
+ dial = Dial::ParallelConfirmationDial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ base_time = Time.local(2008, 9, 1, 12, 0, 0)
+ Timecop.freeze base_time
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ base_time = Time.local(2008, 9, 1, 12, 0, 37)
+ Timecop.freeze base_time
+ dial.split
+ base_time = Time.local(2008, 9, 1, 12, 0, 54)
+ Timecop.freeze base_time
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ status = dial.status
+ status.result.should be == :answer
+ joined_status = status.joins[status.calls.first]
+ joined_status.duration.should == 37.0
+ end
+ context "with new controllers specified" do
+ let(:split_latch) { CountDownLatch.new 2 }
+ let(:split_controller) do
+ latch = split_latch
+ Class.new(Adhearsion::CallController) do
+ @@split_latch = latch
+ def run
+ call['hit_split_controller'] = self.class
+ call['split_controller_metadata'] = metadata
+ @@split_latch.countdown!
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ let(:main_split_controller) { Class.new(split_controller) }
+ let(:others_split_controller) { Class.new(split_controller) }
+ it "should execute the :main controller on the originating call and :others on the outbound calls" do
+ dial = Dial::ParallelConfirmationDial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ should_receive(:callback).once.with(call)
+ should_receive(:callback).once.with(other_mock_call)
+ dial.split main: main_split_controller, others: others_split_controller, main_callback: ->(call) { self.callback(call) }, others_callback: ->(call) { self.callback(call) }
+ latch.wait(1).should be_false
+ split_latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ call['hit_split_controller'].should == main_split_controller
+ call['split_controller_metadata']['current_dial'].should be dial
+ other_mock_call['hit_split_controller'].should == others_split_controller
+ other_mock_call['split_controller_metadata']['current_dial'].should be dial
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ end
+ context "when rejoining" do
+ it "should rejoin the calls" do
+ call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(other_mock_call.id).and_return do
+ call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: other_mock_call.id)
+ other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: call.id)
+ end
+ dial = Dial::ParallelConfirmationDial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ dial.split
+ other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(call)
+ dial.rejoin
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ context "to a specified mixer" do
+ let(:mixer) { SecureRandom.uuid }
+ it "should join all calls to the mixer" do
+ call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(other_mock_call.id).and_return do
+ call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: other_mock_call.id)
+ other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: call.id)
+ end
+ dial = Dial::ParallelConfirmationDial.new to, options, call
+ dial.run
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ dial.split
+ call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ dial.rejoin mixer_name: mixer
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when another dial is merged in" do
+ let(:second_root_call_id) { new_uuid }
+ let(:second_root_call) { Adhearsion::Call.new }
+ let(:mixer) { SecureRandom.uuid }
+ let(:dial) { Dial::ParallelConfirmationDial.new to, options, call }
+ let(:other_dial) { Dial::ParallelConfirmationDial.new second_to, options, second_root_call }
+ before do
+ second_root_call.stub write_command: true, id: second_root_call_id
+ OutboundCall.should_receive(:new).and_return second_other_mock_call
+ second_other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.with(second_root_call)
+ second_other_mock_call.should_receive(:dial).once.with(second_to, options)
+ second_root_call.should_receive(:answer).once
+ SecureRandom.stub uuid: mixer
+ dial.run
+ other_dial.run
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ second_other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ end
+ it "should split calls, rejoin to a mixer, and rejoin other calls to mixer" do
+ call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(other_mock_call.id).and_return do
+ call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: other_mock_call.id)
+ other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: call.id)
+ end
+ second_root_call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(second_other_mock_call.id).and_return do
+ second_root_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: second_other_mock_call.id)
+ second_other_mock_call << Punchblock::Event::Unjoined.new(call_uri: second_root_call.id)
+ end
+ call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ second_root_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ second_other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ dial.merge other_dial
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ second_root_call << mock_end
+ second_other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ it "should add the merged calls to the returned status" do
+ [call, other_mock_call, second_root_call, second_other_mock_call].each { |c| c.stub join: true, unjoin: true }
+ dial.merge other_dial
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ second_root_call << mock_end
+ second_other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ dial.status.calls.should include(second_root_call, second_other_mock_call)
+ end
+ it "should not unblock until all joined calls end" do
+ [call, other_mock_call, second_root_call, second_other_mock_call].each { |c| c.stub join: true, unjoin: true }
+ dial.merge other_dial
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_false
+ second_other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_false
+ second_root_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ it "should cleanup merged calls when the root call ends" do
+ [call, other_mock_call, second_root_call, second_other_mock_call].each do |c|
+ c.stub join: true, unjoin: true
+ end
+ [other_mock_call, second_root_call, second_other_mock_call].each do |c|
+ c.should_receive(:hangup).once
+ end
+ dial.merge other_dial
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ dial.cleanup_calls
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ context "if the calls were not joined" do
+ it "should still join to mixer" do
+ call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(other_mock_call.id).and_raise Punchblock::ProtocolError.new.setup(:service_unavailable)
+ second_root_call.should_receive(:unjoin).once.ordered.with(second_other_mock_call.id).and_raise Punchblock::ProtocolError.new.setup(:service_unavailable)
+ call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ second_root_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ second_other_mock_call.should_receive(:join).once.ordered.with(mixer_name: mixer)
+ dial.merge other_dial
+ waiter_thread = Thread.new do
+ dial.await_completion
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ sleep 0.5
+ other_mock_call << mock_end
+ second_root_call << mock_end
+ second_other_mock_call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true
+ waiter_thread.join
+ dial.status.result.should be == :answer
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe "when the caller has already hung up" do
before do
call << mock_end
@@ -1284,9 +2046,49 @@
status.result.should be == :answer
status.joins[other_mock_call].result.should == :joined
status.joins[second_other_mock_call].result.should == :lost_confirmation
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe Dial::Dial do
+ subject { Dial::Dial.new to, {}, call }
+ describe "#prep_calls" do
+ it "yields all calls to the passed block" do
+ OutboundCall.should_receive(:new).and_return other_mock_call
+ gathered_calls = []
+ subject.prep_calls { |call| gathered_calls << call }
+ expect(gathered_calls).to include(other_mock_call)
+ end
+ end
+ context "#skip_cleanup" do
+ it "allows the new call to continue after the root call ends" do
+ OutboundCall.should_receive(:new).and_return other_mock_call
+ call.stub answer: true
+ other_mock_call.stub dial: true, join: true
+ other_mock_call.should_receive(:hangup).never
+ subject.run
+ subject.skip_cleanup
+ Thread.new do
+ subject.await_completion
+ subject.cleanup_calls
+ latch.countdown!
+ end
+ other_mock_call << mock_answered
+ call << mock_end
+ latch.wait(1).should be_true