lib/adhearsion/voip/asterisk/commands.rb in adhearsion-1.1.0 vs lib/adhearsion/voip/asterisk/commands.rb in adhearsion-1.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -40,10 +40,12 @@
variable "TRANSFER_CONTEXT" => options[:context] if options && options.has_key?(:context)
extend_dynamic_features_with 'blindxfer'
# Utility method to write to pbx.
# @param [String] message raw message
def write(message)
to_pbx.print(message + "\n")
@@ -195,18 +197,37 @@
# @example Play sound file, speak number, play two more sound files
# play %w"a-connect-charge-of 22 cents-per-minute will-apply"
# @example Play two sound files
# play "you-sound-cute", "what-are-you-wearing"
+ # @return [Boolean] true is returned if everything was successful. Otherwise, false indicates that
+ # some sound file(s) could not be played.
def play(*arguments)
+ result = true
unless play_time(arguments)
arguments.flatten.each do |argument|
- play_numeric(argument) || play_string(argument)
+ # result starts off as true. But if the following command ever returns false, then result
+ # remains false.
+ result &= play_numeric(argument) || play_string(argument)
+ result
+ # Same as {#play}, but immediately raises an exception if a sound file cannot be played.
+ #
+ # @return [true]
+ # @raise [Adhearsion::VoIP::PlaybackError] If a sound file cannot be played
+ def play!(*arguments)
+ unless play_time(arguments)
+ arguments.flatten.each do |argument|
+ play_numeric(argument) || play_string!(argument)
+ end
+ end
+ true
+ end
# Records a sound file with the given name. If no filename is specified a file named by Asterisk
# will be created and returned. Else the given filename will be returned. If a relative path is
# given, the file will be saved in the default Asterisk sound directory, /var/lib/spool/asterisk
# by default.
@@ -476,17 +497,37 @@
# absolute timeout.
# Note that when the digit limit is not specified the :accept_key becomes "#".
# Otherwise there would be no way to end the collection of digits. You can
# obviously override this by passing in a new key with :accept_key.
+ #
+ # @return [String] The keypad input received. An empty string is returned in the
+ # absense of input. If the :accept_key argument was pressed, it
+ # will not appear in the output.
def input(*args)
options = args.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
number_of_digits = args.shift
- sound_files = Array options.delete(:play)
- timeout = options.delete(:timeout)
- terminating_key = options.delete(:accept_key)
+ begin
+ input! number_of_digits, options
+ rescue PlaybackError => e
+ ahn_log.agi.warn { e }
+ retry # If sound playback fails, play the remaining sound files and wait for digits
+ end
+ end
+ # Same as {#input}, but immediately raises an exception if sound playback fails
+ #
+ # @return (see #input)
+ # @raise [Adhearsion::VoIP::PlaybackError] If a sound file cannot be played
+ def input!(*args)
+ options = args.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
+ number_of_digits = args.shift
+ options[:play] = [*options[:play]].compact
+ timeout = options[:timeout]
+ terminating_key = options[:accept_key]
terminating_key = if terminating_key
elsif number_of_digits.nil? && !terminating_key.equal?(false)
@@ -496,11 +537,21 @@
"argument to simulate unlimited digits." if number_of_digits == -1
raise ArgumentError, "The number of digits must be positive!"
buffer = ''
- key = sound_files.any? ? interruptible_play(*sound_files) || '' : wait_for_digit(timeout || -1)
+ if options[:play].any?
+ # Consume the sound files one at a time. In the event of playback failure, this
+ # tells us which files remain unplayed.
+ while file = options[:play].shift
+ key = interruptible_play! file
+ break if key
+ end
+ key ||= ''
+ else
+ key = wait_for_digit timeout || -1
+ end
loop do
return buffer if key.nil?
if terminating_key
if key == terminating_key
return buffer
@@ -919,10 +970,27 @@
return result if result != 0.chr
+ #
+ # Same as {#interruptible_play}, but immediately raises an exception if a sound file cannot be played.
+ #
+ # @return (see #interruptible_play)
+ # @raise [Adhearsion::VoIP::PlaybackError] If a sound file cannot be played
+ def interruptible_play!(*files)
+ startpos = 0
+ files.flatten.each do |file|
+ result = stream_file_result_from response("STREAM FILE", file, "1234567890*#")
+ if result[:endpos].to_i <= startpos
+ raise Adhearsion::VoIP::PlaybackError, "The sound file could not opened to stream. The parsed response was #{result.inspect}"
+ end
+ return result[:digit] unless result[:digit] == 0.chr
+ end
+ nil
+ end
# Executes the SayPhonetic command. This command will read the text passed in
# out load using the NATO phonetic alphabet.
# @param [String] Passed in as the text to read aloud
@@ -1060,10 +1128,19 @@
raise ArgumentError, "Can't coerce nil into AGI response! This could be a bug!" unless response_string
digit = response_string[/^#{response_prefix}(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)/,1]
digit.to_i.chr if digit && digit.to_s != "-1"
+ def stream_file_result_from(response_string)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Can't coerce nil into AGI response! This could be a bug!" unless response_string
+ params = {}
+ digit, endpos = response_string.match(/^#{response_prefix}(-?\d+) endpos=(\d+)/).values_at 1, 2
+ params[:digit] = digit.to_i.chr if digit && digit.to_s != "-1"
+ params[:endpos] = endpos.to_i if endpos
+ params
+ end
def extract_input_from(result)
return false if error?(result)
# return false if input_timed_out?(result)
# This regexp doesn't match if there was a timeout with no
@@ -1089,9 +1166,22 @@
def play_string(argument)
execute(:playback, argument)
+ end
+ # Like play_string(), but this will raise Exceptions if there's a problem.
+ #
+ # @return [true]
+ # @raise [Adhearsion::VoIP::PlaybackError] If a sound file cannot be played
+ # @see More information on the Asterisk Playback command
+ def play_string!(argument)
+ response = execute :playback, argument
+ playback = get_variable 'PLAYBACKSTATUS'
+ return true if playback == PLAYBACK_SUCCESS
+ raise PlaybackError, "Playback failed with PLAYBACKSTATUS: #{playback.inspect}. The raw response was #{response.inspect}."
def play_sound_files_for_menu(menu_instance, sound_files)
digit = nil
if sound_files.any? && menu_instance.digit_buffer_empty?