lib/adhearsion/call_controller/output.rb in adhearsion-2.2.1 vs lib/adhearsion/call_controller/output.rb in adhearsion-2.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -59,11 +59,12 @@
# play "/path/to/you-sound-cute.mp3", "/path/to/what-are-you-wearing.wav"
# @raises [PlaybackError] if (one of) the given argument(s) could not be played
def play(*arguments)
- player.play_ssml output_formatter.ssml_for_collection(arguments)
+ options = process_output_options arguments
+ player.play_ssml output_formatter.ssml_for_collection(arguments), options
# Plays the specified sound file names and returns as soon as it begins. This method will handle Time/DateTime objects (e.g.,
@@ -87,26 +88,29 @@
# @raises [PlaybackError] if (one of) the given argument(s) could not be played
# @returns [Punchblock::Component::Output]
def play!(*arguments)
- async_player.play_ssml output_formatter.ssml_for_collection(arguments)
+ options = process_output_options arguments
+ async_player.play_ssml output_formatter.ssml_for_collection(arguments), options
# Plays the given audio file.
# SSML supports http:// paths and full disk paths.
# The Punchblock backend will have to handle cases like Asterisk where there is a fixed sounds directory.
# @param [String] file http:// URL or full disk path to the sound file
- # @param [Hash] options Additional options to specify how exactly to say time specified.
+ # @param [Hash] options Additional options
# @option options [String] :fallback The text to play if the file is not available
+ # @option options [Symbol] :renderer The media engine to use for rendering the file
# @raises [PlaybackError] if (one of) the given argument(s) could not be played
- def play_audio(file, options = nil)
- player.play_ssml output_formatter.ssml_for_audio(file, options)
+ def play_audio(file, options = {})
+ renderer = options.delete :renderer
+ player.play_ssml(output_formatter.ssml_for_audio(file, options), renderer: renderer)
# Plays the given audio file and returns as soon as it begins.
@@ -118,12 +122,13 @@
# @option options [String] :fallback The text to play if the file is not available
# @raises [PlaybackError] if (one of) the given argument(s) could not be played
# @returns [Punchblock::Component::Output]
- def play_audio!(file, options = nil)
- async_player.play_ssml output_formatter.ssml_for_audio(file, options)
+ def play_audio!(file, options = {})
+ renderer = options.delete :renderer
+ async_player.play_ssml(output_formatter.ssml_for_audio(file, options), renderer: renderer)
# Plays the given Date, Time, or Integer (seconds since epoch)
# using the given timezone and format.
@@ -212,12 +217,13 @@
# @return [String, nil] The single DTMF character entered by the user, or nil if nothing was entered
# @raises [PlaybackError] if (one of) the given argument(s) could not be played
def interruptible_play(*outputs)
+ options = process_output_options outputs
outputs.find do |output|
- digit = stream_file output
+ digit = stream_file output, '0123456789#*', options
return digit if digit
@@ -227,18 +233,18 @@
# @param [String] String with the digits that are allowed to interrupt output
# @return [String, nil] The pressed digit, or nil if nothing was pressed
# @private
- def stream_file(argument, digits = '0123456789#*')
+ def stream_file(argument, digits = '0123456789#*', output_options = {})
result = nil
stopper = :mode => :dtmf,
:grammar => {
:value => grammar_accept(digits)
- player.output output_formatter.ssml_for(argument) do |output_component|
+ player.output output_formatter.ssml_for(argument), output_options do |output_component|
stopper.register_event_handler Punchblock::Event::Complete do |event|
output_component.stop! unless output_component.complete?
write_and_await_response stopper
@@ -255,9 +261,14 @@
# @private
def async_player
@async_player ||=
+ end
+ # @private
+ def process_output_options(arguments)
+ arguments.last.is_a?(Hash) && arguments.count > 1 ? arguments.pop : {}
# @return [Formatter] an output formatter for the preparation of SSML documents for submission to the engine