features/cli_daemon.feature in adhearsion-2.5.4 vs features/cli_daemon.feature in adhearsion-2.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
Feature: Adhearsion Ahn CLI (daemon)
As an Adhearsion user
I want the ahn command to provide a 'daemon' command
So that I can start my adhearsion app as a daemon
- @reconnect
+ @reconnect @skip_jruby
Scenario: Command daemon with path works correctly
- Given JRuby skip test
Given that I create a valid app under "path/somewhere"
When I run `ahn daemon path/somewhere`
And I cd to "path/somewhere"
And I terminate the process using the pid file "adhearsion.pid"
Then the exit status should be 0
- @reconnect
+ @reconnect @skip_jruby
Scenario: Command daemon with pid option
- Given JRuby skip test
Given that I create a valid app under "path/somewhere"
When I run `ahn daemon path/somewhere --pid-file=ahn.pid`
And I cd to "path/somewhere"
And I terminate the process using the pid file "ahn.pid"
Then the exit status should be 0