ahn in adhearsion-0.7.0 vs ahn in adhearsion-0.7.1
- old
+ new
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@
ahn uninstall/remove helpername
The helper management system is still under development. Not all of these
commands will work. It's coming soon, though! :)"
+ADHEARSION_VERSION = File.read File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '.version')
ARGV.unshift 'start' if ARGV.empty?
case ARGV.shift
when /help|-h|--h|-help|--help/ then puts usage
-when 'version' then puts "Adhearsion v#{$ADHEARSION_VERSION}"
+when 'version' then puts "Adhearsion v#{ADHEARSION_VERSION}"
when 'create'
require 'fileutils'
include FileUtils
dest_dir_relative = ARGV.shift || Dir.pwd
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@
app = File.expand_path(arg || app)
Dir.chdir app
- puts %{\nStarting Adhearsion v#{$ADHEARSION_VERSION}
+ puts %{\nStarting Adhearsion v#{ADHEARSION_VERSION}
Written by Jay Phillips of Codemecca LLC, et al.
%w(rubygems yaml uri open-uri abbrev thread).each do |lib| require lib end
@@ -144,10 +144,10 @@
['INT','TERM'].each do |sig|
trap sig do $HUTDOWN.now! end
require 'adhearsion'
- require 'database'
+ require 'database' if CONFIG['enable_database']
require 'servlet_container'
# Load appropriate helpers
Contexts::Container.new.run_inside do