lib/adhearsion/reporter.rb in adhearsion-reporter-2.1.0 vs lib/adhearsion/reporter.rb in adhearsion-reporter-2.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
require 'toadhopper'
require 'adhearsion'
require 'adhearsion/reporter/airbrake_notifier'
require 'adhearsion/reporter/newrelic_notifier'
+require 'adhearsion/reporter/email_notifier'
+require 'adhearsion/reporter/sentry_notifier'
module Adhearsion
class Reporter
class << self
def config
@@ -16,27 +18,45 @@
class Plugin < Adhearsion::Plugin
config :reporter do
api_key nil, desc: "The Airbrake/Errbit API key"
url "", desc: "Base URL for notification service"
+ app_name "Adhearsion", desc: "Application name, used for reporting"
notifier Adhearsion::Reporter::AirbrakeNotifier,
- desc: "The class that will act as the notifier. Built-in classes are Adhearsion::Reporter::AirbrakeNotifier and Adhearsion::Reporter::NewrelicNotifier",
+ desc: "The class that will act as the notifier. Built-in classes are Adhearsion::Reporter::AirbrakeNotifier, Adhearsion::Reporter::NewrelicNotifier, and Adhearsion::Reporter::SentryNotifier. This option is deprecated; please specify in `notifiers`.",
transform: { |v| const_get(v.to_s) }
- enable true, desc: "Disables notifications. Useful for testing"
+ notifiers [],
+ desc: "Collection of classes that will act as notifiers",
+ transform: { |v| v.split(',').map { |n| n.to_s.constantize } }
+ enable true, desc: "Whether to send notifications - set to false to disable all notifications globally (useful for testing)"
excluded_environments [:development, :test], desc: "Skip reporting errors for the listed environments (comma delimited when set by environment variable", transform: { |v| names = v.split(','); names = &:to_sym }
newrelic {
license_key 'MYKEY', desc: "Your license key for New Relic"
app_name "My Application", desc: "The name of your application as you'd like it show up in New Relic"
monitor_mode false, desc: "Whether the agent collects performance data about your application"
developer_mode false, desc: "More information but very high overhead in memory"
log_level 'info', desc: "The newrelic's agent log level"
+ email :sendmail), desc: "Used to configure the email notifier, with options accepted by the pony ( gem"
+ sentry {
+ dsn 'https://<user>:<password><application>', desc: "The SENTRY_DSN, or client key that has been created in Sentry"
+ current_environment 'production', 'The current execution environment'
+ environments ['production'], 'The environments for which Sentry is active'
+ }
init :reporter do
- Reporter.config.notifier.init
- Events.register_callback(:exception) do |e, logger|
- Reporter.config.notifier.instance.notify e
+ # If a collection of multiple notifiers is not set, fall back to the individual option for BC.
+ # TODO: Remove the `notifier` option in v3.0
+ if Reporter.config.notifiers.empty?
+ Reporter.config.notifiers = [Reporter.config.notifier]
+ end
+ Reporter.config.notifiers.each do |notifier|
+ notifier.init
+ Events.register_callback(:exception) do |e, logger|
+ notifier.notify e
+ end