lib/dynamoid/adapter.rb in adept_dynamoid- vs lib/dynamoid/adapter.rb in adept_dynamoid-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -71,37 +71,53 @@
range_key = options[:range_key]
if ids.respond_to?(:each)
ids = ids.collect{|id| range_key ? [id, range_key] : id}
if Dynamoid::Config.partitioning?
results = batch_get_item(table => id_with_partitions(ids))
- {table => result_for_partition(results[table])}
+ {table => result_for_partition(results[table],table)}
batch_get_item(table => ids)
if Dynamoid::Config.partitioning?
ids = range_key ? [[ids, range_key]] : ids
results = batch_get_item(table => id_with_partitions(ids))
- result_for_partition(results[table]).first
+ result_for_partition(results[table],table).first
get_item(table, ids, options)
# Delete an item from a table. If partitioning is turned on, deletes all partitioned keys as well.
# @param [String] table the name of the table to write the object to
- # @param [String] id the id of the record
- # @param [Number] range_key the range key of the record
+ # @param [Array] ids to delete, can also be a string of just one id
+ # @param [Array] range_key of the record to delete, can also be a string of just one range_key
- # @since 0.2.0
- def delete(table, id, options = {})
- if Dynamoid::Config.partitioning?
- id_with_partitions(id).each {|i| delete_item(table, i, options)}
+ def delete(table, ids, options = {})
+ range_key = options[:range_key] #array of range keys that matches the ids passed in
+ if ids.respond_to?(:each)
+ if range_key.respond_to?(:each)
+ #turn ids into array of arrays each element being hash_key, range_key
+ ids ={|id,i| [id,range_key[i]]}
+ else
+ ids = range_key ? [[ids, range_key]] : ids
+ end
+ if Dynamoid::Config.partitioning?
+ batch_delete_item(table => id_with_partitions(ids))
+ else
+ batch_delete_item(table => ids)
+ end
- delete_item(table, id, options)
+ if Dynamoid::Config.partitioning?
+ ids = range_key ? [[ids, range_key]] : ids
+ batch_delete_item(table => id_with_partitions(ids))
+ else
+ delete_item(table, ids, options)
+ end
# Scans a table. Generally quite slow; try to avoid using scan if at all possible.
@@ -110,11 +126,11 @@
# @since 0.2.0
def scan(table, query, opts = {})
if Dynamoid::Config.partitioning?
results = benchmark('Scan', table, query) {adapter.scan(table, query, opts)}
- result_for_partition(results)
+ result_for_partition(results,table)
benchmark('Scan', table, query) {adapter.scan(table, query, opts)}
@@ -139,39 +155,111 @@
# @since 0.2.0
def id_with_partitions(ids)
Array(ids).collect {|id| (0...Dynamoid::Config.partition_size).collect{|n| id.is_a?(Array) ? ["#{id.first}.#{n}", id.last] : "#{id}.#{n}"}}.flatten(1)
+ #Get original id (hash_key) and partiton number from a hash_key
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the id or hash_key of a record, ex. xxxxx.13
+ #
+ # @return [String,String] original_id and the partition number, ex original_id = xxxxx partition = 13
+ def get_original_id_and_partition id
+ partition = id.split('.').last
+ id = id.split(".#{partition}").first
- # Takes an array of results that are partitioned, find the most recently updated one, and return only it. Compares each result by
+ return id, partition
+ end
+ # Takes an array of query results that are partitioned, find the most recently updated ones that share an id and range_key, and return only the most recently updated. Compares each result by
# their id and updated_at attributes; if the updated_at is the greatest, then it must be the correct result.
# @param [Array] returned partitioned results from a query
+ # @param [String] table_name the name of the table
# @since 0.2.0
- def result_for_partition(results)
- {}.tap do |hash|
- Array(results).each do |result|
- next if result.nil?
- #Need to find the value of id with out the . and partition number
- partition = result[:id].split('.').last
- id = result[:id].split(".#{partition}").first
+ def result_for_partition(results, table_name)
+ table = Dynamoid::Adapter::AwsSdk.get_table(table_name)
+ if table.range_key
+ range_key_name =
+ final_hash = {}
+ results.each do |record|
+ test_record = final_hash[record[range_key_name]]
- if !hash[id] || (result[:updated_at] > hash[id][:updated_at])
- result[:id] = id
- hash[id] = result
+ if test_record.nil? || ((record[range_key_name] == test_record[range_key_name]) && (record[:updated_at] > test_record[:updated_at]))
+ #get ride of our partition and put it in the array with the range key
+ record[:id], partition = get_original_id_and_partition record[:id]
+ final_hash[record[range_key_name]] = record
- end.values
+ return final_hash.values
+ else
+ {}.tap do |hash|
+ Array(results).each do |result|
+ next if result.nil?
+ #Need to find the value of id with out the . and partition number
+ id, partition = get_original_id_and_partition result[:id]
+ if !hash[id] || (result[:updated_at] > hash[id][:updated_at])
+ result[:id] = id
+ hash[id] = result
+ end
+ end
+ end.values
+ end
# Delegate all methods that aren't defind here to the underlying adapter.
# @since 0.2.0
def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
return benchmark(method, *args) {adapter.send(method, *args, &block)} if @adapter.respond_to?(method)
+ # Query the DynamoDB table. This employs DynamoDB's indexes so is generally faster than scanning, but is
+ # only really useful for range queries, since it can only find by one hash key at once. Only provide
+ # one range key to the hash. If paritioning is on, will run a query for every parition and join the results
+ #
+ # @param [String] table_name the name of the table
+ # @param [Hash] opts the options to query the table with
+ # @option opts [String] :hash_value the value of the hash key to find
+ # @option opts [Range] :range_value find the range key within this range
+ # @option opts [Number] :range_greater_than find range keys greater than this
+ # @option opts [Number] :range_less_than find range keys less than this
+ # @option opts [Number] :range_gte find range keys greater than or equal to this
+ # @option opts [Number] :range_lte find range keys less than or equal to this
+ #
+ # @return [Array] an array of all matching items
+ #
+ def query(table_name, opts = {})
+ unless Dynamoid::Config.partitioning?
+ #no paritioning? just pass to the standard query method
+ Dynamoid::Adapter::AwsSdk.query(table_name, opts)
+ else
+ #get all the hash_values that could be possible
+ ids = id_with_partitions(opts[:hash_value])
- end
+ #lets not overwrite with the original options
+ modified_options = opts.clone
+ results = []
+ #loop and query on each of the partition ids
+ ids.each do |id|
+ modified_options[:hash_value] = id
+ query_result = Dynamoid::Adapter::AwsSdk.query(table_name, modified_options)
+ query_result = [query_result] if !query_result.is_a?(Array)
+ results = results + query_result unless query_result.nil?
+ end
+ result_for_partition results, table_name
+ end
+ end
+ end