History.txt in acts_as_api-0.1.10 vs History.txt in acts_as_api-0.2.1

- old
+ new

@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@ +=== 0.2.1 2010-09-20 + +* Updated to work with Rails 3.0.0 + +* Added support for multiple renderings of the same model (e.g. useful for versioning). + Note that the interface of acts as api changed, soyou have to update your code. + +* Updated dependecies to user Rails 3.0.0 libs instead of beta. + === 0.1.10 2010-07-23 * More Bugfixes. When you want to render an Array of records (e.g. from MyRecord.all) make sure you pass the :root options to render_as_api - in case it will return an empty array