in acts_as_amico-0.1.1 vs in acts_as_amico-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
configuration.pending_follow = false
configuration.page_size = 25
-### Amico module loadable methods:
+### Basic Usage
require 'amico'
=> true
@@ -128,16 +128,18 @@
=> ["11"]
-You can also use non-id keys:
+### Non-ID Keys
+You can also use non-id keys
class Admin < ActiveRecord::Base
- acts_as_amico :amico_key => "name"
- validates_uniqueness_of :name # -> do this or be sorry :)
+ acts_as_amico :amico_key => :name
+ validates_uniqueness_of :name # -> do this or be sorry
+ validates_presence_of :name # -> this too, you've been warned
usera = User.create
@@ -156,19 +158,50 @@
=> ["frank"]
+### ActiveResource Models
+You can use active resource models as well
+class RestObject < ActiveResource::Base
+ acts_as_amico :amico_key => :title
+usera = User.create
+rest_object = RestObject.find(123)
+ => "Bread and Circus"
+usera.follow! rest_object
+usera.following? rest_object
+ => true
+ => ["Bread and Circus"]
+One note about ActiveResource: You have to be careful what you use as the :amico_key. For
+instance, using ```acts_as_amico :amico_key => :name``` is an exceptionally bad idea because
+this will cause a ```SystemStackError: stack level too deep``` because acts_as_amico uses
+the Rails::Object#send method to get the key, and for some reason if the send method even
+*touches* the string/symbol "name" we get cascaded through the object graph.
## Documentation
Acts_as_amico is feature complete with the amico gem. [The Amico API usage page](
shows a more complete suite of methods. The source for the [Amico relationships module](
is well-documented. There are some simple examples in the method documentation. You can also refer to the
[Amico online documentation](
## Future Plans
-Clean up the ActiveResource integration
+Clean up the ActiveResource integration and figure out why :name is so dangerous.
## Contributing to acts_as_amico
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it