in acts_as-0.3.0 vs in acts_as-0.3.1

- old
+ new

@@ -80,19 +80,18 @@ #=> # Any method you want rebel.delegate_at_will #=> '10' +## Automagical joins through .where Hash syntax -## Roadmap / Ideas + Just get to what you want -How does the active record join hash-parsing stuff work? EX- +```ruby + Rebel.where(strength: 10) #=> the same as Rebel.joins(:clan).where(clan: {strength: 10) +``` - Rebel.joins(:clan).where(clan: {cool: true) - -Can we make this work for ruby-sql autojoins? Is that even a good idea? - - Rebel.where(cool: true) #auto-joins :clan and queries clans table + One major caveat, it only works for first-level attributes at the moment. (see pending spec) ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)