lib/active_support/inflector.rb in activesupport-1.1.1 vs lib/active_support/inflector.rb in activesupport-1.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,42 +1,126 @@
+require 'singleton'
# The Inflector transforms words from singular to plural, class names to table names, modularized class names to ones without,
-# and class names to foreign keys.
+# and class names to foreign keys. The default inflections for pluralization, singularization, and uncountable words are kept
+# in inflections.rb.
module Inflector
+ # A singleton instance of this class is yielded by Inflector.inflections, which can then be used to specify additional
+ # inflection rules. Examples:
+ #
+ # Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
+ # inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '\1\2en'
+ # inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '\1'
+ #
+ # inflect.irregular 'octopus', 'octopi'
+ #
+ # inflect.uncountable "equipment"
+ # end
+ #
+ # New rules are added at the top. So in the example above, the irregular rule for octopus will now be the first of the
+ # pluralization and singularization rules that is runs. This guarantees that your rules run before any of the rules that may
+ # already have been loaded.
+ class Inflections
+ include Singleton
+ attr_reader :plurals, :singulars, :uncountables
+ def initialize
+ @plurals, @singulars, @uncountables = [], [], []
+ end
+ # Specifies a new pluralization rule and its replacement. The rule can either be a string or a regular expression.
+ # The replacement should always be a string that may include references to the matched data from the rule.
+ def plural(rule, replacement)
+ @plurals.insert(0, [rule, replacement])
+ end
+ # Specifies a new singularization rule and its replacement. The rule can either be a string or a regular expression.
+ # The replacement should always be a string that may include references to the matched data from the rule.
+ def singular(rule, replacement)
+ @singulars.insert(0, [rule, replacement])
+ end
+ # Specifies a new irregular that applies to both pluralization and singularization at the same time. This can only be used
+ # for strings, not regular expressions. You simply pass the irregular in singular and plural form.
+ #
+ # Examples:
+ # irregular 'octopus', 'octopi'
+ # irregular 'person', 'people'
+ def irregular(singular, plural)
+ plural("(#{singular[0,1]})#{singular[1..-1]}$", "i"), '\1' + plural[1..-1])
+ singular("(#{plural[0,1]})#{plural[1..-1]}$", "i"), '\1' + singular[1..-1])
+ end
+ # Add uncountable words that shouldn't be attempted inflected.
+ #
+ # Examples:
+ # uncountable "money"
+ # uncountable "money", "information"
+ # uncountable %w( money information rice )
+ def uncountable(*words)
+ (@uncountables << words).flatten!
+ end
+ # Clears the loaded inflections within a given scope (default is :all). Give the scope as a symbol of the inflection type,
+ # the options are: :plurals, :singulars, :uncountables
+ #
+ # Examples:
+ # clear :all
+ # clear :plurals
+ def clear(scope = :all)
+ case scope
+ when :all
+ @plurals, @singulars, @uncountables = [], [], []
+ else
+ instance_variable_set "@#{scope}", []
+ end
+ end
+ end
extend self
+ def inflections
+ if block_given?
+ yield Inflections.instance
+ else
+ Inflections.instance
+ end
+ end
def pluralize(word)
result = word.to_s.dup
- if uncountable_words.include?(result.downcase)
+ if inflections.uncountables.include?(result.downcase)
- plural_rules.each { |(rule, replacement)| break if result.gsub!(rule, replacement) }
+ inflections.plurals.each { |(rule, replacement)| break if result.gsub!(rule, replacement) }
def singularize(word)
result = word.to_s.dup
- if uncountable_words.include?(result.downcase)
+ if inflections.uncountables.include?(result.downcase)
- singular_rules.each { |(rule, replacement)| break if result.gsub!(rule, replacement) }
+ inflections.singulars.each { |(rule, replacement)| break if result.gsub!(rule, replacement) }
def camelize(lower_case_and_underscored_word)
lower_case_and_underscored_word.to_s.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::" + $1.upcase }.gsub(/(^|_)(.)/) { $2.upcase }
def underscore(camel_cased_word)
- camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub(/::/, '/').gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z])/,'\1_\2').gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2').downcase
+ camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub(/::/, '/').gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2').gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2').downcase
def humanize(lower_case_and_underscored_word)
- lower_case_and_underscored_word.to_s.gsub(/_/, " ").capitalize
+ lower_case_and_underscored_word.to_s.gsub(/_id$/, "").gsub(/_/, " ").capitalize
def demodulize(class_name_in_module)
class_name_in_module.to_s.gsub(/^.*::/, '')
@@ -48,77 +132,29 @@
def classify(table_name)
def foreign_key(class_name, separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore = true)
- Inflector.underscore(Inflector.demodulize(class_name)) +
- (separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore ? "_id" : "id")
+ underscore(demodulize(class_name)) + (separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore ? "_id" : "id")
def constantize(camel_cased_word)
camel_cased_word.split("::").inject(Object) do |final_type, part|
final_type = final_type.const_get(part)
- private
- def uncountable_words #:doc
- %w( equipment information rice money species series fish )
+ def ordinalize(number)
+ if (11..13).include?(number.to_i % 100)
+ "#{number}th"
+ else
+ case number.to_i % 10
+ when 1: "#{number}st"
+ when 2: "#{number}nd"
+ when 3: "#{number}rd"
+ else "#{number}th"
+ end
- def plural_rules #:doc:
- [
- [/^(ox)$/i, '\1\2en'], # ox
- [/([m|l])ouse$/i, '\1ice'], # mouse, louse
- [/(matr|vert)ix|ex$/i, '\1ices'], # matrix, vertex, index
- [/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/i, '\1es'], # search, switch, fix, box, process, address
- [/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i, '\1y'],
- [/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/i, '\1ies'], # query, ability, agency
- [/(hive)$/i, '\1s'], # archive, hive
- [/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/i, '\1\2ves'], # half, safe, wife
- [/sis$/i, 'ses'], # basis, diagnosis
- [/([ti])um$/i, '\1a'], # datum, medium
- [/(p)erson$/i, '\1eople'], # person, salesperson
- [/(m)an$/i, '\1en'], # man, woman, spokesman
- [/(c)hild$/i, '\1hildren'], # child
- [/(buffal|tomat)o$/i, '\1\2oes'], # buffalo, tomato
- [/(bu)s$/i, '\1\2ses'], # bus
- [/(alias)/i, '\1es'], # alias
- [/(octop|vir)us$/i, '\1i'], # octopus, virus - virus has no defined plural (according to Latin/, but viri is better than viruses/viruss
- [/(ax|cri|test)is$/i, '\1es'], # axis, crisis
- [/s$/i, 's'], # no change (compatibility)
- [/$/, 's']
- ]
- end
+ end
- def singular_rules #:doc:
- [
- [/(matr)ices$/i, '\1ix'],
- [/(vert)ices$/i, '\1ex'],
- [/^(ox)en/i, '\1'],
- [/(alias)es$/i, '\1'],
- [/([octop|vir])i$/i, '\1us'],
- [/(cris|ax|test)es$/i, '\1is'],
- [/(shoe)s$/i, '\1'],
- [/(o)es$/i, '\1'],
- [/(bus)es$/i, '\1'],
- [/([m|l])ice$/i, '\1ouse'],
- [/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/i, '\1'],
- [/(m)ovies$/i, '\1\2ovie'],
- [/(s)eries$/i, '\1\2eries'],
- [/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i, '\1y'],
- [/([lr])ves$/i, '\1f'],
- [/(tive)s$/i, '\1'],
- [/(hive)s$/i, '\1'],
- [/([^f])ves$/i, '\1fe'],
- [/(^analy)ses$/i, '\1sis'],
- [/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$/i, '\1\2sis'],
- [/([ti])a$/i, '\1um'],
- [/(p)eople$/i, '\1\2erson'],
- [/(m)en$/i, '\1an'],
- [/(s)tatus$/i, '\1\2tatus'],
- [/(c)hildren$/i, '\1\2hild'],
- [/(n)ews$/i, '\1\2ews'],
- [/s$/i, '']
- ]
- end
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/inflections'
\ No newline at end of file