CHANGELOG in activesupport-3.0.0.beta3 vs CHANGELOG in activesupport-3.0.0.beta4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,62 @@
+*Rails 3.0.0 [beta 4] (June 8th, 2010)*
+* Extracted String#truncate from TextHelper#truncate [DHH]
+* Ruby 1.9: support UTF-8 case folding. #4595 [Norman Clarke]
+* Removes Array#rand and backports Array#sample from Ruby 1.9, thanks to Marc-Andre Lafortune. [fxn]
+* Ruby 1.9: Renames last_(month|year) to prev_(month|year) in Date and Time. [fxn]
+* Aliases Date#sunday to Date#end_of_week. [fxn]
+* Backports Date#>> from 1.9 so that calculations do the right thing around the calendar reform. [fxn]
+* Date#to_time handles properly years in the range 0..138. [fxn]
+* Deprecate {{}} as interpolation syntax for I18n in favor of %{} [José Valim]
+* Array#to_xml is more powerful and able to handle the same types as Hash#to_xml #4490 [Neeraj Singh]
+* Harmonize the caching API and refactor the backends. #4452 [Brian Durand]
+ All caches:
+ * Add default options to initializer that will be sent to all read, write, fetch, exist?, increment, and decrement
+ * Add support for the :expires_in option to fetch and write for all caches. Cache entries are stored with the create timestamp and a ttl so that expiration can be handled independently of the implementation.
+ * Add support for a :namespace option. This can be used to set a global prefix for cache entries.
+ * Deprecate expand_cache_key on ActiveSupport::Cache and move it to ActionController::Caching and ActionDispatch::Http::Cache since the logic in the method used some Rails specific environment variables and was only used by ActionPack classes. Not very DRY but there didn't seem to be a good shared spot and ActiveSupport really shouldn't be Rails specific.
+ * Add support for :race_condition_ttl to fetch. This setting can prevent race conditions on fetch calls where several processes try to regenerate a recently expired entry at once.
+ * Add support for :compress option to fetch and write which will compress any data over a configurable threshold.
+ * Nil values can now be stored in the cache and are distinct from cache misses for fetch.
+ * Easier API to create new implementations. Just need to implement the methods read_entry, write_entry, and delete_entry instead of overwriting existing methods.
+ * Since all cache implementations support storing objects, update the docs to state that ActiveCache::Cache::Store implementations should store objects. Keys, however, must be strings since some implementations require that.
+ * Increase test coverage.
+ * Document methods which are provided as convenience but which may not be universally available.
+ MemoryStore:
+ * MemoryStore can now safely be used as the cache for single server sites.
+ * Make thread safe so that the default cache implementation used by Rails is thread safe. The overhead is minimal and it is still the fastest store available.
+ * Provide :size initialization option indicating the maximum size of the cache in memory (defaults to 32Mb).
+ * Add prune logic that removes the least recently used cache entries to keep the cache size from exceeding the max.
+ * Deprecated SynchronizedMemoryStore since it isn't needed anymore.
+ FileStore:
+ * Escape key values so they will work as file names on all file systems, be consistent, and case sensitive
+ * Use a hash algorithm to segment the cache into sub directories so that a large cache doesn't exceed file system limits.
+ * FileStore can be slow so implement the LocalCache strategy to cache reads for the duration of a request.
+ * Add cleanup method to keep the disk from filling up with expired entries.
+ * Fix increment and decrement to use file system locks so they are consistent between processes.
+ MemCacheStore:
+ * Support all keys. Previously keys with spaces in them would fail
+ * Deprecate CompressedMemCacheStore since it isn't needed anymore (use :compress => true)
+* JSON: encode objects that don't have a native JSON representation using to_hash, if available, instead of instance_values (the old fallback) or to_s (other encoders' default). Encode BigDecimal and Regexp encode as strings to conform with other encoders. Try to transcode non-UTF-8 strings. [Jeremy Kemper]
*Rails 3.0.0 [beta 3] (April 13th, 2010)*
+* HashWithIndifferentAccess: remove inherited symbolize_keys! since its keys are always strings. [Santiago Pastorino]
* Improve transliteration quality. #4374 [Norman Clarke]
* Speed up and add Ruby 1.9 support for ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars#tidy_bytes. #4350 [Norman Clarke]