lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/trust_commerce.rb in activemerchant-1.79.2 vs lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/trust_commerce.rb in activemerchant-1.80.0
- old
+ new
@@ -65,42 +65,42 @@
# below and the rest of active_merchant's documentation, as well as Trust Commerce's user and developer documentation.
class TrustCommerceGateway < Gateway
self.live_url = self.test_url = ''
- SUCCESS_TYPES = ["approved", "accepted"]
+ SUCCESS_TYPES = ['approved', 'accepted']
- "decline" => "The credit card was declined",
- "avs" => "AVS failed; the address entered does not match the billing address on file at the bank",
- "cvv" => "CVV failed; the number provided is not the correct verification number for the card",
- "call" => "The card must be authorized manually over the phone",
- "expiredcard" => "Issuer was not certified for card verification",
- "carderror" => "Card number is invalid",
- "authexpired" => "Attempt to postauth an expired (more than 14 days old) preauth",
- "fraud" => "CrediGuard fraud score was below requested threshold",
- "blacklist" => "CrediGuard blacklist value was triggered",
- "velocity" => "CrediGuard velocity control value was triggered",
- "dailylimit" => "Daily limit in transaction count or amount as been reached",
- "weeklylimit" => "Weekly limit in transaction count or amount as been reached",
- "monthlylimit" => "Monthly limit in transaction count or amount as been reached"
+ 'decline' => 'The credit card was declined',
+ 'avs' => 'AVS failed; the address entered does not match the billing address on file at the bank',
+ 'cvv' => 'CVV failed; the number provided is not the correct verification number for the card',
+ 'call' => 'The card must be authorized manually over the phone',
+ 'expiredcard' => 'Issuer was not certified for card verification',
+ 'carderror' => 'Card number is invalid',
+ 'authexpired' => 'Attempt to postauth an expired (more than 14 days old) preauth',
+ 'fraud' => 'CrediGuard fraud score was below requested threshold',
+ 'blacklist' => 'CrediGuard blacklist value was triggered',
+ 'velocity' => 'CrediGuard velocity control value was triggered',
+ 'dailylimit' => 'Daily limit in transaction count or amount as been reached',
+ 'weeklylimit' => 'Weekly limit in transaction count or amount as been reached',
+ 'monthlylimit' => 'Monthly limit in transaction count or amount as been reached'
- "missingfields" => "One or more parameters required for this transaction type were not sent",
- "extrafields" => "Parameters not allowed for this transaction type were sent",
- "badformat" => "A field was improperly formatted, such as non-digit characters in a number field",
- "badlength" => "A field was longer or shorter than the server allows",
- "merchantcantaccept" => "The merchant can't accept data passed in this field",
- "mismatch" => "Data in one of the offending fields did not cross-check with the other offending field"
+ 'missingfields' => 'One or more parameters required for this transaction type were not sent',
+ 'extrafields' => 'Parameters not allowed for this transaction type were sent',
+ 'badformat' => 'A field was improperly formatted, such as non-digit characters in a number field',
+ 'badlength' => 'A field was longer or shorter than the server allows',
+ 'merchantcantaccept' => "The merchant can't accept data passed in this field",
+ 'mismatch' => 'Data in one of the offending fields did not cross-check with the other offending field'
- "cantconnect" => "Couldn't connect to the TrustCommerce gateway",
- "dnsfailure" => "The TCLink software was unable to resolve DNS hostnames",
- "linkfailure" => "The connection was established, but was severed before the transaction could complete",
- "failtoprocess" => "The bank servers are offline and unable to authorize transactions"
+ 'cantconnect' => "Couldn't connect to the TrustCommerce gateway",
+ 'dnsfailure' => 'The TCLink software was unable to resolve DNS hostnames',
+ 'linkfailure' => 'The connection was established, but was severed before the transaction could complete',
+ 'failtoprocess' => 'The bank servers are offline and unable to authorize transactions'
TEST_LOGIN = 'TestMerchant'
TEST_PASSWORD = 'password'
@@ -311,11 +311,11 @@
add_creditcard(params, source)
def add_creditcard(params, creditcard)
- params[:media] = "cc"
+ params[:media] = 'cc'
params[:name] =
params[:cc] = creditcard.number
params[:exp] = expdate(creditcard)
params[:cvv] = creditcard.verification_value if creditcard.verification_value?
@@ -368,11 +368,11 @@
def post_data(parameters)
- parameters.collect { |key, value| "#{key}=#{ CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" }.join("&")
+ parameters.collect { |key, value| "#{key}=#{ CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" }.join('&')
def commit(action, parameters)
parameters[:custid] = @options[:login]
parameters[:password] = @options[:password]
@@ -386,17 +386,17 @@
parse( ssl_post(self.live_url, post_data(parameters)) )
# to be considered successful, transaction status must be either "approved" or "accepted"
- success = SUCCESS_TYPES.include?(data["status"])
+ success = SUCCESS_TYPES.include?(data['status'])
message = message_from(data), message, data,
:test => test?,
- :authorization => data["transid"],
- :cvv_result => data["cvv"],
- :avs_result => { :code => data["avs"] }
+ :authorization => data['transid'],
+ :cvv_result => data['cvv'],
+ :avs_result => { :code => data['avs'] }
def parse(body)
results = {}
@@ -408,18 +408,18 @@
def message_from(data)
- case data["status"]
- when "decline"
- return DECLINE_CODES[data["declinetype"]]
- when "baddata"
- return BADDATA_CODES[data["error"]]
- when "error"
- return ERROR_CODES[data["errortype"]]
+ case data['status']
+ when 'decline'
+ return DECLINE_CODES[data['declinetype']]
+ when 'baddata'
+ return BADDATA_CODES[data['error']]
+ when 'error'
+ return ERROR_CODES[data['errortype']]
- return "The transaction was successful"
+ return 'The transaction was successful'