features/sti_resource.feature in activeadmin-0.2.2 vs features/sti_resource.feature in activeadmin-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -45,5 +45,17 @@
Then I should see "User was successfully updated"
And I should see "Joe"
When I follow "Delete User"
Then I should see "User was successfully destroyed"
+ Scenario: Update and delete a child STI when the parent is registered
+ Given a publisher named "Terry Fox" exists
+ And I am on the index page for users
+ When I follow "Edit"
+ And I fill in "First name" with "Joe"
+ And I press "Update Publisher"
+ Then I should see "Publisher was successfully updated"
+ And I should see "Joe"
+ When I follow "Delete User"
+ Then I should see "Publisher was successfully destroyed"