app/views/active_admin/resource/index.html.arb in activeadmin-3.2.5 vs app/views/active_admin/resource/index.html.arb in activeadmin-4.0.0.beta1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,2 +1,95 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-insert_tag renderer_for(:index)
+def wrap_with_batch_action_form(&block)
+ if active_admin_config.batch_actions.any?
+ insert_tag(ActiveAdmin::BatchActions::BatchActionForm, &block)
+ batch_actions_to_display.each do |batch_action|
+ if batch_action.partial.present?
+ render(batch_action.partial)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ end
+def build_collection
+ if collection_empty?(collection)
+ if params[:q] || params[:scope]
+ render("active_admin/resource/index_empty_results")
+ else
+ render("active_admin/resource/index_blank_slate")
+ end
+ else
+ render_index
+ end
+def build_table_tools
+ div class: "index-data-table-toolbar" do
+ render "batch_actions_dropdown"
+ build_scopes
+ build_index_list
+ end if any_table_tools?
+def any_table_tools?
+ active_admin_config.batch_actions.any? ||
+ active_admin_config.scopes.any? ||
+ active_admin_config.page_presenters[:index].try(:size).try(:>, 1)
+def build_scopes
+ if active_admin_config.scopes.any?
+ scope_options = { scope_count: page_presenter.fetch(:scope_count, true) }
+ insert_tag(ActiveAdmin::Views::Scopes, active_admin_config.scopes, scope_options)
+ end
+def build_index_list
+ indexes = active_admin_config.page_presenters[:index]
+ if indexes.kind_of?(Hash) && indexes.length > 1
+ index_classes = []
+ active_admin_config.page_presenters[:index].each do |type, page_presenter|
+ index_classes << find_index_renderer_class(page_presenter[:as])
+ end
+ insert_tag(ActiveAdmin::Views::IndexList, index_classes)
+ end
+# Returns the actual class for renderering the main content on the index
+# page. To set this, use the :as option in the page_presenter block.
+def find_index_renderer_class(klass)
+ if klass.is_a?(Class)
+ klass
+ else
+ ::ActiveAdmin::Views.const_get("IndexAs" + klass.to_s.camelcase)
+ end
+def render_index
+ renderer_class = find_index_renderer_class(page_presenter[:as])
+ paginator = page_presenter.fetch(:paginator, true)
+ download_links = page_presenter.fetch(:download_links, active_admin_config.namespace.download_links)
+ pagination_total = page_presenter.fetch(:pagination_total, true)
+ per_page = page_presenter.fetch(:per_page, active_admin_config.per_page)
+ paginated_collection(
+ collection, entry_name: active_admin_config.resource_label,
+ entries_name: active_admin_config.plural_resource_label(count: collection_size),
+ download_links: download_links,
+ paginator: paginator,
+ per_page: per_page,
+ pagination_total: pagination_total) do
+ insert_tag(renderer_class, page_presenter, collection)
+ end
+div class: "main-content-container" do
+ wrap_with_batch_action_form do
+ build_table_tools
+ build_collection
+ end