app/views/admin/pages/_form.html.haml in activeadmin-selleo-cms-0.0.14 vs app/views/admin/pages/_form.html.haml in activeadmin-selleo-cms-0.0.16
- old
+ new
@@ -5,16 +5,20 @@
- current_locale = ActiveadminSelleoCms::Locale.find_by_code(I18n.locale)
- @page.initialize_missing_sections
- @section_forms = []
= form.inputs "General options" do
- = form.input :layout, collection: ActiveadminSelleoCms::Layout.all, include_blank: false, hint: "The form will reload on change"
+ = form.input :layout_name, collection: ActiveadminSelleoCms::Layout.all.sort, include_blank: false, hint: "The form will reload on change"
= form.input :parent_id, as: :select, collection: nested_set_options(ActiveadminSelleoCms::Page, @page) {|i| "#{'-' * i.level} #{i.title}" }
= form.input :is_published, as: :boolean, input_html: { checked: @page.published_at.present? }
+ = form.input :redirect_to_first_sub_page, as: :boolean
= form.input :is_link_url, as: :boolean, input_html: { checked: @page.link_url.present? }
= form.input :link_url, hint: "Enter remote URL including the http part at the beginning"
+ - form.object.settings.keys.each do |key|
+ = form.input key.to_sym, as: determine_field_type(form.object.send(key))
= form.semantic_fields_for :sections do |section_form|
- if @page.section_names.include?
- @section_forms << section_form
= section_form.input :name, as: :hidden, label: false
- else
@@ -35,25 +39,17 @@
%div{id: "lang-#{additional_locale.code}", style: "#{'display:none;' if additional_locale.code == current_locale.code}"}
= render partial: 'translated_fields', locals: { locale: additional_locale, form: translated_form }
- else
= ""
- = form.inputs "Page icon", for: [:icon, form.object.icon ||] do |icon_form|
- = icon_form.input :data, label: "Icon", hint: (form.object.icon ? icon_form.template.image_tag(form.object.icon_url) : "No icon uploaded yet" )
+ - unless @page.new_record?
+ = form.inputs "Page icon", for: [:icon, form.object.icon ||] do |icon_form|
+ = icon_form.input :data, label: "Icon", hint: (form.object.icon ? icon_form.template.image_tag(form.object.icon_url) : "No icon uploaded yet" )
- = form.inputs "Header image", for: [:header_image, form.object.header_image ||] do |header_image_form|
- = header_image_form.input :data, label: "Header image", hint: (form.object.header_image ? header_image_form.template.image_tag(form.object.header_image_url) : "No header image uploaded yet" )
+ = form.inputs "Header image", for: [:header_image, form.object.header_image ||] do |header_image_form|
+ = header_image_form.input :data, label: "Header image", hint: (form.object.header_image ? header_image_form.template.image_tag(form.object.header_image_url) : "No header image uploaded yet" )
- = form.inputs "Attachments", for: [:attachments,] do |attachment_form|
- = attachment_form.input :data, label: "Attachment", input_html: { multiple: true, name: "page[attachments_attributes][][data]" }
- - form.object.attachments.each do |attachment|
- %li{"data-attachment-id" =>}
- %label File
- = attachment.data_file_name
- = link_to_function "Delete", "delete_asset(#{}, #{})"
= form.actions do
= form.action :submit
= link_to I18n.t('active_admin.cancel'), admin_pages_path
@@ -87,10 +83,10 @@
- $('select#page_layout').change(function(){
+ $('select#page_layout_name').change(function(){