lib/active_remote/attributes.rb in active_remote-2.4.0 vs lib/active_remote/attributes.rb in active_remote-3.0.0.pre1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,37 +1,194 @@
module ActiveRemote
module Attributes
+ extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
+ include ::ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
+ included do
+ attribute_method_suffix "="
+ end
+ # Performs equality checking on the result of attributes and its type.
+ #
+ # @example Compare for equality.
+ # model == other
+ #
+ def ==(other)
+ return false unless other.instance_of?(self.class)
+ attributes == other.attributes
+ end
+ # Returns a copy of our attributes hash
def attributes
- @attributes ||= begin
- attribute_names = self.class.attribute_names
- Hash[ { |key| [key, send(key)] }]
- end
+ # Returns the class name plus its attributes
+ #
+ # @example Inspect the model.
+ # person.inspect
+ #
+ def inspect
+ attribute_descriptions = { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value.inspect}" }.join(", ")
+ separator = " " unless attribute_descriptions.empty?
+ "#<#{}#{separator}#{attribute_descriptions}>"
+ end
# Read attribute from the attributes hash
def read_attribute(name)
name = name.to_s
- if respond_to? name
+ if respond_to?(name)
- raise ActiveAttr::UnknownAttributeError, "unknown attribute: #{name}"
+ raise ::ActiveRemote::UnknownAttributeError, "unknown attribute: #{name}"
alias_method :[], :read_attribute
# Update an attribute in the attributes hash
def write_attribute(name, value)
name = name.to_s
- if respond_to? "#{name}="
+ if respond_to?("#{name}=")
__send__("attribute=", name, value)
- raise ActiveAttr::UnknownAttributeError, "unknown attribute: #{name}"
+ raise ::ActiveRemote::UnknownAttributeError, "unknown attribute: #{name}"
alias_method :[]=, :write_attribute
+ # Read an attribute from the attributes hash
+ #
+ def attribute(name)
+ @attributes[name]
+ end
+ # Write an attribute to the attributes hash
+ #
+ def attribute=(name, value)
+ @attributes[name] = value
+ end
+ def attribute_method?(attr_name)
+ # Check if @attributes is defined because dangerous_attribute? method
+ # can check allocate.respond_to? before actaully calling initialize
+ defined?(@attributes) && @attributes.key?(attr_name)
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ # Defines an attribute
+ #
+ # For each attribute that is defined, a getter and setter will be
+ # added as an instance method to the model. An
+ # {AttributeDefinition} instance will be added to result of the
+ # attributes class method.
+ #
+ # @example Define an attribute.
+ # attribute :name
+ #
+ def attribute(name, options={})
+ if dangerous_attribute_method_name = dangerous_attribute?(name)
+ raise ::ActiveRemote::DangerousAttributeError, %{an attribute method named "#{dangerous_attribute_method_name}" would conflict with an existing method}
+ else
+ attribute!(name, options)
+ end
+ end
+ # Defines an attribute without checking for conflicts
+ #
+ # Allows you to define an attribute whose methods will conflict
+ # with an existing method. For example, Ruby's Timeout library
+ # adds a timeout method to Object. Attempting to define a timeout
+ # attribute using .attribute will raise a
+ # {DangerousAttributeError}, but .attribute! will not.
+ #
+ # @example Define a dangerous attribute.
+ # attribute! :timeout
+ #
+ def attribute!(name, options={})
+, options).tap do |attribute_definition|
+ attribute_name =
+ # Force active model to generate attribute methods
+ remove_instance_variable("@attribute_methods_generated") if instance_variable_defined?("@attribute_methods_generated")
+ define_attribute_methods([]) unless attribute_names.include?(attribute_name)
+ attributes[attribute_name] = attribute_definition
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns an Array of attribute names as Strings
+ #
+ # @example Get attribute names
+ # Person.attribute_names
+ #
+ def attribute_names
+ attributes.keys
+ end
+ # Returns a Hash of AttributeDefinition instances
+ #
+ # @example Get attribute definitions
+ # Person.attributes
+ #
+ def attributes
+ @attributes ||=
+ end
+ # Determine if a given attribute name is dangerous
+ #
+ # Some attribute names can cause conflicts with existing methods
+ # on an object. For example, an attribute named "timeout" would
+ # conflict with the timeout method that Ruby's Timeout library
+ # mixes into Object.
+ #
+ # @example Testing a harmless attribute
+ # Person.dangerous_attribute? :name #=> false
+ #
+ # @example Testing a dangerous attribute
+ # Person.dangerous_attribute? :timeout #=> "timeout"
+ #
+ def dangerous_attribute?(name)
+ return false if attribute_names.include?(name.to_s)
+ attribute_methods(name).detect do |method_name|
+ allocate.respond_to?(method_name, true)
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the class name plus its attribute names
+ #
+ # @example Inspect the model's definition.
+ # Person.inspect
+ #
+ def inspect
+ inspected_attributes = attribute_names.sort
+ attributes_list = "(#{inspected_attributes.join(", ")})" unless inspected_attributes.empty?
+ "#{name}#{attributes_list}"
+ end
+ protected
+ # Assign a set of attribute definitions, used when subclassing models
+ #
+ def attributes=(attributes)
+ @attributes = attributes
+ end
+ private
+ # Expand an attribute name into its generated methods names
+ #
+ def attribute_methods(name)
+ { |matcher| matcher.method_name(name) }
+ end
+ # Ruby inherited hook to assign superclass attributes to subclasses
+ #
+ def inherited(subclass)
+ super
+ subclass.attributes = attributes.dup
+ end
+ end